Opportunity – Dwight Lyman Moody

Isaiah 55:6-9
Seek you the LORD while he may be found, call you on him while he is near:…

I remember one day as I went through the woods near Mount Hermon School, I heard bees, and asked what it meant. “Oh,” said one of the men, “they are after the honey-dew.” “What is that?” I asked. He gave me a chestnut leaf, and told me to put my tongue to it. I did so, and the taste was as sweet as honey. Upon inquiry I found that all up and down the Connecticut valley what they call “honey-dew” had fallen, so that there must have been altogether hundreds of tons of honey-dew in this region. Where it came from I don’t know. It sometimes seems as if the honey-dew of Heaven has fallen for us, and if any one has not tasted its sweetness it is his own fault.

(D. L. Moody.)
