O Edward – Dwight Lyman Moody

I remember going into a young converts’ meeting in Philadelphia, where I heard a story that thrilled my soul. A young man said he had been a great drunkard. He had lost one situation after another; till finally he came to the very dregs. He left Philadelphia, and went first to Washington, and then to Baltimore. One night he came back to Philadelphia. He had lost his key and could not get into his home. He was afraid to go into the house while the people were stirring, so he staid outside watching till all had retired. He knew that after that there would be at least one who would hear him and come to the door. He went to the door; he knocked; when he heard the footsteps of his mother. “O Edward,” said she, “I am so glad to see you.” She did not reprove him; did not rebuke him. He went up stairs and did not come down for two days. When he came to, the servants were walking about the house very softly — everything was quiet. They told him that his mother was at the point of death. His brother was a physician, and he went to him and asked him if it was so. Yes, Ned,” said he, “mother can’t live.” He immediately went up stairs, and asked his mother’s forgiveness, and prayed to his mother’s God to have mercy upon him. And God,” said he, “my mother’s God, heard my prayers,” and the tears trickled down his face and he said: “God has kept me straight these four years in the face of all trials.” O sinner, ask for His grace and might; do not turn Him away.
