Oswald J Smith Text Sermons
Oswald Smith who grew up in Ontaria where his father worked at a train depot was saved at the age of 16 years. It was while he was attending services conducted by R.A.Toerry the famous evangelist who had succeeded Moody. Smith’s desire was to go out as a missionary. He was determined that God would have him so despite mission board after ission board turning him down due to his weak health. He eventually decided to go to the Bible College in London, Ontario to receive theological training and thereafter to McCormick College of the Presbyterian denomination. He had a talent to write poetry and when his engagement broke up, he wrote some of the most heart-moving poems with an emphasis on a close walk with God. This would characterize all his poetry. He next returned to Toronto and he with others felt called to start ‘The People’s Church’ which would place stress on funding for missions and whose main aim would be the salvation of souls. Smith felt he needed a base who would stand with him in his burden for missions and provide support while he was free to visit the foreign mission fields and bring back first-hand information about the work there. The first gathering at ‘The People’s Church’ had 2000 gather and the church kept attracting great crowds which led to them eventually finding larger premises. Smith was an avid writer, with 35 books written by him, translated into 125 different languages comprising 6 million copies sold all over the world. He also wrote 1000 hymns and poems. His life had been full and fruitful in the work of the Lord, and we are privileged to still be able to access his writings today. Just before his death in January 1986, he said ‘The Divine fire still burns within my heart‘ at the age of 97!

Oswald J SmithText Sermons
Oswald Smith who grew up in Ontaria where his father worked at a train depot was saved at the age of 16 years. It was while he was attending services conducted by R.A.Toerry the famous evangelist who had succeeded Moody. Smith’s desire was to go out as a missionary. He was determined that God would have him so despite mission board after ission board turning him down due to his weak health. He eventually decided to go to the Bible College in London, Ontario to receive theological training and thereafter to McCormick College of the Presbyterian denomination. He had a talent to write poetry and when his engagement broke up, he wrote some of the most heart-moving poems with an emphasis on a close walk with God. This would characterize all his poetry. He next returned to Toronto and he with others felt called to start ‘The People’s Church’ which would place stress on funding for missions and whose main aim would be the salvation of souls. Smith felt he needed a base who would stand with him in his burden for missions and provide support while he was free to visit the foreign mission fields and bring back first-hand information about the work there. The first gathering at ‘The People’s Church’ had 2000 gather and the church kept attracting great crowds which led to them eventually finding larger premises. Smith was an avid writer, with 35 books written by him, translated into 125 different languages comprising 6 million copies sold all over the world. He also wrote 1000 hymns and poems. His life had been full and fruitful in the work of the Lord, and we are privileged to still be able to access his writings today. Just before his death in January 1986, he said ‘The Divine fire still burns within my heart’ at the age of 97!