O Unexhausted Grace!
O Unexhausted grace!
O love unsearchable!
O Unexhausted grace!
O love unsearchable!
I am not gone to my own place,
I am not yet in hell!
Earth doth not open yet,
My soul to swallow up!
And hanging o’er the burning pit,
I still am forced to hope.
I hope at last to find
The kingdom from above,
The settled peace, the constant mind,
The everlasting love;
The sanctifying grace
That makes me meet for home:
I hope to see thy glorious face,
Where sin can never come.
What shall I do to keep
The blessed hope I feel?
Still let me pray, and watch, and weep,
And serve thy pleasure still;
O may I never grieve
My kind, long-suffering Lord!
But steadfastly to Jesus cleave,
And answer all his word.
Lord, if thou hast bestowed
On me this gracious fear,
This horror of offending God,
O keep it always here!
And that I never more
May from thy ways depart,
Enter with all thy mercy’s power,
And dwell within my heart.