Chap 3 (VII) .
Old Book of the Martyrs Mirror
Title Page
Section 609. MELCHOIR PLAT5ER, A. D., 1583
Section 610. ANDRIES PIRCHNER, A. D. 1594
Section 611. LEONHART SUMERAVER, A. D. 1584
Section 615. CHRISTIAN GASTEYGER, A. D. 1586
Section 617. MICHAEL VISCHER, A. D. 1587
Section 618. CHRISTIAEN RIJCEN, A. D. 1588
Section 627. PIETER SAYMER, A. D. 1588
Section 633. MAEYKEN PICKELEN, A. D. 1590
Section 634. LEONHARD BOLTZINGER, A. D. 1591
Section 635. GEORGE WANDER, A. D. 1591
Section 636. JACOB PLATSER, A. D. 1591
Section 642. MICHIEL HAZEL, A. D. 1592
Section 643. THOMAS HAN, A. D. 1592
Section 644. MATTHEUS MAIR, A. D. 1592
Section 647. ANNEKEN VAN DEN HOVE, 1597
Title Page
Old Book
Chap 3 (VII)
Section 601.
The unspeakable love, grace and peace of God our dear heavenly Father, who is a Father full of grace and truth, rich and abundant in mercy and loving kindness, through the bitter suffering and death of His only Son our Saviour, who loved us, and washed us from all our sins in His blood, and from all the unrighteousness that we have done. The power of the Holy Ghost strengthen you, and comfort you in all your tribulation, affliction and sorrow which you have for Christ’s word and truth, in your persecution and suffering, in your grief which you may have, as I. understand, for my sake according to the flesh. ay He strengthen you in the faith of the truth, wherein you now stand, which God has revealed to you out of grace, that you may overcome all sorrowfulness of the flesh, which you may have. This; I your son, wish you my chosen mother, with all my heart, to the salvation of your soul, that we may meet together, and may, with all those that have endured unto the end in the belief of the truth, hear that glad and joyful voice ,of the only Son of God: “Come, ye blessed, inherit the kingdom of my Father, prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” Amen.
My affectionately beloved mother, whom I love from the heart, I commend myself to you with all my heart, and inform you my chosen mother, that I did not, think that I should write you this letter yet; but ince it has pleased the good God, to keep me in life until this present hour, I cannot forbear, my dearest mother, to write you this parting letter, perhaps the last in my life, and bid you, my dear mother, adieu. For according to what I hear, the time of my deliverance is near at hand; yet I know not to this hour when, except that I hear that it is to be tomorrow, that I am to hear my sentence. Not that I hear concerning myself alone, but of several, of whom I think that I am one, if it pleases the Lord: We have indeed heard this often, but whether they do it to frighten us, I do not know. I have never heard it from the people here in the house, but from a girl of M.’s people that is imprisoned here; she has told it me. If it is the will of the Lord, let it be done. I am well resigned thereto. The Lord be thanked, who strengthens me poor, weak man here in these my bonds, by His Holy Spirit, to resist all that should be a hindrance or harm to my soul; for it is the day for which I have longed; the Lord grant me strength unto the end that I may finish my conflict with joy, and gain the victory, to the praise, glory, and honor of the Lord’s holy name. Amen. Eph. 3:16; I Timothy 6:12; I Cor. 15:57.
Since, then, my dear mother, it has pleased the good God, to count me, your son, worthy to suffer for His name to help fulfill the number of the righteous that are under the altar, and rest till the number of their brethren is fulfilled, who must also be killed as they; console yourself herein, my dear mother, and be not grieved on my account, this I pray you; for, dear mother, the Lord has called me to a better place than to remain in this wicked, evil world. Though it is grievous to the flesh, I will not regard it for the joy of which I shall partake with all God’s righteous ones; for I say with Paul: “I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” Rom. 8:18.
O my dearest mother, who should not long for this glory; who should not strive for it, and say with Paul: “I groan and desire to be out of this flesh; for I look for another dwelling, that is not made with hands, but which is eternal in the heavens.” II Cor. 5. Then shall we, as John says, see Him in whom we now believe, not seeing Him; then shall we behold Him with our own eyes, whose brightness is greater than that of the sun. I John 3:2; I Pet. 1:8; Job 19:27. Who should now regard this suffering or pain that can be inflicted upon the flesh, and yet not without the Lord’s permission, for when they have done all that they can, accord[1]ing to the words of Christ, they can but kill the body, but over the soul they have no power; for we read in the book of Wisdom, that the souls of the righteous are in the hands of the Lord. Matthew 10:28; Wisd. 3:1.
Who should regard this temporal pain that men may inflict upon this body, when such joy is promised for a little pain, and great, unspeakable bliss, yea, an eternal life, for a little of temporal life; for Christ says: “He that loseth his life for my sake, shall find it again here[1]after.” Rev. 22:5; Matthew 10:39; Mark 8:35.
Behold once, my dear mother, how many laid down their lives for the word of Christ and the truth; and consider what man’s life is, which passes away so quickly; it is, as James says, to be compared to only a vapor that arises; for when the vapor disappears and vanishes away, it is seen no more, and is over very quickly; yea, it may be compared to a bubble upon the water, which so quickly perishes. Ps. 90: 5; James 4:14. Why then should we much regard this temporal life? it cannot be compared with the eternal life.
Should you then, dear mother, be grieved on account of our pain, that may be inflicted upon my body, but which is for the faith and confession of God’s holy Word and truth? O no, my mother, let not such grief come upon you; but I pray you, my affectionately beloved mother, be of good cheer; I hope by the help of the Lord, that your sorrow shall be turned into joy. John 16:20.
O my beloved mother, let it go with you as it went with Abraham, who had but one only son, whom God had given him in his old age. Behold how God tried this good man, when He commanded him, that he should go and offer up to Him his only son Isaac. We do not read that he was grieved on account of the command, nor was he grieved when his son asked him: “My father, here is the wood: but where is the sacrifice?” Abraham said to his son with a fatherly voice, trusting in the almighty God: “The Lord will provide it.” Thus Abraham followed God’s command, and made his only, beloved son Isaac kneel down upon the wood, drew the sword from its sheath and raised it to cut off his son’s head, and to sacrifice him. But the angel said to him, that he should put the sword into the sheath, and not harm the child. In all this time, even to the last hour, we cannot read that this good man was grieved, or afraid to obey God’s command. My dear mother, why would you now be grieved; the Lord does not try you in such a manner, that you should kill your son, but He permits it to be done by the generation of Cain, who always thirst for the blood of the righteous Abelites that please the Lord. My mother, do also trust the Lord like the good man Abraham, and say: “The Lord will provide it; though your oldest son whom you now have, be offered up. The Lord can raise up another, if it pleases Him; hence be resigned to it.” It does not go otherwise with me, than it went with all the righteous that have ever pleased God, from the beginning of the world until the present time.
Consider how it went with the prophet Jeremiah, who endured much grief, because he according to the command of the Lord reproved the cities of their sin. He was apprehended and cast into a miry dungeon, yea, much grief came upon him, as the Scriptures sufficiently testify concerning it; yea, so that he resolved no more to preach in the name of God. Behold, to such grief this man of God was subject, who yet had been closen by God, in his mother’s womb, to proclaim His holy will. Jer. 38:6.
Again, behold John, who was sanctified in his mother’s womb. He who was known to all the people to be a prophet, did not Herod, for the sake of a harlot, cause his head to be struck off in prison? who nevertheless, according to the words of Christ, was the greatest prophet born of woman. Luke 1:15; Matt. 14:5,10; 11:11.
See, my dear mother, if it went thus with those who walked so worthily before the Lord if they killed those, what shall they do to us?
Consider, that they did not hesitate to kill Christ Jesus, who is the only Son of God, and the Son of man, who, according to the testimony of the Scriptures, is truly God and man, the Son of God, and the Son of men, for He calls Himself in many places the Son of man; and He is confessed and is the true living Son of God, who delivered us from the power of Satan, from eternal death and damnation, and opened our eyes when we were dead in our sins and unrighteousness, and brought us into this marvelous light; He has revealed to us His Word and truth, the Gospel, which, as Paul says, is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth. Rom. 1:16.
Since, then, the good God, through His unspeakable grace and goodness, has revealed to us His Word and truth, whereby our dark eyes have been opened, and has given us to believe in Him by whom we might live forever, which is Christ Jesus, upon whom the gen[1]eration of vipers inflicted much pain and torment, as the four evangelists abundantly testify concerning it; how they scourged, mocked, beat, and very miserably maltreated Him, and placed a crown of thorns upon His head; He had Himself to bear His cross to which they nailed Him; they gave Him vinegar and gall to drink; they pierced His side with a spear, and water and blood issued from the same. Alas, so dreadfully did they deal with Him; all that went by opened their mouth and mocked Him, so that He was the most despised upon earth; He was like the prophet David says and prophesies: “I am a worm and no man; I am the most despised among all men; they open their mouths against me, and cast lots upon my vesture.” Psalm 22:6, 7, 14, 18.
O dear mother, how bitter it is to describe the sufferings of the immaculate Lamb of God, that was subjected to so much suffering and sorrow; who should be able to describe His sufferings which He endured for our sakes? Should we then not suffer a little for His sake, when He shall so gloriously recompense all that suffer for His sake? for He says: “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake;” and again: “Blessed are they that suffer reproach for my name’s sake; for great is their reward in heaven.” Matt. 5:10-12; Luke 6:22, 23. Now you may perceive that the Lord will not leave unrewarded all those that suffer for His Word and the truth; who in suffering adhere steadfastly to His Gospel; who depart not from His Word and truth which He has spoken with His mouth; who depart not from the narrow way that leads to eternal life; who were not ashamed to confess the truth before this adulterous generation, who did not fear those that kill the body, but much rather feared Him that can cast soul and body into hell, into eternal darkness and torment, where there will ever be weeping and gnashing of teeth, where the flames shall never be extinguished, where the smoke shall ascend forever and ever, where the worm shall never die; who resemble not, as Peter says, the dog that swallows again that which he has vomited (II Peter 2:22); that are not like the sow which, when she has once been washed and cleansed, goes and wallows again in the mire; who do not call light darkness, and darkness light (Isa. 5:20); who do not call truth lies, and lies truth; who intend with Eleazar to persevere, and not to dis[1]semble (II Maccabees 6:18); who do not reject the truth, when they well know that it is the truth; who do not hearken to the devilish doctrine of the papists (I Tim. 4: 1-3); who follow not the priests of Jezebel, who thirst for the blood of the righteous, who love and serve God, and love Him with all the heart and with all the soul; who seek to follow Christ’s footsteps, to live and walk according to His will; who seek to please Him and not men (Gal. 1:10), for James says: “Whosoever will be a friend of God, must be the enemy of the world” (James 4:4); who seeks to walk the narrow way; who desires to forsake unrighteousness; who forsakes the counsel of the flesh and follows the counsel of the Spirit; who forsakes this earthly good, and seeks after the heavenly; who regards the temporal as nothing, and seeks after the eternal and imperishable; who looks not at this visible, but hopes for the invisible (II Cor. 4:18); who regards not this life, but seeks to obtain eternal life, who now delights not in this temporal joy and pleasure, but in the eternal joy and bliss; to those who are thus, there is promised that they shall inherit forever and ever that promised land, the eternal life, where they shall be crowned with great glory; they shall, as Malachi says, leap as calves of the stall (Mal. 4:2); palm branches shall be given into their hands (II Esdras 2:46); they shall, as John says, sing the new song before the throne of God (Rev. 14:30, they shall be arrayed in fine, white linen (19:8); they shall shine forth as the sun (Matt. 13:43); they shall forever be in joy, such joy (Paul says) as ear has never heard, eye never seen, nor has man’s heart been able to conceive of the joy of which the righteous that endure steadfast unto the end shall partake. Who should now depart for any reproach or contempt? who should now depart for any persecution or tribulation or any temporal life?
Oh, it is better to leave flesh and blood at the stake, than to suffer one’s self to be despoiled of the eternal salvation of one’s soul, of one’s Father’s inheritance which is obtained through Christ. Hence Paul says: “Who can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus? tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness? We may say with the apostle, that we are persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God.” Rom. 8:17, 35. Let us then not fear, since, my dearest, there is nothing that can separate us from God, if we love Him from the heart, for John says: “Where love is there is no fear; for love casteth out fear.” I John 4:18. This you may also perceive by the words of Paul, where he says
“Though I had faith, so that I could remove mountains; yea, though I gave all my goods to the poor, and suffered my body to be burned, and had not love, it would profit me noth[1]ing.” I Cor. 13:2, 3. Hence there must be a burning love to Christ, we must with the wise virgins have our lamps burning, and so wait for our Bridegroom, that is we must be kindled with a fervent love, and thus wait for Christ Jesus our Bridegroom, till He comes.
Behold, hereby we are to know who loves Christ; for He says: “He that loveth me keepeth my commandments, and the Father will come to him, and we will make our abode with him.” John 14:23. But without loving Christ, and keeping His commandments; we cannot enter into life. For He says Himself: “If thou wilt enter into life, keep’my commandments.” Matt. 19:17. And what is His commandment, but to love Him; and he that loves Him will not depart from Him because of any pain that may be inflicted upon the flesh, as I stated before with the words of Paul which he wrote to the Romans. But if a man do not love Christ, there is vain faith, which cannot please God, for Paul says: This is true faith, which worketh by love, that is, by the love which one has to God to keep His commandments; hence James says, that faith without works is dead. James 2:26. And this can easily be perceived; where there is true faith, there will also good fruits appear, for a good tree will bring forth good fruits, but of a corrupt tree evil fruit will spring forth; for a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit; so it is also with man; he that has a true faith will bring forth good fruits that are pleasing to the Lord. Matt. 7:17, 18.
But where there is a faith that is vain and not true, there you will not perceive good fruits, but all evil, for James says that the devils also believe and tremble. James 2:19.
Now it may be considered how many there are that have also a vain faith, and yet boast that they believe truly, yea, even these papists, they can say
“I believe in Christ Jesus, that He died, was crucified,” etc., but they deprive Him of His honor; to be brief, they do not obey Him in that which He commands, they do after the usts of their father, the devil. Christ says: “For he was a liar and deceiver from the beginning.” John 8:44.
Oh, how dreadful it is, that some hearken to such liars and deceivers, and confess the devilish doctrine to be the doctrine, Word and truth of Christ, whereas God says by the prophet: “Cursed is. he that maketh and honoreth idols.” Oh, what .are they also doing, ,who say that the true body of Christ is in the little house with which they walk along the streets, with their bells, torches, and lanterns. Oh, what abomination it is to call this the truth, while it is but bread and wine. While T am here, my mother, I sometimes sing a spiritual song; but though they forbid it me, I will therefore not cease, as long as they do not fetter my tongue; yea, if I or some of Menno’s people sing, then the servants sing a profane song, so that the good may. not be heard.
Oh, I am so glad that my dearest brother whom I have upon earth in the Lord, has soy remembered me, poor prisoner, with a hymn and a letter by his own hand. It rejoiced me so much inwardly’in my soul that I cannot describe it to you. I pray you to thank him heartily, and ask him to write again, and you also, for I think that I shall be here yet eight days longer’; ‘but when I,began to write this letter to you, I did not think that I should write so much, for I thought that by this time I should have heard my sentence. But since it has pleased the Lord, that I am still to remain here in this prison, I hope, according to the advice of Paul, to abide the time with patience, till it shall please the Lord; and thus, according to the words of Christ, to possess my soul in patience, for I commit myself into the hands of the Lord, that it may be done with me according to His divine will, to the praise, glory and honor of His holy name, and to the salvation of my soul, now and forever.
Hence, then, my dear mother, I bid you adieu once more; adieu, my chosen mother, adieu, my worthy mother, who gave birth to me in pain and anguish. I pray you, my dear mother, be resigned to the work of the Lord, be not grieved on my account, be of good cheer; since our God has so ordered it that I am to be separated from you, so that you shall see me no more in this flesh, be resigned thereto, for there can nothing happen to me without the Lord’s permission, for the Lord is my keeper, my protector, and my defender, for the prophet David says, that the angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him. Psalm 34:7. Think .not that there is any one that can harm me, for Christ tells us that the very hairs of our head are all numbered, and not a sparrow falls to the ground without His will; of how much more value are we than the little sparrows! Matt. 10:30. Hence, though it is so with me that I am cast into prison for the Word and truth of Christ, to confess His name before these cruel men; and suffer contempt and reproach, full of vexation, yea, finally to be put to death by them, rejoice therein according to the words of Christ, when He says: “Rejoice, and be exceeding glad when men shall revile you and say all manner of evil against you falsely for my name’s sake.” Matt. 5:11.
Remember what Peter says: “Think it not strange as though some strange thing happened unto you.” I Pet. 4:12. Why? Because it has gone thus with all God’s children that have ever pleased Him, for Christ says: “In the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33. Hence we need not, according to the words of Peter, think it strange, for the Scriptures sufficiently declare all this, wherefore also Paul says: `Ut is given unto us, not only to believe in Christ, but also to suffer for his name.” Philippians 1:29. Consider what the prophet David says: “Many are tile afflictions of the righteous.” Psalms, 34:19. . ,
Behold, Chist Himself, the author of faith, had to suffer, and thus to enter into His glory. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, what shall they then do to his servants? If they have cast out and killed the heir, what shall they do to those that are sent? Hence the Lord laments over Jerusalem, and says: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not 1” Matt. 23:37. Behold, how they have always killed those that were sent by God, and shall yet do so. For Christ says to His disciples: “Ye shall be put out of the synagogues, and who[1]soever killeth you will think that he doeth God service thereby.” John 16:2.
Now he that will be a good and faithful disciple of Christ and serve his Lord in faithful[1]ness, must willingly bear all that is laid upon him for the Lord’s sake, for Paul says: ” All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” And again: “We must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of heaven.” Luke 14:27; I I Tim. 3:12; Acts 14:22.
Since, then, the kingdom of heaven must be taken through much affliction and vexation, let us with Paul rejoice in the afflictions which we suffer for the name of Christ, for we see how Peter and John, when they came from the council, rejoiced that they had suffered re[1]proach and been scourged for Christ’s sake. Acts 5:41. Thus, my dear mother, do also rejoice with me, and thank the good God, that He counts a poor, weak, unworthy man fit to suffer for His Word and truth.
Praise and glorify the Lord for His grace; sing praise to Him for His benefits; say with me
“Thanks be to the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, for his un[1]speakable mercy and goodness which he has shown us poor men.” Say with David: “Where is a god like unto our God? to him be praise and glory forever and ever. Amen.”
I bid you adieu, my dearest mother, adieu; if I should write you no more, and if this should be the last letter, I bid you adieu, my beloved mother, and take leave from you, if it should be the last time; my mother whom I love, adieu, for I leave you for the Lord’s sake, and also hope to lay down my life for His sake, for the Lord has promised me another life, which shall endure for ever, and never pass away; not like this life, which must perish, for this life, or the temporal pleasure of this world, is not to be compared to the joy and gladness that is promised to the righteous that endure steadfast unto the end; where one day, as David says, is better than a thousand here in joy and pleasure. Ps. 84:10.
I hope by the help of the Lord soon to partake of the eternal joy. Then I shall be freed from all sighing, weeping and sorrow; then I shall neither thirst nor hunger any more; then I shall no more feel heat or cold; then I shall be released from all, and for ever triumph with the Lamb. Hence, grieve not, neither weep nor sigh; though I go before, we shall meet again; be of good cheer, my chosen mother; the Lord comfort you with His Holy Spirit, in all your tribulation and sorrow. John 14:16.
I might be grieved more than you, for your sake, for I leave you here in this evil world, where you are subject to all sorrow, tribulation and affliction, while I depart from tribulation into joy, from this life into the eternal life; but we need not be sorrowful, but resigned to the work of the Lord, for Paul says: “All things work together for, good to them that believe”; hence, remember what we pray: “Lord, thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” Rom. 8:28; Matt. 6:10.
Therefore, let us take heed, that we do not will anything contrary to the will of he Lord, but that we be patient and longsuffering in all things, so that there may be fulfilled in us the passage contained in John’s Revelation: “Here is the patience of the saints.” Rev. 14:12. Therefore, dear mother, be patient in all that has now come upon you, and that may yet come upon you.
Farewell, my affectionately beloved mother, and I pray you, when you begin your prayer to God, remember me poor, weak man, your son, imprisoned here for the testimony of the only Son of God, as I hope and doubt not that you do; for James says that the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much, and he adduces an example, and says, that Elias was a man like us, and he prayed that it should not rain, and it came to pass so; and he prayed again, that it should rain, and it rained. This, James tells us, to show how effectual the prayer of the faithful is. James 5:16; I Kings 17:1; 18:45.
Christ also says: “What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, if ye believe and doubt not, it shall be done unto you.” Mark 11:24. The Scrintures abundantly testify. that the prayer of the righteous penetrates through the clouds, so that they are heard by the Lord. Herewith I take leave from you, dear mother, if it should be the last time, and I commend you to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; the God of all comfort console you, the strong God strengthen your faith, to resist all the fiery darts of the wicked one; the Lord keep your going out and your coming in, now and for ever. Amen.
Adieu, my dearest mother, adieu in this life, till we see each other in life eternal, with Christ our only Head and Bridegroom. Amen.
Greet my dearest brother in the Lord Christ Jesus, the dearest brother I have on earth; greet him very cordially, and also my chosen dear master, if he is with you. Greet my beloved brother D. B.. when you write to him. My mother, take this my simple letter in good part, since T have written it out of love, according to my little knowledge. which the Lord, through grace. has given me unworthy man. The Lord be with us all. Amen.
By me your son, whom you well know, at present confined in prison, at Antwerp, on the 7th of July, A. D. 1576, for the Gospel, and for the confession of the only Son of God, Christ .Jesus our Saviour, whom the world does not confess, but denies.
Section 602.
Grace and peace from God our dear heavenly Father, full of grace and truth, rich in mercy and loving kindness, through the bitter suffering and death of His only Son Christ Jesus, who loved us, and washed us in His blood, from all our sins and iniquities that we have done; the power of the Holy Ghost, to strengthen you in the belief of the truth, which the Lord through His unspeakable grace and mercy has revealed to you: this I, your weak brother, wish you from all the heart, to the salvation of your soul. Amen.
Affectionately beloved sister in Christ Jesus, whom I love from the heart, I cannot refrain from writing you this brief letter, here in this pit into which I have been cast, without any light except the light of the candle.
Hence, I herewith bid you adieu, if I should write you no more, which is known to our dear heavenly Father.
I further inform you, my beloved friend, that by His divine help, I want to keep the covenant that I have made with my God, and wait for the coming of our Bridegroom Christ Jesus, that when He comes, I may enter in with Him to the marriage, and be forever in joy. O dear sister, I cannot sufficiently praise or thank our God for His unspeakable mercy, that He succors and strengthens me here in this pit into which I have been cast for .the word of truth.
Dear sister, remember me poor prisoner in your prayers to God, as I hope that you also do; that it may please Him to deliver me soon out of this flesh. so that I may offer up my sacrifice to the praise of His holy name and to the salvation of my soul, so that these enemies may be confounded in their purpose, who think to rob me of my.inheritance, through this pit into which they have now cast me; but thanks be to the Lord that succors me in my dis[1]tress, and is my only helper, to whom I fly for refuge, for Paul says that He is faithful and true, and will not lay upon us more than we are able to bear. Col. 1:12; Ps. 46:1; I Cor. 10:13. ,
Hence, dear sister, always remember your poor, weak brother to the Lord, for the prayer of the righteous avails much.
O dear sister, these cruel wolves have taken from me all my letters which you have sent me, pens, ink, and paper, altogether, and also a few things that I had written myself. Also two letters, one which I had written to my dear brother H., and another, almost finished, to my brother Willem, and besides one thing and another; but I hope not that any, trouble will arise from it.
The fact of our writing was disclosed by one that was confined with me; if I were to write you all of it, my paper would give out. This paper I have received since, from the man that was confined with me in this pit.
Thus, I have been confined here ten days; how much longer I am to remain here, is known to our dear Lord. I was confined here, according to my recollection, on a Friday night, the 27th or 28th of July.
But, my dear sister, always adhere to the truth, which is Christ; be not afraid of these wolves, for our God always succors us, according to His promise, in all distress. Heb. 13:5.
I bid you a cordial adieu, my dear sister, greet my mother most heartily in my name, and all my sisters, our brother Hans, and my dear master, and also all the friends. I pray you, do not let my mother know that they have cast me into this Lazarus’ pit. The Lord be with you, and keep you in His ways always and for ever. Amen.
Written by me your weak brother, by the light of a candle, in a pit which is called Lazarus’ pit, where I am confined for the Word of truth. The Lord knows my redemption. HANS BRET.
Section 603.
The great unspeakable grace and peace from God our heavenly Father, who is a Father full of grace and truth, a God of comfort and of peace, rich and abundant is His mercy, and inexpressible is His grace and goodness, which He has shown us through His only begotten Son Christ Jesus our Redeemer and Saviour, who has redeemed us from the power of Satan, whose slaves and servants we were through our sins and iniquities. But He loved us, says St. John, and washed and cleansed us in His blood from all our sins and iniquities; with which we were burdened and laden; and made us kings and priests before God His Father. The invincible power of the Holy Ghost strengthen your inner man, so that you may grow up and increase in the faith of the truth which the good God through His unspeakable grace and mercy has revealed to you; that you may with Joshua and Caleb and all God’s righteous ones take the promised land, namely, eternal life. This is the whole wish of my heart to you my brother in Christ Jesus, to the salvation of your soul. Amen.
My beloved brother in Christ Jesus, sanctified and cleansed, and elected of God, I greet you with this my letter, which I write to you here in these my bonds, out of Christian love, that you may know how it is with me, for which I cannot sufficiently praise or thank the good God, who has assisted me, unworthy one, in all my temptations, so that I can say with the prophet David: “Where is a God like unto our God, who never forsakes him that trusteth in him; for he that trusteth in the Lord shall not be ashamed. For the prophet says
He that trusteth in the Lord shall not fall, but stand forever as mount Zion.” Ps. 125:1. Hence, dear brother, my trust is in the Lord alone, in whom all the righteous have trusted from the beginning of the world; nor were they confounded, but in all tribulation and distress the Lord was their helper, and, according to His promise, succored and preserved them in the water and the fire (Isa. 43:2), as we have many examples concerning it in the Scriptures, for our instruction. When we consider how God led the children of Israel dryshod through the Red Sea, and thus delivered them from the hand of cruel Pharaoh, who persecuted them and attempted also to cross the sea, but they all perished; hereby you may perceive how the Lord delivers him that trusts in Him. Again, consider holy and righteous Daniel, who was in the lions’ den, without any food; behold, the Lord did not forsake him, but fed him through the prophet Habakkuk. History of the Dragon 34.
Thus, dear brother, the Lord also feeds those that firmly trust in Him with spiritual food, namely, with His Holy Word, which He’ has given us as food for our souls. For Christ clearly says that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord. Matthew 4:4. For as man is fed and nourished by bread, so the inward man is fed and nourished by the word of the Lord. For as a man, when that which is necessary for his sustenance is withheld from him, perishes; so also, my dear, when from the inner man, the soul, there is withheld her food, namely, the Word of God, by which she is fed and nourished, she perishes; hence, it is so necessary that we exhort one another, as the apostle Paul says, while it is called Today, to the keeping of God’s commandments, that the inner man may daily be fed and nourished, and thereby grow up and become strong. Heb. 3:13; I Pet. 2:2. For the apostle Peter says: “I deem it expedient and profit= able, as long as I am in this tabernacle, to exhort you, though you are established in the present truth”; lest, as Paul says, any of you be seduced or hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. II Peter 1:12, 13; Heb. 3:13. Hence, my dear brother, have in remembrance the words of the holy apostle Paul, who says: “Warn them that are disorderly, comfort the feeble minded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.” I Thess. 5:14.
O my dearest brother, weary not in the ways of the Lord, neither become slack in keeping God’s commandments; have your delight therein day and night, with all God’s righteous ones, and say,with the prophet David: “Lord, Thy Word is a greater comfort and joy to me, than all the treasures and riches of this world” and, again: “Thy word, O Lord, is dearer to me than much gold or silver.” Psalm 1:2; 119. . .
Consider how all God’s righteous ones comforted themselves with the word of the Lord. So, do also you console yourself with it; have it in remembrance all your life; let it be planted in your soul, that it may save you. James 1:21.
Thug, my beloved brother Hans, I bid you adieu; adieu, if it should be the last time that I write you. I pray you, my dear, persevere steadfastly in exhorting, instructing and teaching, according to the gift which God through His unspeakable grace has given you. If you have received much, dispense liberally; if you have little, communicate also of that little: Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you. I Pet. 3:15. Get much gain with that which you have received, so that the Lord may say to you: “Come, thou faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things.” Matt. 25:21. Behold, dear brother, if a man is faithful to the Lord, He will not leave him unrewarded for it. Hence, God says in His Revelation to John: “He that remains faithful shall receive the crown of eternal life.” Rev. 2:1Q; Matt. 19:29; James 1:12. Do also you, my dearest brother, remain faithful, so that you may with all God’s righteous ones be crowned with the crown of eternal life; to this end may the good God strengthen you, that you may enjoy this forever. Amen.
My dear brother H., my heart and mind writes you indeed more, according to the little gift which I have unworthily received from the Lord; but I lack paper, and I am afraid that you will hardly be able to read this, since the paper blots so. Oh, I thank you so heartily for what you have so faithfully sent me. I am so glad, that I should not be able to describe my joy to you; for I had not heard from you for a long time. I pray you, thank our brother H. very heartily in my name, for his letter, which I could not read without tears, because of his comforting exhortation. He writes me that I should write a letter to A. H. and one to B. O brethren, I would most gladly do so, rather than eat; but the enemies of the truth have pre[1]vented me from it, so that I do not know how I could send you the letters. I know not how I shall send this letter; but I have written it in the hope that our dear Lord would provide a means; and though I would like to write more, I have no more paper. I have written this with a little bilberry juice; I hope that if it pleases the Lord you will send me some writing materials, to employ myself while I must pass my time here. Hence, dear brother, no more for this time, through want of paper.
Herewith I bid you adieu; adieu, my brother adieu. The God of comfort and of peace, the God of Jacob and of Israel, keep you in the faith of the truth; may He be with you forever. Amen.
I greet you, dear brother, with a holy kiss of peace. Greet my mother very heartily in my name, and all my sisters, and our brother H., my master. Say that I sent her a letter not long ago; but whether she received it, I do not know. Greet all the saints in my name. Grace and peace be with you all. Amen.
Written by me, your weak brother, whom you well know, at present in bonds for the testimony of the Gospel, which is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth. Rom. 1:16. HANS BEET.
NOTE. When this great heat of persecution which the papists had kindled everywhere as far as their jurisdiction extended, began to abate in several cities of Holland and Zealand, and especially in the town of Middelborgh, where the Prince of Orange, William 1, of wor[1]shipful memory, had granted liberty of conscience, for the Anabaptists as well as for others, so that many of the innocent and defenseless lambs of Christ settled down there, and in quietness served Gad with a thankful heart; some of the citizens of said city, though they had previously themselves been under the galling yoke of popery, envied them for this, and obtained so much from the magistrates .there, that there was announced to all Anabaptists that sojourned there: That they should have to swear allegiance to said city, in the.form of an oath; and, moreover, arm themselves, together with other citizens, with external weapons, to resist the enemy; and that if they did not do this, they should be obliged to cease from their trades and occupations tending to the sustenance of the body, to close their houses, etc.
This announcement having been made, the Anabaptists, since they did not think it right to swear any oaths, nor to arm themselves with external weapons, had recourse to the afore mentioned Prince of Orange, humbly requesting of him, that they might enjoy the liberty of their conscience, in practicing their faith; and to be permitted faithfully to pay all civil imposts, taxes, and the like, together with others, to be believed on their yea, and nay (according to the doctrine of Christ), in place of the oath, and to keep this truly, without evasion, guile, or subtlety.
Thereupon, the Prince, not long after, consented to it, commanding the magistrates there, not to ensnare these people with the afore mentioned announcement, nor to oppress their consciences with such burdens. These things, as we have obtained full information in regard to them, we deem profitable and expedient to add here, to the praise of the princely house of Nassau, in the hope that it might prove an example for other magistrates which have not yet attained to this gentleness of disposition to follow.
Section 604.
Whereas, in behalf of certain citizens of this town of Middelborgh, a supplication has been presented to His Excellency, m which they complain that the magistrate of said city recently caused their shops to be closed, and consequently prohibited their occupation, which is nevertheless their only means of supporting their families; they proceeding to this prohibition, for the reason that they should render the customary oath, as others have done; the aforesaid citizens remonstrating the more, because they now for certain long years, without ever having rendered the aforesaid oath, have willingly borne, together with other citizens and inhabitants of said city, all civil imposts, contributions and taxes, without ever having been found in any default, and wherefore also they ought still to be left unmolested, seeing they thereby request nothing but to live in the liberty of their conscience, in respect to which this present war has been undertaken against the King of Spain, by his subjects, and all ceremonies that militate against it are resisted; wherein, by the help of God, it has now come so far, that the aforesaid liberty of conscience has been conserved, and it would therefore be unjust to take it away from the petitioners, who helped to gain the same, not without great peril of body and life, by taxes, contributions, and bearing other burdens; which, after they had presented it in the form of a request to the aforesaid magistrate, it was answered them, that they had to regulate themselves after the institutions and ordinances of the aforesaid town; whereby the aforesaid magistrate seems to endeavor, by the oath, to drive out of the country, to their total destruction, not only their petitioners residing in Middelborgh, but, consequently, innumerable others in Holland and Zealand, who, pursuant to his decrees, have betaken themselves under His Excellency’s protection, whereby no one can derive any profit, but there should only great and signal damage result to these countries, and trade everywhere become greatly diminished; wherefore they humbly petition His Ex[1]cellency, to consider the matter with compassion, and to take the necessary steps, particularly, seeing the aforesaid petitioners offer to tender their Yea in place of oath, and that the transgressors thereof are to be punished as perjurers: therefore, His Excellency having con[1]sidered the foregoing and caused it to be duly deliberated upon, has, by the previous advice of the Governor and the Councilors of Zealand, ordained and decreed, and ordains and decrees by these presents, that the aforesaid petitioners shall be allowed to use, with the magistrate of the aforesaid town, their Yea offered by them, in place of the oath; provided, that the transgressors thereof are to be punished as perjurers; His Excellency commanding and charging the magistrate of Middelborgh, and all others whom this may concern, not further to oppress the petitioners, contrary to their conscience, with regard to the oath and otherwise, but to allow them to open their shops, and to pursue their ocupations, as they have previously done.
All with this provision and understanding, that when greater tranquility of affairs exists, and the matter has been considered with mature deliberation, proper measures shall be enacted.
Thus done, under his Excellency’s name and, seal, in the town of Middelborgh, the 26th of January, A. D., 1577. Sealed with a red wax seal pending from it. Signed
What ensued thereupon, shall be shown for the following year, 1578. In the meantime, the papists proceeded, as ravening wolves, with all cruelty and tyranny, wherever they bore rule, against the lambs of the flock of Christ; so that many among them had to lay down their lives, as can be seen from the following accounts.
Section 605.
After manifold persecution, slaying, and burning of the true followers of Christ, there was also a pious brother, by the name of Louwerens Janss, a shoemaker by trade, who.chose rather to suffer affliction with the people of'”God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season with the unbelieving; hoping hereafter to enjoy liberty in heaven, with all the true children of God; yea, rather to die here for a little while unto his flesh and the pleasures of this world than hereafter to have to pay for it with an eternal lamentation in the torment of hell. He was therefore apprehended by the persecutors and enemies of the truth, in the month of August, in the year 1576, at Antwerp, where he endured severe imprisonment, and, through the grace of God, resisted much temptation. And as he could by no means be brought to apostatize, but was firmly built upon Christ, the lords and rulers of this world, through the instigation of priests and monks, condemned him to death. And thus, in the month of January, A. D. 1577, he was burnt alive at said place, and testified and confirmed the genuine faith of the truth with his death and blood; wherefore he has obtained, through grace, for this his broken, earthly house, a building of God, a house not made with hands, but which shall endure forever in heaven. II Cor. 5:1.
And since this friend of Christ could obtain no writing materials, he wrote and made known to his beloved friends, his affectionate mind, upon two tin spoons, with a pin.
Upon the one spoon was the following: I wish all my brethren and sisters much grace from God our Father; and the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, which passeth all understanding, rule in all your hearts; and the love of God, which passeth all knowledge, increase with you all, that you may abound and be steadfast, and continue in the work of the Lord. O my dear friends, take good heed to yourselves, this I!!!pray you, I unworthy prisoner m the Lard. II Cor. 1:2; Phil. 4:7; I Cor. 15:58; Heb. 10:24.
Upon the other spoon was written: Grace and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ be with you my very dear and in God beloved sister in the Lord, Weyndelken and her daughter M.; this I wish you from the depths of my heart before God, who searcheth the hearts and reins, that you may walk before Him unharmed and unhindered, in His truth, to which He has called you; and always look to Christ and to all the righteous. Adieu, in this time, adieu.
Section 606.
At Antwerp there was imprisoned for the sake of his faith, with his wife and daughter, in the year 1577, the brother Hans de Ruyter, a minister of the church of God, and a very experienced man in the Scriptures. But when he was assailed with many severe trials, and many fair promises of release and other things were held out to him, he suffered himself to be moved to renounce his faith; yea, so that he even exhorted his wife thereto; but hearing afterwards, that he should have to die nevertheless, it produced such terror and dismay in him (seeing how he had suffered himself to be seduced with lies by the blind leaders, he who ought to have been a leader of others), that with a distressed heart and anxious mind (per[1]ceiving whereunto he had suffered himself to be brought, and what was approaching him), he turned himself to the Fountain of grace, and prayed with scalding tears, from the bitterness of his soul, that this apostasy from, and denial of his Lord, might be forgiven him, and he be received back into favor, with the prodigal son; and he would steadfastly adhere thereto all the days of his life, and suffer nothing again to turn him away therefrom. This he not only promised with words, but also proved it indeed, for whatever temptation, pain, or torture was afterward inflicted upon him, he steadfastly adhered to his reaccepted faith, so that he was finally burnt for it, with his wife and daughter; and they are now waiting under the altar, till the number of their brethren is fulfilled.
NOTE. In the beginning of the preceding year, 1577, we showed the perverse zeal of certain followers of the Calvinistic doctrine, who, at Middelborgh in Zealand, had obtained so much, that the Anabaptists, who having fled out of the Romish Babylon, and settled there, were prohibited from exercising their temporal occupation or trade by which they had to sustain their life: and this, because they refused the swearing of the civil oath, and the use of external weapons of war.
Thereupon, as shown in that place, the Prince of Orange commanded the magistrate of said city, to allow the afore mentioned people to live in quietness, and not to oppress their consciences.
But the magistrates there, instead of heeding this, as coming, from high authority, acted entirely contrary; insomuch that the Anabaptists that lived there, and especially those in the country, were compelled again to betake themselves with an humble supplication to the Prince, to obtain their religious liberty; who thereupon, the second time, wrote and sent the following charge to said magistracy
Section 607.
The Prince of Orange, Count of Nassau, Lard and Baron of Breda’ Diest, etc., to the noble, pious, honorable, wise, particular, etc.
Whereas, certain residents, living there, said to be Anabaptists, have at divers times in[1]dicated to us by way of complaint, that you daily molest them, and deprive them of the means, in peace and quietness to gain a living for themselves and their families, prohibiting them from opening their shops, under the pretext that they refuse to render the oath in such form as other citizens; which we have duly considered; and since the aforesaid people offer to bear in equity all burdens, together with other citizens (however, in the matter of arms, which chiefly moves them to take this course, levy upon them such a contribution as you, or those who may have charge of it, may find to be proper in all justice and equity); hence we think that you are doing very unjustly, in not letting them live in peace and quietness, according to the dictates of their conscience, pursuant to the act which we, with the advice of the governor and the councilors, have previously granted them, which they say they have exhibited to you; and yet, as we learn that you have hitherto not been willing to regard it, nor our previous letters, we have been compelled to write you this final act, by the which we openly declare to you, that it does not behoove you, in particular, to concern yourself with any one’s conscience, as far as there is nothing done that might tend to any one’s offense, in which case we wish to regard or tolerate no one: and therefore, we expressly command and ordain you, in future to desist from molesting the aforesaid people, that are Anabaptists, or from preventing them to exercise their traffic and trade, to gain a living for wife and children; allowing them to open their shops, and to work as they have previously done, at least until the time that the generality, whose province it is to do this, shall have decreed otherwise. Hence beware of attainting anything contrary to this and the act granted them, and to take from them any fines for the above cause; because there is nothing attainted with them, except what might tend to the offense of any one; and because they shall also, together with others, bear all civil and reasonable burdens. Herewith, noble, pious, honorable, wise, discreet, dear, particular, I commend you to God. Written at Antwerp, on the sixteenth day of July, 1578.
The aforegoing copy was certified to as follows
Written by the secretary Baudemont, and found to agree with it. By me Jacob Masureel, notary public of the town van der Vere, the 15th of November, 1579.
REMARK. Notv’vithstanding the P r i n c e of Worshipful Memory, had now the second time so strictly commanded this liberty of conscience in the practice of the worship of God, the true fruit did still not follow, notwithstanding it was obeyed for a few years immediately afterwards; for after the decease of that good prince they began again; however, to the salva[1]tion of the defenseless church of God, it was terminated by a third prohibition, by his son, as shall be stated in the proper place.
Section 608.
In the year 1582, in the first week of September, the dear and faithful brother Hendrick Sumer, a minister of the Word of God, still under trial, and with him Jacob Mandel, were apprehended for their faith and the testimony of Jesus Christ, at Torzag, in Switzerland, and were then conducted into the town of Baden, where they; by the high bailiff of the country, and the judges, were publicly examined in the presence of the people, in the council house, and interrogated concerning their faith, which they freely confessed. At this examination were present twenty four priests, who tried whether they could not cause them to apostatize and err in their faith: but they could accomplish nothing, nor were they able to convict them of any wrong or error, much less perceive in them a just cause of death.
Now when these brethren and Christian heroes were quite steadfast in the faith, and boldly testified and proved by the Word of God, that they were on the true, narrow way of the truth unto the eternal life in Christ Jesus, from which they would in no wise depart, though it should cost them their lives; then the priests were at their wits end, and said to the councilors, that they could not do anything further; since they remained obstinate, they must now deal with them as they deemed proper.
They were then to be sentenced to death; but the councilors could not agree, for some among them would not take the responsibility of their death upon themselves, nor be guilty of it, because it was on account of matters of faith, and they knew them to be good men. But as the majority of the voices were for putting them to death, they determined that their sentence should be proceeded with, which when the brethren learned that their time had come that they should depart out of the world, they rejoiced from the heart, and were glad and of good cheer; they also said that it was a greater joy for them than if they were to go to a marriage; yea, they were of very good cheer, that God had counted them worthy, that they should glorify His name through such a righteous death which many righteous ones and friends of God had done before them, and thus obtained the heavenly crown.
When they were led forth, they spoke boldly to the people, and exhorted the great multitude that had gathered, that they should repent and turn from their sinful life to God, and then both joined their voices in raising a joyful, sweet, and heartfelt song of praise to the Lord.
There was present a great number of people, and many among them shed tears, when they heard them sing and saw that they were of such good cheer in the hour of death. But the eternal joy was before their eyes, and they rejoiced in the inner man, that they should go to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, to all the patriarchs and the whole number of the saints, to all the prophets and the apostles of the Lord, and to their pious fellowbrethren and sisters that had recently died, yea, to Jesus Christ Himself, their Saviour. Thus they sang till close to the water’s edge, where they were to be drowned.
When they came outside, Hendrick said: “Now, my brother Jacob, since we have traveled together so long, let us now also journey together further, through this temporal death into eternal life.” Brother Jacob Mandel was the first one. The executioner took him and drowned him in the water. When he was dead, he drew him out and laid him before Hendrick’s eyes, and said: “My dear Hendrick, behold thy brother who lost his life, and renounce yet, or you will have to die too, there is no other choice.” But he said: “You need not think that I shall renounce, and forsake the divine truth; I will adhere to it though it cost body and life.” A priest also begged him very earnestly and said: “O my dear Hendrick, desist from this new infidelity, and from this evil sect.” But brother Hendrick turned to him and said: “What sect? I believe in God the Father Almighty, and in Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, and in His holy Word and divine commandment; in this I stand do you consider this a sect? Dare you call the true Christian faith a sect? what kind of faith have you then? If you have another faith, you are in a sect and in a new faith yourself; desist from it, and forsake your sinful, vicious and ungodly life.” Thus the priest was put to shame and ridicule, and had to keep silence. When they saw that he continued steadfast, the executioner took him and drowned him too, like the other. This took place on the 9th of October of the aforesaid year 1582, at Baden, in Switzerland, after they had been imprisoned four weeks and a half.
Section 609.
In the year 1583; on the Friday after Whitsuntide, Melchoir Platser, who had been an apothecary, was apprehended for the faith’s sake, in the: village of Rankweil; in the Feldkirch, bailiwick. There he was put, in irons and taken to Veldkirch into the castle; and imprisoned iii’ a deep tower, whence he Was several times taken before the.authorities and the priests. He was always prepared, to give an answer concerning his faith and to resist their false doctrine.
There was then brought to him from the town of Bregenz a special priest, whom they .regarded as very wise and learned. He undertook to dispute publicly with brother Melchoir, hoping to get h6nor and glory by it; but he was very soon put to shame, so that he himself said “Did the devil bring me here for this purpose; that I should be convinced by an Ana[1]baptist?” Now when they could accomplish nothing with him, they sent (since that region is completely papistic) for Lutheran parsons, and brought them to him, [to see] whether they could instruct him: But they were no better in his eyes; he convinced them, that they were both in unrighteousness and unjustly upheld and maintained their doctrine. This is the cause why, at the present day all sin, vice; and idolatry are so prevalent, because the priests themselves are the greatest rogues and. knaves.
Now when they could in no wise ,seduce or deceive him, they delivered him over to the authorities and accused him as a traitor that had merited death. However, they offered him that, if he desired mercy, and would .swear an oath that he would leave their land and dominion, they would suffer him to live and go away. But he answered that before he would swear such an oath to them, and consent to renounce, he would rather await what God should permit them to do with him, though it should cost his body and life. He also told them that their threats did not terrify him, and that he did not care for it, for at all events he had once to die.
Then the lord at Feldkirch was touched, and requested that .they should conduct him back to Rankweil, into the same village where they had apprehended him, as though he thereby wanted to wash his hands in innocence from his blood. over him, pursuant to the order of the great Hannibal, to whom he had been delivered by the prince of Innsbruck, to deal with him according to his pleasure. There they passed sentence, that he should be put to death.
When the brother heard that he was to depart out of this world, he faithfully thanked God the heavenly Father, and rejoiced that God was willing to make him worthy, that he should testify to the truth with his blood, which he regarded as a great benefit from God.
Shortly afterward he was delivered into the hands of the executioner, who conducted him to the usual place of execution. The people were very sorrowful and compassionate; but Brother Melchoir began to speak to the people with great zeal, and exhorted them to think of their ungodly life in which they were sunk, and that they should no longer thus perversely boast themselves Christians. “O what woe” said he, “and eternal suffering will come upon such men that kill an innocent man because he has separated and turned from the ungodly, shameful life of the world. But I will commit this to God in heaven who will give such mouth Christians their reward.” The priests also came, as he was being led out, and wanted to comfort him. But he said: “You priests are the serpents and scorpions, against whom Christ has warned us; that are full of abomination and destruction.” Thereupon, they commanded him to keep silence, if he wanted to speak so scornfully to them. Then he began to sing with a loud voice, till he arrived at the place where he was to be executed. He then again warned the people that they should beware of the false prophets who thus uphold, comfort and strengthen them in unrighteousness, and promise them liberty and life, in order that they should the less desist from wickedness. He spoke so earnestly and much to the people, that the sweat rolled from his face. The executioner dried off his face and said: “Speak freely, I shall not hurry you.” A little after the executioner said to him: “If you will consent to do according to the mind of the lords, and acknowledge their doings as right, power has been given me to release you.” Melchoir replied: “I will not do this; hence go on, and do what you are commanded.” Thereupon, the executioner forthwith executed him with the sword and speedily cut off his head. Not far from there was a pile of wood, upon which he laid his body and burned it, after he had been imprisoned about twenty six weeks. Thus he kept the confessed truth, as long as he was in life and had breath in him.
Section 610.
On the 26th of May, in the year 1584, Andries Pirchner was apprehended at Laitsch, in Vintschgau, his fatherland, and thence taken to Soltrain, where he was thrice put upon the rack and severely tortured. For they wanted to know of him, where and with whom he had lived and had intercourse, and that he should mention them. But he answered that he would not be a Judas, to betray those that had done good to him, so that any harm would come to them he would rather lose his life and body, yea, one member after another; nor were these matters that concerned the faith or any article of the same; but in regard to his faith, that he would willingly and gladly declare and not keep silence about what he had done or not done; he had made God in heaven a promise in Christian baptism, to which he would adhere, and not be found a liar before God. Moreover, he would (if it could not be otherwise) pa[1]tiently suffer death, and also request nothing else, than that by his blood and suffering he might induce some poor souls to repentance and to the confession of the truth. Thereupon priests were sent to him, that they should dispute with him; but these, no matter what they commenced with him, accomplished nothing at all, for he forthwith upbraided them with their sinful and lascivious life, showing them, that they could not lead or point others to a virtuous life, because they were blind themselves. And he further said that they should consider their own ways and desist from their sinful life; he also presented to them several passages from the Old and New Testaments, so that they could accomplish nothing with him according to their will, but he constantly persevered firmly in his faith. He ‘was also. greatly admonished and entreated by many, privately in the house, and also in public, that he should desist from his faith, since he must see that there was nothing else left for him, or he should have to die. Thereupon he answered: “All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution, as the Scripture says. And to the same I will adhere, and I daily pray to God, my heavenly Father, that His will be done. Now if it be God’s will, He can order it that I shall be released; but if it is not His will, I will die patiently.” They entreated him, that he should only once renounce and recant, and they should let him go; he might then adopt it again. But he replied: “No, that cannot be; may God keep me from breaking my promise and being found a liar before Him; for that were acting like the dog that swallows again that which he has once vomited. So it would also go with me; I would have to recant and stamp as a lie that which I have long known and confessed as the truth and the will of God; of which I should not be able for a long time truly to repent, and who knows whether I should be able to repent and obtain grace? Hence I neither will nor can do it, and I will rather die, and hope by the help of God to be a living martyr for His truth.” After that he was brought from Soltrain to Schlanders, and there, according to the princely and old imperial command and decree sentenced to death and delivered to the officer, who conducted him to the place of execution.
When he was led forth he spoke with a joyful heart: “God be praised, that it has come so near to the end with me, and since it is thus His will, I will also patiently die.” And thus he honored his end with many thankgivings, Christian teachings and remarks to the people, after which he knelt down; and though it had on that day been cloudy weather until that hour, the sun commenced to shine brightly, right into his face, at which he rejoiced, and said: “God be praised, that He shows me His bright sun yet before my end.”
When the executioner had drawn out the sword, and was about to make a stroke, they called to him to hold still, and the brother was very earnestly entreated, that he should re[1]nounce, and they should let him live. But he would not; he valiantly lifted up his head, and thus the executioner beheaded him; joyfully offering up his spirit unto God. Afterwards his body was singed with a little fire of straw.
This occurred on the 19th of October of the aforesaid year, after he had been imprisoned for about twenty two weeks.
Section 611.
In the year 1584, about eight days before Saint Martin’s day, brother Leonhart Sumeraver, from the country of Saltzburg, was apprehended, as he was about to leave the country and had embarked at Titmaing. The boatman learned of it, and landed at Berckhausen, at the bridge, in order that they should not come to grief. There a rope was thrown them, and the matter became known, for the boatmen cried that they had an Anabaptist on board. The clerk, who stood there, went to the chancellor and told him that an Anabaptist had arrived. The chancellor had him apprehended, and he was forthwith brought to the rack and five times dreadfully tortured, also twice suspended by a rope; but they could obtain nothing from him, nor accomplish anything with him. Hence, he had to suffer much pain and sorrow during the time of his imprisonment, and also much temptation and conflict on account of his faith, and because he would not accept their doctrine.
After he had been in prison almost half a year, he was led to the place of execution. There went with him four priests, who tenaciously urged him to renounce: but he said that he had already renounced his unrighteous life, more than twenty years ago. When he was led through the town, they admonished him the second time to renounce. But he replied: “Should I depart from God? Christ does not teach me this when He says: `Whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.”‘
When he was led forth before the stone court, they said to him: “Behold, there is the image of our Lord; bow down before it.” But he replied that he dared not do it; that they should proceed with him. The priests asked him, why he had gone out from the Christian church, and betaken himself to this heresy (as they call it). But he said: “Nat so; but I went out from ungodly idolaters, fornicators, blasphemers, and all the unclean, and have betaken myself to the good, to God, and His church.” But they said: “He is possessed of the devil, who causes him to speak thus”; even as also the Jews accused Christ. Afterwards they en[1]treated him thrice for God’s sake, that he should renounce; but he would not. The executioner also begged him the very best he could. But Brother Leonhart said: “O dear, be silent, and do not beg me, but proceed, for I want to die as a good Christian; I stand in the true faith and upon the firm foundation, which is Christ my Lord, from which I shall never depart.” When they saw that all their efforts were in vain, the executioner took his collar from his neck and said to him: “If you would renounce but the two articles, they would release you.” But he said: “Let me alone and proceed as you please, for I want to die valiantly upon my faith.’.’ Thereupon, the executioner said: “I do not like to execute you, but if I do not do it, another will.” And he drew out the sword before him, in order to frighten him; but he was not terrified in the least by it. Thus he was beheaded, and buried in the place of execution.
This happened at Berckhausen, on the 5th of July 1585, that this lamb of the Lord was torn by the ravening wolves.
Section 612.
About the year 1585, there were imprisoned, at Sint Vyt, in the country of Lutzenborg, three women, having been brought from a village called Nieuwstadt. Among them were a mother and daughter; the mother’s name was Anneken Botson, and that of her daughter Janneken Botson; the other woman was named Maeyken Pieters. All three of them were simple, God fearing persons, who had forsaken popery, and through the grace of God, betaken themselves to the obedience of the holy Gospel. This the priests could not endure, but they manifested their envy and reported these persons to the authorities; and thus they were apprehended and put in prison at Sint Vyt, as already mentioned. There they were not confined long, but were forthwith examined concerning their faith, which they cheerfully and in simplicity confessed, and to which they also constantly adhered, though they tried in many ways to make them recant the truth; but when they could not prevail upon them they were sentenced that they should be burnt to ashes. As innocent sheep for the slaughter they went to the place where they were to be offered up, and died thus a valiant death, offering up their bodies as a sacrifice to the Lord.
Section 613.
In the year 1585, three brethren, namely, Wolfgang Raufer, George Pruckmair, and Hans Aicher, were apprehended for the faith, while on a journey, half a league from Riet, they having taken some refreshments in an inn, and after eating returned thanks. Hence, immediately beadles were sent for, and it was told that there were people there like Ana[1]baptists. While they were then counting out the money for what they had received, and the innkeeper took it, the wicked men came, apprehended all three of them, and took them to Riet. A few days after, they were taken from Riet to Berckhausen, where the council and the judges sent eminent doctors to them, who were to speak with them, and if possible to overcome them and turn them from their faith; but they could accomplish nothing, nor were they (neither the doctors nor the priests) able, by disputing, in any wise to turn these brethren. In the meantime they executed the aforementioned Brother Leonhart Sumeraver, with the sword, on a Friday, about eight o’clock in the morning. Afterwards the judge and other lords went into the castle, and announced it to these brethren, and told them that if they would not renounce, that they should share the same fate with him; whereupon they replied: “We are ready to die; whatever be God’s will with us, we will patiently suffer.” Now when they had been imprisoned for a considerable time, about fourteen weeks, at Berch[1]hausen, and they could not prevail upon them, nor intimidate them, they were separately placed in carts, on the next following day of execution, namely, the 3rd of August, led forth from prison, and about four o’clock brought before the council house, where the royal decree was read to them, according to which they were to be dealt with. In the meantime the judge called the executioner, and commanded him, that he should bind these three persons and convey them out to the usual place of execution, and then (since they had been sentenced from life to death) to execute them with the sword, and afterwards lay them upon a pile of wood and burn them with fire. Thereupon, Brother Wolfgang replied: “Not from life to death, but through death into eternal life.” Then George and Wolfgang said: “Now since we must die, we die solely for the sake of the divine truth, for we have done no evil or wrong to any one, and here is not a single person to whom we have done any injury, or who can complain of us; since we then must lose our lives for the faith and for the Word of God, we shall find it again in eternity, as the holy Gospel testifies.” They then said to the authorities that they should henceforth take better heed, for the innocent blood should cry for vengeance upon those that were guilty of it; but since it was the will of God concerning them, they would willingly die, since our Lord Jesus Christ had to suffer the same death in this world. Then Wolfgang said to George and Hans: “Now my dear brethren, we will take leave from one another; and let us be joyful, for the Lord is with us.” Thereupon, Brother George, re[1]quested the executioner, that he would loose their hands a little, so that they could give each other the hand, and thus take leave; to which the executioner consented, doing it willingly. Thus they took joyful leave from one another. In the meantime a priest came to Brother Wolfgang, and admonished him to renounce. But Brother Wolfgang briefly answered him, that he should himself renounce his ungodly life and fornication; and would not tolerate the priest with him. He then went on, and when he came into the marketplace, he commenced to sing joyfully, and then gave praise and thanks to God, that they had come to this, that they might be truly refined. And he further said: “Would to God, that among this multitude of people there might be some one from our country that could inform our brethren of this; then we would greatly thank God for it. However, we trust that God will send some one that will notify them of this, whether it be orally or by writing; and this causes our heart to rejoice.” This wish was also fulfilled, as the facts show. Then Wolfgang said to the executioner: “Now, Master Christoffel, I shall henceforth be more quiet, and contain myself a little; but my heart experiences no anxiety at all, but there is only laughter within; and if my brethren, my wife and child, knew this, they would rejoice for our sakes, though they might otherwise, according to the flesh, weep and mourn. And I pray, and also hope, that God will send some one to our country, to our church, who will for us take leave from all brethren and sisters, our wives and children, and all our acquaintances according to the flesh.”
While Wolfgang was thus speaking, they were led out and came to the place of execution. The other two brethren, George and Hans, had mostly been silent; but when they arrived at the place of execution, all three of them were joyful, again took leave from one another, and offered up their prayer together in quietness.
They were then beheaded, and their bodies laid upon piles of wood and burnt.
When the executioner had performed this, he said to the people: “These persons would not desist from their faith, nor would they tolerate priests; they also have a much stronger faith than I and all that are here. I would rather execute thirty robbers than these.”
Thus these dear brethren testified to the faith in Jesus Christ and the divine truth with their blood, to which end God gave them power and strength, for which praise be to Him forever. Amen.
Section 614.
When on account of the terrible burning and scorching of the pious witnesses of Jesus that were called by the name of Anabaptists, many of them went from papistic regions, where the distress was greatest, to the. Prussian countries, in the hope that the rulers there, who boasted of greater discretion and mercy than those of general popery, should grant them liberty to live according to their conscience, it came to pass, that when they came there they found themselves deceived in their opinion, inasmuch as the prince of that country, who then reigned at Brandenburg, ordered them, by a public mandate, to leave.
Concerning this, P. J. Twisek has given this account:
George Frederick, Margrave’of Brandenburg, commanded in a public mandate, on the 12th of November, A. D. 1586, that the Anabaptists must leave this whole Duchy of Prussia. Chron. van den Ondergang, edition 1620, 2d part, 16th book, for the year 1586, p. 1401, col. 1.
Section 615.
In the year 1586, an the Friday after Whitsuntide, which was the 3rd of June, Christian Gasteyger, a blacksmith, was imprisoned, at Ingolstadt in Bavaria. On the following Sunday two Jesuits, with their town judge came to him, and talked with him concerning his faith; but they soon left him again, for they could not agree with him. Nine days after, the two Jesuits came again to talk with him, and began with many words to revile the church; but the brother contradicted them, and thus they spent almost an hour and a half together, and then left him with dissatisfaction. Three weeks afterwards, again two Jesuits came to him, who wanted to instruct him; but when he would not dance as they piped, they left him again; and after two days the judge came to him, with a .doctor in the Scriptures, to speak with him concerning infant baptism. They said: “Children were damned, if they were not brought to baptism.” Thereupon, brother Christian replied: “They are not damned therefore;” and he proved it to them with many Scriptures which he adduced. On this account they called him a heretic and said further: “Children have the devil in them; hence they must be baptized.” Then he asked how the devil got into the children. They said: “He comes into the child from the mother.” But he contradicted them also in this.
Nine days afterwards the judge and his council came to him, and they said: “You are well aware why you are imprisoned here; you have been confined here for some time already, and priests have came to you; but you would not hearken to them, for I have been told by them, that there is no hope of you any more; and’the order has come, that I am to speak with you once more, and that if you will not be converted to that which your parents believed, you shall be placed upon a stack of wood and burnt; and let us see then how God will be with you.” But he replied: “I am ready every day to die, and I hope to God in heaven, that He will keep me valiant and faithful unto the end, so that I shall not depart from the truth; and may His will be done concerning me.”
The next day again two Jesuits came to dispute with hm, and asserted that he had no faith. They also began of infant baptism, saying that the child had to be baptized, else it were damned. But he contradicted them. And when they had spent three hours with him, and he had sufficiently replied to them and valiantly resisted their false doctrine, they left him. He also let us know that, as he was now imprisoned for the truth’s sake, he would also firmly adhere to the truth; though it should cost him his life, he should not depart from it; they should have all good confidence concerning him, for he would valiantly fight for the eternal crown, and he well perceived that God faithfully succored him in his bonds, for which he also praised and thanked Him, and prayed that He would keep him even unto his temporal death. He moreover sent us and all believers a Christian greeting. Afterwards, when he had been confined for over twelve weeks at Ingolstadt, and all the priests and Jesuits there had become tired of him, and yet could accomplish nothing with him, he was, on the 25th of August, placed upon a cart and conducted from Ingolstadt to Munich.
Finally, on the 13th of December, sentence was requested concerning him. The prince was not at home, and the supreme judge had died; the under judge would have had to pro[1]nounce the sentence; but he would not, and said that it was not his office. The burgomaster and several others in the council would also not consent to it, but the Jesuits strenuously insisted upon it, so that the sentence proceeded nevertheless.
He was led forth from prison before the council house, and sentenced to the sword. He was then led to death, and since he was very joyful and of good cheer, and spoke very much to the people, the Jesuits became very angry and spat into his face, so that the executioner himself wiped it off. The Jesuits also held before him an idolatrous crucifix and spat again into his face, which vexed the people greatly.
When he arrived in the place of execution, he was very joyful, because he saw that he had so nearly gained the crown.
The executioner stood there with the drawn sword, afraid and begging him to renounce. But he said to the executioner that he should execute his sentence on him; and to the Jesuits he said
“Though there were a thousand of you here, and multiplied thousands, you should not be able to seduce me.” Then the executioner executed him with the sword, and thus he persevered steadfast and joyful in the faith.
Section 616.
Even as it had gone the year before in Prussia, with the Anabaptists, so it went now also in the dominion of Koenigsberg, which was carried out by the same prince, who was also the lord of this territory.
The afore mentioned author, having related their departure from Prussia, immediately adds that on the 1st of March, A. D. 1587, they were ordered to leave not only the liberties of Koenigsberg and the cities and suburbs of that country, but also all the territories and dominions belonging under the reign of George Frederick, Margrave of Brandenburg, and this on pain of corporal punishment and loss of their property.
This was done because they spoke most offensively* (as it was said) of infant baptism (which the learned of that country considered the door and entrance into the kingdom of God). Compare the sixteenth book of Chron. vary den Ondergang, 2d part, edition 1620, page 1501, col. 2, with Johan. Behin, fol. 72, 73.
Section 617.
In the year 1587, about Whitsuntide, Michael Vischer was imprisoned for the faith, at Ingolstadt, in Bavaria, and when he had been confined about twelve weeks, and much had been tried with him by monks, Jesuits and otherwise, and he would also not follow their false doctrine and idolatry, but firmly persevered in the faith which he had accepted, acknow[1]ledged and confessed, he was finally sentenced to death, that he should be executed on Friday the 6th of August, if he would not renounce; but since he looked for a better and eternal life, he continued immovable and steadfast in the faith. Thus he was on the afore mentioned day, about eight o’clock in the morning, brought from the prison before the council house, and sentence was there read to him, that since this anabaptist had for about twenty years adhered to Anabaptism (so they call it), and also seduced several others thereto, and would in no wise allow himself to be moved from it, he must die for it. For the imperial mandate and decree is, that such shall not be suffered or tolerated, but punished with fire and sword. Thereupon he was led out to the place of execution, to which he was willing and ready, going there with alacrity. A Jesuit and a monk went with him, and wanted to instruct him; however, he did not hearken to them, but told them to go away from him. Thus they went in advance to the place of execution, and there said to him, that since he had to die, he should prepare himself for it, and they held a crucifix before his face, saying, that he should be * Derisively, the authors say. hold Him that had died for us. But he shook his head and said: “Christ my Redeemer is in heaven; therefore I deny all human handiwork.” He also said to the executioner: “Come hither; there is nothing else left to do, I will valiantly adhere to the faith and die upon it.” And with this he knelt down, boldly and undismayed. God granted him such power and strength, that he persevered steadfastly unto the end, in the way of truth unto eternal life in Jesus Christ. The executioner became terrified by his un[1]dauntedness, so that he could not properly execute him, but had to cut off his head as it were,* in consequence of which he was in no small peril of his life.
* As distinguished from severing it with one stroke. Tr.
Section 618.
This Christiaen Rijcen lived still in these latter days as a faithful witness, at Hontschoten, in Flanders, where he, as a true Christian, was imprisoned for the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ, in December of the year 1587. And after suffering much trial and temptation there, he was very cruelly tortured, and burned to ashes there, the seventh day of April, 1588, under the bloody tyranny and reign of the Prince of Parma. And thus he steadfastly delivered over unto death his corruptible body, for the truth of Christ, and expects now a new house in heaven, which God shall prepare for him, that it shall endure forever. II Cor. 5:1.
Of this friend of God a book has been published, containing fifteen letters, with some hymns, which this true witness wrote from prison to his wife and his friends, for comfort and encouragement; of which the following few are here communicated to the reader.
Section 619.
Grace, peace and love be unto you, from God our heavenly Father, through His Son Jesus Christ. Amen. This I wish you my dear and beloved wife, for an affectionate greeting.
And after all salutation, I inform you, my very dear wife, that it is still tolerably well with me, according to the flesh; and according to the spirit it is my mind and purpose, by the help of God, to adhere to the Lord unto the end of my life.
The reason of my writing is further to inform you, that I have been before the lords once, and they questioned me concerning my faith, which I confessed to them. And they asked me whether I had had myself baptized. I said: “Yes.” They asked me how long ago it was. I said: “About eight years.” They then asked me concerning my children, whether they were not baptized. I said: “No.” They asked whether my wife was like me.
I said: “Yes.” Then they asked in what house I had been baptized. I told them that it stood in the South East corner. They asked me what the name of the man was that lived in it. I said “Pieter.” “And his surname?” said they. I said “We do not inquire much after sur[1]names.” Thus they wrote down all that I told them. And they sent for the pastor, and read to him what I had confessed before them. And the pastor spoke much to me about baptism, and said that the children must be baptized, in order to be cleansed from original sin. I said that Paul, Romans 5, says that as death passed upon all men through Adam, so righteousness came upon all men through Christ Jesus. Yea, even as we all die through Adam, so we are all made alive by Christ. This he would not accept, but said that John says: “Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven.” Hence the children must be baptized, if they are to be delivered from original sin. I said to him: “The Scripture does not say in John 3: `Except a man be baptized of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God;’ but the Scripture says: `Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God,’ and this the children cannot, and need not do, since they have not committed sin, that they must be born again.” Thus, my dear and beloved wife, we had many other words also, which I have forgotten, and which do not deserve to be written. Thus, I know not what they will do with me, whether they will pursue their old course, or not. But, my dear wife, though they deal with me as they have been accustomed to do in old times, let us therefore not be surprised, even as Peter writes: “Think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: but rejoice inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings. For if ye [he says] be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the Spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified.” I Pet. 4:12-14. Not, my dear wife, that I have heard as yet, that they shall kill me; but though they should do it, it were nothing new, for Christ Himself has foretold: “The time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me.” John 16:2, 3. Thus, my dear wife, be of good cheer in the Lord, and let us commit our cause to Him, and from Him expect a day that shall comfort us. For this is what is first promised here upon earth, namely, weeping and lamenting; but the world shall rejoice; we must now be sorrowful, but our sorrow shall be turned into joy. And Paul says: “I know that the suffer[1]ings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” Rom. 8:18. Thus, my dear wife, be of good cheer in the Lord; I hope that He will help us; and do the best with the children, to nourish them up in the fear of God. And since your burden is great, it oppresses me so much, when I think of you and the children; the tears often flow from my eyes, because I have had to leave you under so great a burden and with little temporal substance. But, my love, when I think that we must leave each other for the Lord’s sake, or we cannot be worthy of Him, I hope that the Lord will care for you, because it is written: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all that ye need shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33. And Peter says: “Cast all your care upon the Lord; for he careth for you.” I Pet. 5:7. Thus, my dear wife, since the Scriptures comfort me, that we have such a good Provider, I hope that He will provide you and me and our children with all that we need. Hence, my dear wife, faint not. Write me how it is with you and with the children, according to the flesh and according to the spirit. But, my dear wife, I must also inform you, that the pastors have often talked with me here in prison; but we cannot agree. Sometimes they use harsh words, and sometimes fair words, and they always want to prove their infant baptism from John 3, adducing yet many other Scriptures, as Romans 6; Col. 2; Eph. 5; Tit. 3, and others, which do not serve their purpose, but treat of regeneration, of the burial of sin by baptism, or that God has cleansed His church by the washing of water in the Word. These Scriptures, which do not serve their purpose, they quote to prove their infant baptism. Hence, I have a great conflict here; it seems to me that I am in the wilderness at Marah, where the children of Israel were, at the water of Meribah,* where the waters were bitter; but the Lord showed them a tree, which they were to cast into the waters, to make them sweet. Ex. 15:23-25. So the Lord has also shown me a green tree which sweetens all this water; which is Christ Jesus, the true green tree. When I think of Him, how He was de[1]livered over by the chief priests and the scribes, to be crucified and put to death, it makes it very sweet for me; for I think that the servant is not better than his master, but that it ought to be enough for the servant, that he be as his master.
Herewith I will commend you, my dear wife, for this time, to the Lord, and to the rich Word of His grace; who is able to keep your treasure, and to give you His eternal kingdom.
Written on the 2d of January, A. D. 1588, by me, your husband.
* strife.
Section 620.
The eternal, imperishable wisdom of the Father, and the love of the Son, and the illumination of the Holy Ghost, this I wish my very dear and beloved brother N., as an affectionate greeting in the Lord. Amen.
And after all salutation, I inform my dear and beloved brother, that I am still in tolerably good health according to the flesh; and according to the spirit, it is my purpose, by the help of God’s goodness, to adhere to the Lord as long as I live.
Further, my beloved brother, I have learned that my children are at your house, that you are to keep them till my wife comes home, whereby you show me great friendship, that you have done this; and I also pray you, my dear brother, that if you should have a small chamber that you could spare, that my wife might also live with you until the Lord bring about a change with me; and if they should deprive me of my life, I should like it very much, if you would aid her in getting to Bruges, there to make her living, or back to Holland, wherever it should please her to go. For, my beloved brother, women that are thus situated, have need of help and comfort; hence I pray you, do your best in this matter; remember that James says, that true religion is to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. James 1:27. And, my dear brother, though I must now suffer a little for the Lord’s sake, let this not deter you from following the Lord, but let it make you the more zealous to build the house firmly upon the rock, so that when such storms come, it may stand. And neglect not to exhort one another with the gifts that the Lord has given you, so that no one may be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin; also to provoke one another to love and good works, so that should it be tomorrow or the day after, that any of you should come into bonds, you may then be strong through the Lord, and through the power of His might, to resist all those that exalt themselves against the knowledge of Jesus Christ. For Paul makes known how we are to arm ourselves with the armor of God, saying that the loins must be girt about with truth, and the breast protected with righteousness, and the feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace; and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God; and above all, take the shield of faith, wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. Eph. 6. Thus, my beloved brother, such weapons are of good service to him that is tried as I am now tried.
Hence, my dear brother, I beg you pray the Lord for me, that I may overcome all; and do also in my place assist my wife and children, this I pray you; and greet N. N., and above all, greet your wife much in my name.
Written on the 17th of January, by me,
Section 621.
Grace, peace and love be unto you from God our heavenly Father, through His Son Jesus Christ, Amen. This, I Christiaen Rijcen, wish you my dear wife, as an affectionate greeting in the Lord.
And after all salutation, I inform you, my very dear wife, that I am still in tolerably good health (praise and glory to the Lord for His grace), as I trust is also the case with you and the children.
I further inform you, that I received your letter, and I thank you for the treasure you sent me. I further also learn that you live in N’s house, and that he has provided you with wood, of which I am very glad, that you find some comfort there yet. If it should please the Lord, to deliver me out of this again, I hope that we shall repay it to him; but so far I think there is little prospect for me to get out. For I have learned that no advice has come from the court as yet. Though the recorder has come, there has no comfort come for me with him, except that I thank the Lord, who comforts me in this tribulation. And I hope to approve myself as a minister of Gad, in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses, in stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labors, in watchings, in fastings; by pureness, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy Ghost, by love unfeigned, by the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left, by honor and dishonor, by evil report and good report: as deceivers, and yet true; as unknown, and yet known before God; as dying, and behold, we live. II Cor. 6 .Thus, my dear wife, I hope to approve myself in all things as the minister of God; for I often hear evil reports, and sometimes good reports, and so the time passes away; and I think that it may probably be so also with you. Hence, my beloved wife, let us be patient in tribulation, fervent in hope, and continuing instant in prayer; and remember me in your prayers, for I do the same for you. For there passes not much time that I do not think of you and the children. I pray you, do the best with them, and if you have some work, make them labour diligently. Tell them that I command them to this; and wren you have some leisure, teach them in the book; this I pray you; so that hereafter, when they sh:1l have lost you and me, they may search, as to what tends to their salvation.
I furthermore also learn from, your letter, that you desire me to write your landlord a short letter; which I have done. However, I wrote at the top of the letter, to N. N.; but it does not matter to me who has it; may the fruit of righteousness spring from it. But I hope to write another yet, if the Lord permits me. Nothing more for this time, but be commended to the Lord, and greet all acquaintances in my name.
Written the 27th of February, by me,
Section 622.
I, Christiaen Rijcen, imprisoned for the Lord’s sake, wish my very dear and beloved wife, the eternal wisdom of the Father, and the love of the Son, and the consolation of the Holy Ghost, as an affectionate greeting.
And after all salutation, I inform my very dear and beloved wife, that I am not very well at present, for I have pain in the head, and am in great tribulation for your and the children’s sake, that I can not assist you in helping to gain a living. Yet I hope that the Lord, who has taken me from you, will assist you and provide you with what you shall need, for faithful are the promises which He has made, saying: “Seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” And Peter says: “Cast all your care upon the Lord; for he careth for you.” Hence, my dearest love, flee for refuge solely and entirely to the Lord; for he that gives seed to the sower will also give you bread for food.
Know further, that I received your letter, and I thank you from the heart for the com[1]forting treasures you sent me. Knowing that they greatly rejoiced me, when I heard your mind, and that you still confirm me in the truth, to continue valiant in the Lord unto death. I hope so to do by the grace of God, and to obtain the glorious ‘promises. And I also pray you, my dear wife, always take heed to yourself, so that we may hereafter, by the grace of the Lord, rejoice together where joy shall endure forever. If it can be no more here in this world, that it may certainly be hereafter, that we may then rejoice eternally; though we must now sow in tears, that we may then reap with joy. Hence, my dearest love, be of good courage, and thank God, that we are worthy to suffer for His name; for thus the saints went before, and we must also through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God. It is now my turn; it may perhaps soon be your turn. Hence, my dear wife, endeavor diligently to please the Lord and to serve Him faithfully, that when He comes to you, you may be watching; for blessed are those servants whom the Lord when He cometh shall find so doing: He shall gird Himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them. Luke 12:37. Hence, my dear wife, always continue steadfast in the word of the Lord, and faint not at my tribulation which is now present; but be the more diligent to serve the Lord, and always keep yourself pure, my dear wife, this I pray you, as. I hope that you will do. And take great pains to set the children to work, the best you can; and always conduct yourself discreetly toward them, so that they may learn discretion; and thus do in all things the best, this I pray you. I do not know ygt what they will do with me. I now hear reports sometimes, that they will leave me in confinement till I turn and adopt the Romish religion. But the Lord, to whom I have committed the matter, can soon , bring about a change, if it is His will; hence. I commit my cause to Him. Last Tuesday I had the pastor of Houten here with me, and we had many words together, but he did not know much to say .from the Scriptures. However, it would be too long to write all that we said; but in parting, as he was leaving, he said that if I would hearken, he would soon help me out. I said that I would do the best; so we parted from each other.
Thus, my very dear and beloved wife, my hope and confidence are fixed upon the Lord, to serve and obey Him all the days of my life, by His divine help and power.
Herewith, I commend you and my children to the Lord and to the rich Word of His grace. Amen. Greet much in my name all the acquaintances that live near you, and give this letter to N., your landlord, and greet him much from me. Nothing more for this time, but farewell. In haste, on the 5th of March. By me, CHRTSTIAEN RIJCEN.
Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: but rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his, glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye. I Pet. 4:12-14.
Section 623.
Grace, peace and love from God the heavenly Father, through His Son Jesus Christ. Amen. This I wish you, my dear and beloved wife, as an affectionate greeting in the Lord.
And after all salutation, I, Christaen Rijcen, inform you, my dear wife, that I am in tol[1]erably good health (praise and glory to the Lord for His grace), as I trust that is the case also with you. Only that I have a little pain in my throat so that by reason of it my appetite is not very good, but otherwise it still goes very well with me; it is still my purpose (the Lord be praised) to obey the Lord and to continue in His commandments all the days of my life, by the help of the Lord. Know further, that I received your letter and I rejoice that you always. comfort me by the treasures which you send me; and I thank you greatly from the heart, that you write these treasures for my consolation, for they come very convenient to me, since I am thinking a great deal daily, because of the long time that I must remain here: sometimes sorrowful, sometimes of good cheer, and thus time passes away with great desire. O my dearest love, I think that this is also the case with you. But my dear wife, let us firmly persevere till we are taken hence, for now is the time of which it has been told us, that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God, and that we must weep and lament, but the world rejoices; we must now be sorrowful, but our sorrow shall be turned into joy. And Paul also tells us: “As the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ.” II Cor. 1:5. And Paul further says: “Though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for. a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; while we look not at the things that are seen, but at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.” II Cor. 4:16-18. Hence, my dear wife, we must now have respect unto what Moses had respect, and esteem the re[1]proach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt, and always have respect unto the reward, and by faith forsake the Egyptian nation, and not fear the cruelty of the king, but always cleave to the invisible God, as though we saw Him. Thus, my dear wife, I commend you and my children to this same God, that He will keep you, and provide for you in all your needs, for I do not know whether I shall be able to write you any more; I now expect a change soon, for the bailiff is come, so that it seems to me, that there may probably be a change in my situation. You wrote me about that man at. Cassel: but I do not think that he was of our faith, for the priest considers us the worst sect under heaven. Hence, it may turn out differently with me, than with the man at Cassel, for we are the filth or offscouring of this world. For the priests said to me that in the last council of Trent we were denied all countries, and had no liberty. Hence, my dear wife, if I must also be one to fulfill the number, be patient, this I pray you, and do the best with the children, and commit your matters to the Lord, and hope in Him; He will bring it to pass for Sirach says: “The Lord never forsook any that abode in the fear of God, nor that put their hope in him.” Eccl. 2.
Herewith, I commend my dear wife to the Lord, and to the rich Word of His grace. Amen.
Greet the acquaintances that are with you much in my name, and always keep yourself pure in the fear of God.
Written on the 12th of March, 1588, by me, your husband.
Section 624.
Grace, mercy, peace and love be unto you from God our heavenly Father, through His Son Jesus Christ. Amen. This I wish you, my dear and beloved wife, as an affectionate greeting.
And after all salutation, I, Christiaen Rijcen, inform you, my dear wife, that I am in tolerably good health (praise and glory to the Lord for His grace), as I trust is also the case with you and the children.
Know further, that I received your letter, and I am much rejoiced that you are of such good cheer, and that you still comfort me, for which I heartily thank you. And I would also like to write something for your consolation, that you may be of good cheer; but, my dear wife, the greatest consolation is the Lord, who has taken me from you; who, as I hope, will assist you in all your need, and provided for you, if you do not forsake Him. For Paul says
“We are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken.” II Cor. 4:8, 9. Paul further says that He will not leave us.nor forsake us, so that we may boldly say: “The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.” Hebrews 13:5, 6. Sirach also says: “Did ever any trust in the Lord, and was confounded? or did any abide in his fear and was forsaken? or whom did he ever despise, that called upon him?” Eccl. 2:16. Hence, my dear wife put your entire hope in God, and say with Jeremiah: “Lord, thou art my refuge, my strength, and my comfort in distress.” Jer. 16:19. And also with David, saying: “If I only have thee Lord, I care not for heaven or earth; yea, though my body and soul should fail, thou art the comfort and portion of my heart.” Ps. 73:2’5, 26. And remember also, that Sara, when she was in great tribulation, said, that she well knew that all those that will serve God, after temptation, are delivered, and comforted in sorrow, and after all correction, they find grace; and after the great storm He makes the sun to shine again, and after weeping and lamenting, He gives joy abundantly, Tob. 3. Thus, my dear wife, console yourself with these words; though we must now mourn and weep, let us have good courage; for the Lord shall see us again, and our hearts shall rejoice, and no man shall take away our joy. And Christ says: “Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake. Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy; for, behold, your reward is great in heaven, for in like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.” Luke 6:22, 23. Christ further says: “Blessed are ye that weep now, for ye shall laugh,” v. 21. With these words comfort yourself.
Herewith I commend you to the Lord, and as regards my case, I know nothing special to write you. I expected this week, that they would dispose of the matter; but it seems to me, that God has not given them the power yet. There are some, as I think, that would have it; but it seems that the Lord does not permit them. Some console me with the [conclusion of] peace, that they shall then release me. Thus, my dear wife, I have committed it to the Lord. Do you so also, and greet all acquaintances much in my name, and always keep yourself pure in the fear of God, and always do your best with the children. Nothing more for this time, but farewell. In haste, this 19th of March, 1588.
By me, your beloved husband.
Section 625.
Grace, peace and love be unto you from God our heavenly Father, through His Son Jesus Christ. Amen. This, I wish you, my very dear and beloved wife, as an affectionate greeting in the Lord.
And after all salutation, I inform you, my very dear and beloved wife, that I am still well according to soul and body, praise, glory and thanks be forever to the Lord, for His great goodness, who has called me to this time, and kept me, that I am worthy to suffer a little for His name; and I also trust by the grace of the Lord, that you and the children are also well, though I understand from your letter, that you have had the ague. I hope in our dear Lord, that He will succor you; and not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able; but that with this temptation He will also make a way to escape, so that you will be able to bear it. O my dearest love, trust with all your heart in the Lord, and do not forsake your friend, that loves your soul, since you have found Him, as the bride in Cant. (3:4); but cleave faithfully to Him, and take Him for your Husband, and for a Father for my children, and diligently instruct my children, that they obey this Father all the days of their life; and you too, my dear wife, be also faithful to your Husband Christ, and do not forsake Him in any distress, for His promises are, that He will also not forsake you. I must now leave you with sorrow; but, my dear wife, I hope that we shall find each other in life eternal, where we shall part no more. O my dear wife, I would like it so much, if the fight here were fought, so that I might say with Paul: “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for us the crown of life.” II Tim. 4:7. Oh, then my heart would rejoice; but there is conflict here yet sometimes. This week I have had with me the pastor and a Franciscan friar once more, who came to see whether I would not hearken. The pastor said that the recorder had told him, that letters had come from the court [to the effect that] if I would not hearken, and repent, they knew what they were to do with me. I told the pastor, that I wanted to wrong no one; but as regards my faith, I said, I have received it from the Lord, and I cannot forsake it. Then they used fair words and said: “If you will hearken, you may live here with us, and be a man of honor.” I said: “I want to do well, like a man of honor, and to wrong no one; and that if I should do wrong to any one, that they should punish me twice as much as another that had done the same thing as L” Against this they did not say very much. We had many words, which it would take too long to write. I therefore do not know what they will do with me.
My dear and beloved wife, you must know yet, that the night after the pastor had been with me, a great terror came upon me, inasmuch as I thought that they should put me in irons, or place me upon the rack, which so terrified me, that the perspiration issued from my body, so that I was wet from it; which made me very sorrowful, but I remembered Christ, when His sufferings came upon Him so that His sweat rolled from Him as drops of blood, down to the ground; wherein I consoled myself a little, and it also seems to me, that the Lord sent it to me, that I should not boast of myself, but that I should rely only upon the Lord and not upon my own strength, as I also hope to do. And I pray my dear wife, that she will help me pray to the Lord, that the Lord will strengthen and confirm me with His Spirit, that I need not fear men, nor the children of men, since they shall perish as grass.
Herewith I commend you to the Lord, and to the .rich Word of His grace. Amen.
And greet your landlord in my name, and give him for this time this hymn; and greet from me also all the others that live near you. Nothing more for this time, except that I heartily thank you for your comforting treasures, which you send me to my great consolation, for they come very convenient to me. Farewell and console yourself in the Lord, for these, my bonds shall be no disgrace to you, for I have done nothing amiss to any one (the Lord be praised) that can say anything evil of me, wherein I greatly rejoice.
Thus, my dear wife, be faithful to the Lord, for He that shall continue faithful unto death, shall have the crown of eternal life.
Written on the 27th of March, A. D. 1588, by me, your beloved husband. CHRISTIAEN RIJCEN.
Section 626.
I must inform you of something yet, my dear wife, namely, that I constantly hoped last week, that I should receive my sentence: but it did not come; hence I longed much the more for it, so that I daily waited for comfort, which did not come, as I think, my dear wife, that you have also done. But I have now committed it to the Lord, and hope to wait with patience for the day that shall comfort us; and I pray you, my dear wife, that you do likewise. I further inform you, my dear wife, that about eighteen or nineteen days I was confined with an iron on my leg, with a log, upon the straw, which was quite uncomfortable, and always in my clothes. But the Lord be praised, it did not grieve me, but I thought that we must follow the Lord through want and adversity, even as the saints went before; but now I have good comfort and am very well according to the body, and Joost shows me great friendship, more than I shall be able to repay him. And, my wife, I pray you, make as few words with those of Hontschote as you can, lest peradventure the authorities should hear that you were there, and send word of it to those of Bergen. But if you can speak to N. [do so;] he often comes to Bergen. But, my dear wife, if you have any word to send me, tell it to N. or N., who will deliver the message to me; and neglect by no means to write to me how it is with you and the children, and how you get along. Nothing more for this time, but be commended to the Lord, and to the rich Word of His grace. Amen. By me, your husband.
Section 627.
In the year 1588, Pieter Saymer was apprehended at Freiburg in Bavaria; having staid there over night, in an inn, with a landlord, and about to proceed on his way in the morning, a beadle seized and apprehended him. He was then conducted. to Berckhausen, and very briefly examined, and continuing steadfast, was taken back to Freiburg. The third day after, the judge himself had him brought out of prison, and advised him to renounce. But he answered: “I cannot renounce the true faith in Jesus Christ, nor the keeping of Goal’s com[1]mandments, though it should cost me body and life.” Then his end was announced to him, and the staff broken over him, which caused his heart to leap for joy, and he greatly thanked and praised God, saying then: “I have one head, and if I had two, or still more, I would rather suffer them all to be cut off, than to renounce my faith.”
There was much people present, and some wept over him when he was led out; but he said: “You need not weep over me, for I am of good cheer in God;” and he sang for joy, which the priests would not tolerate, neither the actuary. There came a simple man, a fisherman, to him and said “Dear Pieter, renounce, and spare yourself.” But he said: “Be silent, you neither know nor are able to comprehend what there is at stake for me.” He then knelt down and offered up his prayer .to God in heaven, and while he thus kneeling performed his prayer, the executioner struck off his head, which when it fell down to the ground, rolled about wonderfully, and finally lay still with the face turned toward the executioner, at which the people greatly marveled.
Thus, he testified with his blood to the faith and the divine truth, and obtained the crown of eternal life, which occurred on the 8th of July, 1588.
Section 628.
On the 13th of January, A. D. 1589, at ten o’clock in the night, there were apprehended at Ghent, in Flanders, for the practice of the truth and following Christ, two brethren and one sister, namely, Joost de Tollenaer, Michiel Buyse, and Sijntgen Wens; who, after much temptation and torment (in which they constantly remained steadfast), were finally publicly sentenced to death as heretics, but secretly, with locked doors, in the count’s castle, strangled at the stake, after which the two brethren were suspended from the gallows without, and the woman buried under it, which happened on the 13th of April of the aforesaid year 1589.
And as several letters of Joost de Tollenaer have come to our hands, we have added them here, for the benefit of the reader.
Section 629.
Grace and peace from God our heavenly Father through Jesus Christ His beloved Son, our Lord and Saviour; may He, Lowijs, my dear brother in the Lord, and also Janneken, Jacomijntgen, and Sijntgen, my dear sisters in the Lord, together with all beloved brethren and sisters in the Lord, strengthen and confirm you with His Holy Spirit in the inner man, so that you may obtain the end of your faith, to the salvation of your souls, and to the praise, glory, honor of, and gratitude to, Him that lives forever and ever. Amen.
After all affectionate and Christian salutation to you my dear brethren and sisters in the Lord, I inform you, that I am in good health according to the flesh, the Lord be thanked; and according to the spirit, my mind is fixed, by the grace of the Lord, to adhere to the holy Christian truth, since there is no other salvation to be obtained, neither in heaven nor upon earth, than through Jesus Christ, who is the truth and the life. Hence, know, my dear brethren and sisters, that I am of very good cheer in the Lord, with my fellow prisoners, though all three of us are confined separately; and the jailer has strict orders, not to allow us to come together, nor to speak. It is a little close now, but there are Habakkuks who sometimes assist us, and though it is a little distressing, we have a very great consolation, namely, the Com[1]forter, the Holy Ghost, the same helper and succorer that comforted the holy apostles in their tribulation. Hence, I pray and supplicate day and night to the Lord my God, that He would graciously assist me, and help me to triumph, so that His holy name may be eternally praised through me poor one; and that He would take from me that which might hinder me; and thus I have committed myself to the eternal, almighty, strong God, through Jesus Christ our eternal Saviour.
Thus, my dearest friends, the Lord has heard my voice, and looked upon me miserable, imperfect man, who am but dust and ashes, and too unworthy for all this mercy, that He has called me to have tribulation, bonds, affliction, and temptation for His name; so that I have such courage and joy, that I could not express to you with the mouth the joy and gladness which the Lord is giving me by His Spirit, so that I often think in my heart: “O Lord, is this sorrow and tribulation, affliction and bonds, or grief?” For in all the time that I unworthily walked in the truth, I never had such joy and gladness. But when I think of the eternal joy, of the great and comforting promises of happiness, which the Lord has prepared for His chosen, and for all those that continue steadfast unto the end that they shall follow the immaculate Lamb Christ Jesus, with shining white raiment, and branches of palm in their hands, and shall moreover be crowned with the crown of eternal life; that He shall lead them to the fountain of eternal life, and thus wipe away all tears from our eyes; then it seems that my heart would burst with joy, when I behold all this in the spirit; so mighty is the Lord, and so can He comfort those that surrender’ themselves with all their hearts. For’, friends, it has now come so far, that I count all that is temporal and perishable loss for Christ’s sake, and the Lord has given me grace, so that I am not hindered by temporal affairs, which I accept as a great gift from the Lord.
Hence, my dear and beloved, rejoice with me in the spirit, thanking the Lord, that He so graciously assists your weak brother with His Spirit and Word. All those that shall read or hear read this my letter, I pray out of brotherly love; that you will bow the knees of your heart before the Most High, that He may strengthen us by His Spirit, so that we may finish to His holy praise the work which He has begun in us. For, friends, we expect nothing else, but that we shall be offered up, especially I and Michiel; and this on account of several things that we confessed in our examinations. They first asked me my age. I said: “About fifty years.” They asked whether I was rebaptized. I said: “No;” but told them that I had suffered myself to be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son; and the Holy Ghost, upon the confession of my sins, for which I was heartily sorry, and upon the confession of my faith in Christ Jesus, that He is the Son of the living God. This was written down. They asked how long ago that was. I said
“Twenty six years last Christmas.” They wondered that I had ruled so long. Question: “Are you in the ministry of the deaconship, or have you been in it?” I freely confessed that I was in the ministry, .though I said I am not worthy of it. They further asked me whether I exhorted, or had exhorted. I said: “No.” They asked me whether not lately a man had been here, that had preached in the place. I was silent. After much questioning, however, I told them, that we were not allowed of God to implicate or accuse any one. Finally they told me all the circumstances, namely, that Jan de Wever had been in the city, and that on a certain night a receiving of members had taken place secretly, three or four having been taken in; and they briefly said that our sister who was confined with us had confessed it, for they had tortured her. And they asked me, whether Hans had lodged at my house; they knew all about it, I could not contradict it, but had to admit it. They said that this had been prohibited. I answered that I did not regret having lodged him, and if it were to do again, I should gladly do it. This that I did not regret it, was ill received.
They also asked me, whether I had advised, or consented, to send for Jan de Wever. I said: “Yes, with all my heart.” This also was ill received; but I care little if they did receive it ill, for they receive everything in the very worst way. Thus they went with it to the lords of the council, according to what I have since learned; and besides, they must have fuller advice from the court.
I have written this briefly, for to write all would have been too long, because I have not enough materials to write everything. I should like it, if this letter or a copy of it would be sent to those of Harlem. There was once without my knowledge a letter sent by those of Harlem, and found in the house of Michiel Buyse; which brought severe charges against me, in regard to one hundred pounds which had been sent to the poor, and which I was said to have received; and also concerning a legacy of twenty four, pounds, of Joost Daems. I replied thereupon, that I had never seen the letter, which is the case; but these letters cause great grief. I have received as many letters as any man in Flanders or Brabant; but I cleared myself from every important imputation. However, tribulation and bonds must come from somewhere; and, moreover, the Lord be thanked, I do not trouble myself about it.
I am satisfied with everything that the Lord has, sent me. . God the Lord suffers it to happen, that He may thereby prove, whether there is any thing in my heart that is displeasing to Him, or whether I love aught more than Him;: for the Lord is jealous, and He will be alone the dearest, of which He is also well worthy, for He has dearly purchased us, namely, with the precious blood of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ; hence we must also prove in the power of our faith,. that we love Him above husband, wife or child; house, field, gold, silver, and the last and dearest pledge, that is our own life.
When one is thus brought to the touchstone, then it is made manifest upon what one has built, whether it be gold, silver, precious stones, or wood, hay, or stubble; for everyone’s work shall then be made manifest, as by fire. Hence, I counsel my dear brethren and sisters in the Lord, that are now at liberty, that you will wake up manfully, for it may easily come to pass, that persecution will also arise among. you, as now in Flanders; for this liberty we also had about seven years. Hence, all true soldiers in Christ Jesus are always to equip themselves with the armor of righteousness, having on. the helmet of salvation and.the breastplate of righteousness, girded with the girdle of truth, having the sword, of the Spirit, and the shield of faith, wherewith one. is able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. But, friends, the slothful would sometimes allow their weapons to stand in a corner, and thus they would easily rust; and when there would be a necessity for conflict, that the enemy (who walketh about as a fierce lion) should, come upon us, then alas! they would have to be sought in the corner, completely rusted over, and thus the enemy should surprise us by strategy. Therefore Paul gives good advice, saying: “Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong: Let all your things be done with charity.” I Cor. 16:13, 14.
Friends, I should write more, but you are yourselves taught of God; and as the anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in it. I John 2:27. I will herewith commend you to the Lord, and to the Word of His grace. Take my presumptuous letter in good part.
Know, brother, that J have written my daughter a testament letter,.in case our life here should soon close.
By me, your weak brother in the Lord, on the 13th of January, 1589, imprisoned for the truth. Amen.
Section 630.
I wish you, my heartily beloved brethren and sisters in the Lord (who as scattered strangers are dispersed in every country, driven and persecuted from their lands, cities, houses, and goods, and this for the testimony of Jesus Christ), race, peace and mercy from God our heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ His only begotten. Son our Lord and Saviour, through whom we have become partakers of the divine promises in His holy name, for He has cleansed us by the washing of regeneration in His holy blood, and chosen us from all kindreds of the earth, for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Christ. May He strengthen and, confirm my dear and in God beloved brethren and sisters, with His Holy Spirit, in the inner man, to the praise and glory of the great, invincible God of heaven and,earth, that you may shine as bright lights among the heathen nations among whom you dwell. as scattered; strangers, so that many thousands may take .hold of your skirts, and say: “My dear, we will go up with you; for we see that, the Lord is with you.” Zech. 8:23. To this end may the Lord give you His .blessing, to the praise, glory and honor of His holy, great and adorable name.
After wishing all Christian salutation to you, my dear and in God beloved brethren and sisters in the Lord, and hearing by our last examinations, of the 23d and 28th of March, that the time of our pilgrimage may very soon be at an end, I felt constrained by brotherly and simple love, to write you, my dear friends a little, thereby making known: to you joyful tidings, namely, that, by the grace of the Lord, I and my fellowprisoners: are of good courage in soul and body, to adhere to the holy truth as long as we have the breath. of life in us, having committed body and soul into God’s powerful keeping for you welcome news, and for us a happy portion. May God through grace grant this to us, as servants unworthy of being partakers of His sufferings. But I rejoice in the spirit with all my heart, that God has called me to such grace, of which the world, is not worthy, because of the unbelief of their hearts.
Further, my dear. and affectionately beloved brethren and sisters in the Lord, it is our cordial request to all the elect, that fear God from the heart, truly and fervently, in a holy faith which worketh by love, that you will bow the knees of your heart before the Almighty God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to pray for us prisoners, as imprisoned with them, and for us that suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body; so that we may gloriously. accomplish the end., of our faith (which through the grace of God we confessed before this evil and wicked generation,: who are enemies of the cross of Christ), and yield our bodies a sacrifice acceptable unto God through Jesus Christ, to the praise of His great name, the edification of our neighbor, and for a light unto the world; this is the prayer of us all.
Furthermore, dear friends, I find in this my tribulation, afflictions and bonds and re[1]proach, that happened to me, unworthy one, for the righteousness of God, that God is faithful in all His promises; who does not suffer us to be tempted above that we are able, but makes with the temptation also a way to escape. He does not leave, His people comfort[1]less; He will with His Spirit answer for us before kings and princes, as much as we shall need in that time. He has said: “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” Hence, I will rely on the Lord, and not fear what man shall do unto me. Though they now break the earthly house of this tabernacle, we know assuredly, that for the righteous there is a dwelling prepared in heaven, which is not made with hands, but is eternal; for which house my soul has a heart felt desire. For, friends, there is always a very great conflict, outwardly and inwardly; for within flesh and blood manifest their nature, which must be resisted by faith; outwardly, against the pride of the world and the false prophets, and lying spirits, against which we must fight valiantly with the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. O friends, I have already well proved it: for I have been assailed by them twelve different times, six times by the secular authorities, and six times by the false prophets. The authorities said to me, that I had a spirit of pride in me and such evil opinions; and that I therefore would not suffer myself to be moved. I asked them, whether that was great pride, that I suffered myself to be spoiled of all my property, of wife and child, and finally to be a spectacle to all men; that I shall be burnt at the stake, and thus my flesh be given for food to the beasts and to the birds of heaven. They said again: “Yes, you pride yourself therein.” I said: “No, but we rejoice because we have become partakers of Christ’s sufferings.”
I warned them, that they should take heed, before they laid their hands upon .those that seek to practice their faith in peace, that have done injury to neither you nor yours. They said that we were rebels and seditious, and seduced many simple hearts, and drew them to our faith, and that we were worthy of greater punishment than thieves and robbers. I said: “We seduce no souls; but your false prophets seduce many thousands of souls by their doc[1]trine and false religion, which they practice under a semblance of holiness.”
They looked at me sternly. Many other things were said, which I do not deem necessary to write. And as further regards their asking for my age, and how long I had been in the faith, and concerning my deaconship, I have written it in my other letter, which some of you may have read, as I understand from a letter which I received yesterday. The same came very welcome to me; for, friends, it does so much good, when letters of comfort and warning arrive, yea, they are more acceptable than many pieces of gold. For, friends, a line written by the labor of another, tastes much better than if one had ten times more with himself.
Further, friends, ten or twelve days afterwards the authorities sent two learned men, the parish priest of St. John, and a canon, who also had much to say and made a very long speech, finally asking me, why I had departed from the mother, the Catholic Roman Church. I very briefly said that I did not regard it as the true, holy church. They asked: “Why?” I said: “Because there is nothing else practiced than a false, invented religion.” This they took very ill, and very many things were said upon it, very much as it was with our friends in former times.
And in about ten or twelve days after that, they came again and brought with them the priest Michielken, who is an apostate, and has by this time become a priest. Then the parish priest, whose name is Sir Jan van Dale, said to me: “Do you know Sir Michielken?” I said: “Yes.” He said
“Why do you not also turn from your heresy, as Sir Michielken has done? If your belief were good, he would not have departed from it, and returned to the mother, the holy church.” I said that he had departed from the holy church of God, to the worship of idols and to the doctrine of devils. They asked: “What is idolatry in our church?” I said: “In the first place, all the images that stand in it, before which you burn candles, offer sacrifice and bow your knees.” They said that the images were the books for the simple, and the mass and sacrifice which they performed, were all holy prayers. I said: “If all were good, as you say, you should put it into Flemish or into Dutch, so that the simple might be taught. For this purpose you have the Gospel book, from which you might teach. But you are afraid, that the people might learn too much from it.” In short, we also had very many words in regard to the sending of preachers, and of infant baptism; but I deem it unnecessary to write much about it, for it all goes the same way as is written in the Oferboeck; for if I were to write all, I should not be able to put it on seven or eight sheets of paper; and much of it I have also forgotten, for it occurred at so many different times.
Finally there came the pensionary Schoockman with his son, who is clerk of the criminal court. He ordered that I and Michiel Buyse should come together, to speak with him. Hence I prayed the Lord, that He would keep me according to His promise. Then I went downstairs, and when I and Michiel got there, we respectfully saluted him, and he also bade us a good evening. He asked us together, whether we did not tire of being in prison so long. Answer: “We must be patient therein.” “Yes,” said he, “it is your fault, and you inflict it upon yourselves; if you would suffer yourselves to be moved, and would depart from your opinion, all should be well, for it is only vainglory and a spirit of pride, that impels you to it.” I told him as I said before, that this which demands the sacrifice of body and property was not pride. He strenuously defended the Roman Empire, and greatly exalted the church of the priests, that it had been from the time of the apostles until now. He also adduced many unscriptural ar[1]guments, which are not worthy of being written. And again, he said
“Though there are some abuses, it is therefore none the less the faith. I am well aware, that there are priests who might live more virtuously; but we must not, look to their works, but hearken after their words.” Michiel said: “A good tree bears good fruit, which a bad tree does not.”
In the second place, I said: “My lords, we have the truth, and I hope by the grace of God, that we shall adhere to it unto the end.” He also made many words, saying that he had come out of compassion which he had for us; “and inasmuch,” said he, “as you will not hearken to the clergy, I come of my own accord, finding myself constrained thereto, hoping that you would hearken to me more.” For (said he, and smote his breast) if it had not been for him, it would already have been over with us, but he had prevented it. We also know, that he has very great influence, with the court as well as with the lords of the city, for in many things in the government of the city, his wishes, to a great extent; are consulted. Thus he finally said (smiting his breast once more), that we should have to die; “for,” said he, “it has been determined by the lords of the council of Flanders, by the high council, by the court, and by His Highness the Prince of Parma.” Thereupon I joyfully replied, saying: “The will of the Lord be done with us; to this end (once to die), are we born.”
“Yes,” said he, “the dying is a small matter, but that you shall hereafter go into perdition!” for he had previously damned us many times. Hence, Michiel answered, that judgment be[1]longed to God. Then he said: “Perhaps you say that we are damned.” Thereupon, I said, “We do not condemn those that are without us; God will judge them.” But, friends, they are a presumptuous proud tribe, and they blaspheme God and His holy temple without any fear. He further also said: “‘If we would renounce, he should do his best with His Highness, though he should have to travel to the court himself, which should cost a good deal.” Thus, friends, it seems, according to what we hear, that though we should forsake the faith, we should still be in peril of death. And thus he finally left us, begging us to think of his words. “I hope,” said he, “that the Holy Spirit will work in them.” But we had another hope, namely, that God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ shall strengthen us by His Spirit, that we may abide in the truth unto the end of our life.
Friends, we were with him over two hours. And we used few words, except now and then, when we could not pass something by, which required a reply; for much speaking is of little avail, and they say that they come to teach us; but we do not want to be taught by them. This the priests said to me alone, for we were examined separately, except this last time.
And about five or six days after, he sent his son to us once more, asking us, whether we, had attended to and considered this matter. Tereupon we said that we wanted to adhere to the faith in Jesus Christ, as we confessed from the first. Hence, he left us, which was on the 28th of March. Thus, my affectionately beloved brethren and sisters in the Lord, we daily expect the day of our redemption, that we might offer up our sacrifice. I had almost forgotten to state that the pensionary had told us: “You may perhaps be taken unawares some night, when you will least expect it:” Hence, God knows what they have in mind. They have no power over us, except the Lord permit them. God is our strength and power, and the sword of our conquest. And though we must suffer for His sake, we must possess our souls with patience, remembering, that the apostle says (I Pet. 2:20), that it is acceptable with God, to suffer for well doing; though, dear brethren and sisters in the Lord, the world does not regard it as acceptable, for (I Corinthians 1:18) it is written: “That the preaching of the cross is to them that perish, foolishness; but unto us which are saved, it is the power of God, which power God works by His Spirit, to the comfort and strengthening of their mind.”
Hence, my dear brethren and sisters, watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong, and let all your things be done with charity, so that you may grow up and increase, and not depart in love, in hope, in faith, which is a precious treasure, that we have received in our earthen vessels through the Holy Spirit. Keep it diligently with great carefulness, for part of us have long labored for it, and through light minded carelessness one is so soon spoiled of it, and then all labor that has been done is lost. For if the righteous man shall turn away, says the Lord, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. He forsakes the fountain of living waters, and they that depart from him shall be written in the earth, neither shall their names be found in the book of life. Heb. 10:38; Jer. 2:13; 17:13; Philippians 4:3.
Hence, watch in the faith, and let us exercise as great care for our spiritual treasure which we have through grace received by faith in Christ Jesus, as many a man exercises for his perishable treasures, which thieves and robbers covet, as sometimes appears; as for in[1]stance in my own case, and that of Michiel my fellowprisoner; for they have robbed us of nearly everything. And many are of such a disposition, that they like to acquire temporal wealth, not properly considering the words of Paul, that such fall into temptation and great snares. I Tim. 6:9. And covetousness, which Paul calls idolatry (Eph. 5:5), has a long cloak, so that one cannot easily get at it. And they gather great treasures for their children, which is opening a wide door by which to introduce them into the world. But the best treasure which can be left to children, is this: To instruct them from their youth to fear God; to present to them the Word of the Lord, as far as their understanding can comprehend it, and as the forefathers taught their children, to fear God, shun sin, and do good, as we have examples in Abraham, who commanded his children after him; likewise in Susanna; also in old Tobit, who taught his son from his youth to fear God; and also in Sara, the daughter of Raguel.
Friends, diligently search the Scriptures, which will sufficiently instruct you. Let us always follow that which is good, and exhort and provoke one another to good works, to excel therein. Hence, I write once more as before; for the axe is now already laid at the root of the trees, and every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast in the fire. Matt. 3:10. And that we be not like the five foolish virgins; that when the Bridegroom comes we be not sleeping, so that we may then not have to go and buy the oil to burn in our lamps. Hence, the faith which worketh by love shall shine gloriously before the Lord. For not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of God; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Matthew 7:21.
Hence, Christ says: “Blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.” Luke 11:28. “Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy,, and keep those things which are written therein:for the time is at hand.” Rev. 1:3. Let us continue in Christ’s word, and we shall also be His disciples, and remain such forever. John 8:31.
Further, my affectionately beloved brethren and sisters in the Lord, we find in all the Scriptures, that all the holy patriarchs, prophets, and apostles were moved to teach and exhort us to peace, love and unity; for the apostle says: “The peace of God, which passeth all under[1]standing, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Phil. 4:7. Peter says: “Unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another ,with a pure heart fervently: being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever.” I Pet. l:22, 23. O friends, where love, peace and unity exist in the church, there is exceeding wealth. The Psalmist truly says: “How pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! it is like precious ointment.” Ps. 133:1, 2. But where there is discord, there the hearts must grievously sigh over one another, and eat their bread with mourning; and thus the feast days (when the bread of the Lord should be broken in the _ Lord’s church, in remembrance of the abundant benefits of the Lord) are turned into days of mourning, which to behold causes great sorrow to the simple; as, alas! is to be lamented with weeping eyes at Harlem and concerning several other churches that are infected with such diseases, which is a sorry thing for me and others with me in our countries to hear. May the complaint thereof ascend to the Lord in high heaven.
Oh, that God would grant grace, that they could bear one another in love, and that the principal ones would bow themselves under the mighty hand of God, and deny themselves, for the holy will of the Lord and for the sake of His church. I should hope that it would not give them an evil conscience, if they submitted to it for the sake of peace, and if everyone were little in his own eyes; how well it should go, and how soon everything should be peacefully settled! O friends, let us bow the knees of our hearts before the Lord, that Chris[1]tian unity among one another may come upon the spiritual Israel, so that a triumphant thanksgiving with joy and gladness in the spirit may be observed in all the churches. Hence seek peace, and pursue after it. Heb. 12:14. Consider the word, pursue; for when a man pursues something, he goes after it with haste. O friends, it is more than time for you to make peace and unity, lest haply the Lord punish in wrath. For no one is assured, that there will always remain liberty in the country; there will perhaps be a change in the country there, as there is in Flanders and Brabant.
Hence, my dear brethren and sisters in the Lord, I and my fellowprisoners pray you, and this with bended knees and a sad heart, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ (before whom every knee must bow, and who shall also without respect to persons recompense every one, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad), that you will make peace and unity with the Lord; for blessed are the peacemakers, says Christ; for they shall inherit the kingdom of heaven; so that the pleasant mountain of the Lord, and the holy city of Jerusalem, may be found in glorious appearance, with all her pleasant fountains, from which the waters of the Holy Spirit spring forth abundantly, into the hearts of the elect and holy citizens and of the household of God, who are firmly founded upon the foundation of the prophets and apostles, of which Christ Jesus is the true cornerstone.
Herewith, I will bid my dear brethren and sisters in the Lord, a final farewell and Christian adieu, till we meet where parting shall be no more, which is in the new, heavenly Jerusalem, where the King of kings shall reign forever with the sceptre of His eternal, imper[1]ishable kingdom. I herewith coinmend you to the Lord, and to the comforting, rich Word of His grace, by which Word we are called in peace, to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Adhere valiantly to the truth, and pray the Lord for us, as already written; we hope to do the same for you, according to our weak ability. I hope that the Lord will keep us unto the end of our life. O friends, I have such a heartfelt desire for the day of my redemption, to rest under the altar, Christ Jesus, with all our dear brethren and sisters that have been put to death before us for the testimony of Jesus Christ, who did not spare their lives, but willingly surrendered them for His holy name’s sake.
Thus, my dear brethren and sisters in the Lord, hasten, too, and betake your hearts under the bloody banner of Jesus Christ, to help bear His reproach without the camp of the Lord, and this from pure love without fear. For he that feareth hath torment; but perfect love casteth out fear. I John 4:1’8. O friends, where such love is, there love is stronger than death, and jealousy hard as hell; the coals thereof are coals of fire, and a flame of the Lord, so that many waters cannot quench love. Cant. 8:6, 7. Hence, let all your things be done in love, and be steadfast and immovable, and abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. I hereby humbly pray you, to take my simple writing in good part, though it has not been well arranged. For, friends, far be it, that I should think myself fit to exhort, but I need to be exhorted myself; but I include myself in everything that I have written here, for it has been done out of simple, brotherly love, this the Lord knows; and I hope by the grace of God to confirm it with my death, as seems probable according to what we hear. The Lord strengthen us in our last extremity with His Spirit, who is a helper in distress.
Finally, my dear brethren, rejoice, be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you. II Corinthians 13:11. Watch in the faith!
By me, a weak brother, a feeble member of the body of Christ, too undeserving for all the mercy of God, and unworthy of His grace, to suffer. O Lord, make me, unworthy one, worthy. Michiel Buysen and Sijntgen Wens greet you much with the peace of the Lord. JOOST DE TOLLENAER.
Section 631.
Grace, peace and mercy from God our heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ His only begotten Son and the Saviour of the whole world; for as by one man death came into the world, so by one man came life into the world, that all that believe in His name should obtain eternal life. May He strengthen and confirm you with His Holy Spirit in all your tribulation and grief which you bear on my account; but be patient, my dear, beloved, old mother, for your tribulation shall be turned into eternal joy.
To the same only wise and strong, invincible God be praise, glory, honor, power an[1]ld’blessing forever and ever.
After all affectionate and Christian greeting to you my dear and in God beloved mother and sister in the Lord, whom I love from the very depth of my whole heart, I inform you, that my mind is still unchanged, hoping by the grace of the Lord to adhere to His holy truth, which I also have not been ashamed to confess before men, and this upon the consolation that Christ will also not be ashamed to confess me before His heavenly Father and His holy angels, which will be an everlasting consolation of reward for those who shall continue in the faith steadfast unto the end. To this end may He strengthen and confirm me and all those that are with me in distress, with His Holy Spirit, so that He may ever rule in our hearts to the praise and honor of His holy and most worthy and adorable name. For this I pray day and night in. my weakness; asking also your love, my beloved mother, that you will help pray the Almighty God for us poor prisoners, that we may keep the faith in fervent love unto the end, to the salvation of our souls, to the edification of our neighbor, and for a fight unto the world.
O my dear, beloved mother, you who have given birth to me in such pain and anguish, and have moreover brought me up with great carefulness, with what should I be able to re[1]compense ‘your motherly love? I have nothing with which I can fully requite it. But since you fear God, standing in the same faith with me, I have a living hope to the eternal, Almighty God, that He shall give me strength in my faith, to finish it to His name’s honor, and this I know will be greater joy to your heart, than if I should bring you many pieces of gold.
Thereto I have good courage, for the Lord .is faithful in all His promises; for He forsakes no one that flees to Him for refuge; but He keeps His chosen as the apple of His eye. Oh, how pleasant it is to fear the Lord, for him that with a resigned heart puts himself under obedience to the Lord. Hence let us always, as long as we have the breath of life in us, walk in the pure love of the truth, as children that are born of God, for God is love, and he that abides in love abides in God, and God in him. I John 4:7, 8. Hence Paul says: “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or famine, or nakedness or peril, or sword? As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from, the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lor.”
Hence Paul calls love the bond of perfectness.* Herewith I will bid my dear and in God beloved mother, a Christian farewell and final adieu. Adieu my chosen, beloved mother and sister’ in the Lord, and be of good cheer in the Lord and grieve not too much on my account, for parting must come once but we expect, in the hope of faith, a heavenl meeting, where parting shall be no more; there hope to wait for you under the altar of Christ: I pray you always to have good intercourse with my dear wife after my departure; for I shall leave an afflicted widow. Hence do the best as long as you are together; for, as far as I understand, it may take an end with us this or the following week. The Lord grant me strength in my last extremity. Adieu, my dear mother; with an inward kiss of love and peace. Greet in my name my dear and in God beloved wife, with the kiss of love and peace; and
” The original has it, Hence Paul calls the bond of love a perfectness. Tr.
also J. F. E. and V: T. with their company, and Stoffel and Margriete S., when it is con[1]venient. Farewell and a final adieu to all that fear God. I would like to have it remain secret, that we write letters from here, for they have troubled and vexed us on account of it. May the Lord open the eyes of all our enemies, that they may see whom they pierce and distress.
By me, your beloved son, in all subjection, according to my weak ability.
Section 632.
If thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding; if thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures; then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God. Prov. 2:3-5.
If thou wilt serve God, be in earnest with it, lest thou tempt Him. Eccl. 18:23.
Be not slothful in business, but fervent in spirit, rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer. Rom. 12:11, 12.
Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life; and they are they which testify of me. Jno. 5:39.
Cursed be he that doeth the work of the Lord negligently. Jer. 48:10.
I, Joost de Tollenaer, your father, was apprehended in Ghent, and brought into the Saucelet (the city prison), in the corn market, after ten o’clock in the night, of the 13th of January, 1589, and this for the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. The Lord strengthen me by His Holy Spirit unto the end of my life, and all those that are in distress, without as well as in bonds.
Betgen, this is your age, and is for your remem; brance
Betgen de Tollenaer was born on the 14th of August, A. D. 1574. God strengthen you in virtue according to His will. And if I die for the name of the Lord, the following letter is written to you for a testament, and for a remembrance all your life. But if I do not die, it is for the delight and instruction of your heart, that you should conduct yourself, to fear the Lord your Gad.
Fear God, and keep His commandments; for this behooves all men.
By holy faith and love effectual
Man is saved through Jesus Christ.
May the only and merciful, almighty God, who is full of all mercy and a Father of the afflicted widows and orphans; and a Ruler of all those that trust in Him, cause you, my daughter and child, to grow up in wisdom and in the knowledge of the truth, so that you may know and learn to fear the most high God, who created and made heaven and earth, the sea and all the fountains of water. May the eternal Almighty Father, grant you this through Jesus Christ His only begotten Son, our Lord and Saviour. Amen.
Hear, my dear child Betgen, and understand my word, written to you in the name of the Lord, and let my speech enter into your heart, and receive it as a precious treasure of gold, that is, that you are from your very youth to learn to fear the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your ability; and walk in all His ways, and serve the Lord with the whole heart and soul, and keep the commandments of the Lord your God, so that it may go well with you in the land; and the Lord will give you His rich grace, and all manner of spiritual blessings. For the fear of God is an overflowing fountain of eternal life, which quickens heart and spirit, and creates a longing and desire to hear the words of God; for they strengthen the inner man in soul, spirit, and body.
Hence, my dear child, endeavor from your youth to shun and avoid evil; for it will now be time to perceive and learn to discern what is good and evil. For he that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it shall be accounted sin. James 4:17. And the wise man says: “That the Spirit of God does not dwell in a careless soul, nor in a body that is subject to sin.” Wisd. 1:4. Therefore learn henceforth to shun sin like the face of a serpent. Hence be sober, of good conduct and modest, and avoid all light company, which is carnal and worldly minded; for the world and all the lust thereof shall perish, but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever. I John 2:17. Hence have your intercourse with those that fear the Lord, and walk in God’s ways; and you shall grow up as a daughter of Sarah, which will be acceptable before the Lord. Hence, my child, if you lack wisdom, you must ask it of God: who giveth it to all men liberally, and upbraideth not. But he must ask in faith, nothing doubting, and it shall be given him. James 1:5, 6. Hence, ask the Lord your God humbly with bended knees, and this often and constantly. Going, standing, working, always have the Lord before your eyes, calling upon Him with prayer and supplication, saying: “O Lord, my Lord, direct me in Thy ways; give me wisdom that comes from the throne of Thy glory, and cleanse me from all my sins, that I may be worthy to become a holy temple. Give me grace that I may be meek and humble of heart, and little in my own eyes, so that Thy Holy Spirit may dwell in me, and that I may grow up in Thy holy divine fear; to the eternal salvation of my soul, and to the praise, glory and honor of Thy holy, most worthy, adorable name. O Lord, strengthen me, miserable one, since I am but dust and ashes. O Lord, be merciful unto me, and help me forever. Amen.”
And if you, my child, thus betake your heart with all humility to the Lord, and unceas[1]ingly cleave to Him with prayer and supplication, He will delight in you, and abundantly give you the fear of God, and the knowledge of wisdom. For the fear of God is a tree of life, and his branches flourish forever, and his fruits are righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost, and his leaves serve for the healing of the nations; but none eat of the fruits save those that are born again of water and of the Spirit; who, through baptism in Christ Jesus, have buried the old Adam with all his carnal lusts; who renounce the devil, hell, death, the world and all its false appearance, and henceforth walk according to the holy will of God the Lord, with all the elect children of God, whose names are written in the book of eternal life. Hence fear God from the heart; not as the world does, who profess that they know God but in works they deny Him, being abominable unto God, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. Tit. 1:15. But God has chosen him a peculiar and holy people, zealous of good works, to do His will. I Pet. 2:9; Tit. 2:14. Hence we must above all, as I have written before, diligently fear the Lord with an humble heart. Perfect and upright was job, fearing God, and eschewing evil; for to depart from evil is understanding. Job. 1:1; 28:28. Hence serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Ps. 2:11. For the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; it is a good understanding; and he that doeth according to it, his praise endureth forever: And then the wise man also says: “The fear of the Lord is to hate evil, pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way.” Prov. 8:13. He that walketh in his uprightness feareth the Lord, but he that is perverse in his ways, despiseth Him, and falleth in the snares of death. 14:2. For where one suffers. in the fear of God, for the name of the Lord, there are wealth and honor; and the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and is in the depth of the heart only with the faithful, and dwells only with the chosen women, and is found only with the righteous and the faithful. The fear of the Lord is true religion; it keeps and makes the heart good, and gives joy and gladness; for he that fears the Lord shall prosper, and when he needs comfort, he shall be blessed of the Lord. The fear of the Lord prevents sin; for he that is without fear cannot please God. Eccl. 1.
Hence, my child, when it goes well with you, watch, and continue steadfast in the fear of the Lord, and be not proud, for a haughty spirit goes before a fall. Prov. 16:18. Therefore have God always before your eyes in all your ways, and seek to please Him with an upright heart; and God shall be with you, and have compassion upon your weakness, and wink at sin when it comes upon you unawares through ignorance or misapprehension. But presump[1]tuous sinning and obstinacy are an abomination before the Lord, and He will not leave un[1]punished such as thus lightly esteem His words. Therefore take heed to yourself, that you be not a slave to sin. And give not your mouth to lying; for the mouth that lieth slayeth the soul. Wisd. 1:11. There is more hope of a thief, than of a man accusomed to lie; for they are every man’s enemy. A lying child is always hated, and whatever they speak, their words are not hearkened to, and men hold them in derision. The devil is a liar from the beginning, and abode not in the truth. Hence all the ungodly are called children of the devil. When they speak lies, they do according to the nature of their father the devil, who has always continued a liar, wherefore he was also cast out of heaven. Hence, my child, always speak the truth, for the same maketh not ashamed, whether it be for or against you. Always say just as it is; for though you have erred in something, yet if you speak the truth, it will be overlooked more readily, than if you sought to cover it by lying; for lies ultimately are made manifest and come to light, and then the liar must with shame hear words of reproach, which is an abomination before God and men. Hence Paul says: “Lie not one to another, but let every one speak the truth from the heart with his neighbor; for liars shall have no part in the kingdom of God.”
Behold, my dear child Betgen, I have set before you many excellent and precious treas[1]ures, and all for your admonition. I pray you, take them to heart, and often read them over; so that you may thereby be instructed in the fear of God. And do not let this my letter (which I have written with much pains in my prison, with trepidation, fearing lest some one should suddenly surprise me), to lie there idle as a dead fable; but lay it to heart, for a child that loves her father will also love that which comes from her father, and often read it over with delight, thereby remembering her father’s affectionate favor. For as a man, that has his delight in a treasure of money, which he has locked in his strong chest, often goes to contemplate the treasure, to count it over, and to make calculations with it; so do also you often look over and peruse this my letter; for it is of more value than many pieces of gold, for it points you to the fountain of life, whereby your soul may live for ever, if you will be subject to the truth. However, my child, you are young yet, and your mind cannot yet comprehend it all; but I hope the understanding will come yet. Hence give good attention from your youth, to hear the words of God, and the Lord will give you wisdom; buy it of the Lord, for He will give it to you for nothing. Hence lay my words to heart, for they are not my words, but the holy word of the Lord, which Christ Himself has taught us. Therefore, if you would be saved, keep the Lord’s commandments. For he that loves Christ, and will be His disciple, the same will continue in His word; with Him he shall keep His supper in the kingdom of God, His heavenly Father, and He will go before them and serve them, and dwell with them for ever. But he that will be God’s servant here, must submit to much temptation; he must also take his cross upon him, and thus daily follow him; for Christ says: “Ye shall weep and lament, but the world shall rejoice; but be of good cheer: I have overcome the world.” Even as appears now, my child; because I fear
God, and according to my weak ability separate from the world, therefore the world hates me. And through their wicked hatred and envy they have imprisoned me, and it may very soon come to pass, that they shall kill me for the name of Jesus Christ, and for the testimony of His holy word, wherein I also stand steadfast through the grace of the Lord, to risk for it all that I have. For I have nothing which I have not received from the Lord; hence we must willingly surrender it again for His holy name, for what we possess here in this world is but lent us; hence they are foolish who set their heart upon temporal things. For he that fears God must possess all things as though he had them not, for our goods are a prey to every one. All they that fear God are thrust .out of their houses, and they will spoil and scatter them. By this it is known who are God’s chosen children: they are tried as gold in the fire.
Therefore, my child, search the holy Scriptures; they shall show you, that the God fearing must enter into the kingdom of God through much tribulation and suffering. But the ungodly world is not worthy to suffer for the name of the Lord, for they do not know the name of Christ in the spirit. For if they had known Him, they would in former times not have crucified the Lord of glory. Hence, if they hated, persecuted and envied Christ the Son of God, and said that He had a devil, how much the more His disciples! But the Lord be thanked, all their upbraiding, reviling and envying is of no avail, but the Word of God; and Christ says: “Blessed are ye, when men speak evil of you falsely; rejoice and be glad, for your reward shall be great in heaven.” Matt. 5:l 1, 12. Peter says
“The Holy Spirit of God resteth upon him.” I Pet. 4:14. For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ. II Cor. 1:5.
Therefore, my child, though the world upbraid you with it today or tomorrow, you need not be ashamed, for I do not suffer for any crime, as a thief, or murderer, or as one that seeks other people’s property; but it is for the confession of my faith in Christ Jesus, namely, that He is the true Son of God. Hence Peter says, that if one suffers for well doing, it is ac[1]ceptable with God. I Peter 2:20.
Further, my dear child Betgen, it is my fatherly request of you, if I am taken away from you, that you may go to your uncle Lowijs, or to your aunt Tanneken or Jacomijntgen, to live with them; or if they think it best, they may put you with some good friends, to service. Hence I pray you, that you will be subject to your elders, not with eyeservice, to please men, but with all courtesy and modesty, in their absence, as well as in their presence, remembering that you serve not only men, but God. Eph. 6:6, 7. And always be diligent to do what they command you, and be courteous and friendly; and you will be loved by them. And always make yourself the least, and they will exalt and praise you, and do not in anything think too well of yourself, and take good heed not to argue against your elders, or with those with whom you are living; for it becomes young people very ill to contradict or talk back. And, my child, be also just in all your dealings, and steal nothing from people, for this would be a very shameful thing, if young girls or boys were discovered in any unrighteousness. Hence take good heed to keep clean hands, this I pray you, as I hope you will do. And whatever food or drink you see, take nothing therefrom, for it would bring you into disfavor. Hence remember all that I your father have requested of you, and keep it in your heart for a per[1]petual remembrance; for with careful love I have written this for a perpetual memorial, that you might at all times have or keep a good name.
Further, my beloved child, I must tell you yet, always to conduct yourself honorably with all with whom you live; and be well behaved, and show that you do not run into any fornication, which is an abominable, deadly sin before God, and besides exposes a person to the scorn of all men, and you could not attain to an honorable state. Hence always take good heed not to talk, joke or play with any young men, or to have much idle talk with them. lest through the lust of error you fall into sin. Besides I advise you out of fatherly love, to lay to heart all that I request of you, which will be an honor to you before God and all men.
Behold, my child, if I be offered up now, and go the way of all the earth (for all men are born once to die), be of good cheer and console yourself in the Lord, and be strong, and attend unto the admonition of the Lord our God, and lay it to heart, that you walk in His ways and keep His judgments, testimonies, statutes and commandments, as is written in the law and prophets. Hence, my child, when you live with any, if they fear God, they will be bound to admonish and correct you with the word of the Lord. This shall be a proof to you that they love you and seek your soul’s salvation, for which you are also to be thankful; but since you are young yet, you will understand it better when you have more understanding. Therefore pray the Lord diligently, to endow you with wisdom and understanding, so that you may grow up as a green plant in Zion, and as the pleasant rose in Jericho, and as the precious balsam that grows upon mount Hermon. Eccl. 24:14; Ps. 133:2.
Behold, my dear child Betgen, if you fear the Lord with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength and ability, your name shall be written in the book of life, and you shall be marked in your forehead with the name of the living God. You shall also receive a white, shining stone, and upon it a new name written, which no man knows, save he that receives it. You shall also be arrayed in garments of pure, white silk, which is the righteousness of the saints. Moreover, you shall with all the angels of God follow the glorious Lamb of God in great glory, and live forever and ever.
Behold, such glorious rewards shall they have; he that overcometh shall inherit all things that God has prepared for His chosen. He shall lead them to the fountain of living waters, and shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. Rev. 7:17. Therefore fear God, and always seek to be instructed by the God fearing, and lay the words of the Lord well to heart, and keep them as did Mary the mother of the Lord. And always walk with meekness and humility, for God is pleased with those that are humble and lowly of heart; for God has cast down the proud from their seats, but has exalted the humble thereupon; for God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace to the humble. Luke 1:52; I Pet. 5:5.
Therefore humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, and He shall exalt you in due time; for the proud cannot please God. In Proverbs it is written: “These things doth the Lord hate haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood.” Prov. 6:17. “When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.” 11:2. A proud heart is an abomination unto the Lord, and it shall not remain unpunished. Hence Tobit said to his. son: “Let not .pride rule in your heart, nor in your words; for it is the beginning of all destruction.” Out of it proceeds all pride, when man apostatizes from God, and departs with his heart from his Creator; and pride impels to all sin, and he that is infected with it causes many abominations. Hence the Lord always rejected pride, and ultimately cast it down. God cast the proud princes from the throne; and set the humble thereupon; God rooted out the root of the proud nations, and set and planted the humble in their stead.
Hence do not think yourself wise, and do not reward evil for evil to any one, but recom[1]pense with good, as Christ teaches, where He says: “Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: but I say unto you, That ye resist not evil; but whoso[1]ever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy cloak, let him have thy coat also. And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.” Matt. 5:38-41. Not, dear child, that we like to be smitten, or like to lose our cloak when it is taken away from us, that we should also give the coat, or to go with any one three or four miles against our will; but this is what the Scriptures teach us; and Christ also would herewith teach us, in order that we should rightly understand Him, that believers are in no wise permitted to avenge themselves on any man, however great reason they may have, but must commit the matter to God, who judges aright. For when some one smites us, we must rather suffer ourselves to be smitten again, than that we should defend ourselves, or smite back; and when our cloak is taken away, rather also let the coat be taken, than that we should take or get the cloak back by force or by smiting. In short, we must always suffer, but never inflict suffering upon any one, as the law of nature teaches us. Do unto thy neighbor as unto thyself.
Hence we are to wish evil to no one, though in the law of Moses the contrary is written: “Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thine enemy.” But Christ takes this away; for that was in the law of revenge; but now we are under grace. Hence we must also show grace, and not punish, as Christ says: “Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good.” Matt. 5:43-45. Hence, dear child, one may not wish evil to his enemy, much less do him any evil. And do not hate him, neither avenge yourself, but give place to wrath; and be slow to wrath, for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God; but as you would that men should do unto you, so do to them, and you will fulfill the law of Christ. Rom. 12:19; James 1:19, 20; Matt. 7:12.
Further,, my dear child, you are in duty bound to hold your mother, whom you still have, in love and esteem all the days of your life; for she has had much trouble and care with you, from the time that I have been married to her; hence you are also bound to love her, as your own mother. If you part from her today or tomorrow, you must heartily thank her for the motherly love which she has shown you; you ought not to part from her without many tears, for she has been a good mother to you. Therefore, though you should live far away from her, write her a very respectful letter sometime, and if you prosper, you may send her a friendly gift, by which to remember that you hold her in love and esteem; this shall be an honor to you. Hence do the best in all that I command you. And copy or read over fre[1]quently my letter, for a perpetual remembrance of your father; and follow it, and all that is good and acceptable before God.
Furthermore, my child, yield your heart under the obedience of the truth. And always be desirous to hear the word of God, and seek, when you attain to your understanding, to betake yourself among the church of the living God, and that in this way you may, enter into the ark of the covenant; so that you may be a partaker of all the heavenly promises with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and all the prophets and holy apostles of God, our Lord Jesus Christ. Then you shall at the last day (that shall burn as a fiery oven) be delivered. For the ungodly shall be dreadfully tormented; they shall weep and lament forever, for they shall with the dragon, the devil, and all false prophets, be cast into the fiery lake that shall burn with fire and brimstone. Watch therefore in the fear of God, that you be not a partaker of their plagues. For if you today or tomorrow attain to your full age, and your hand is able, remember the poor members of Christ, in communicating to the poor with such as the Lord grants you. And whatever you give, give with a willing heart, and not by constraint, but of a ready mind, for God laveth a cheerful giver, says the apostle Paul. II Cor. 9:7. In Hebrews we read: “To do good and to communicate forget not; for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.” Heb. 13:16. And alms cover a multitude of sins. Through fasting, prayer and alms the Gentile, Cornelius, was ac[1]ceptable to God, and he received the promise of salvation; for as water quenches fire, so alms extinguish sin; and the Lord who holds it will requite it in the time to come, and when he falls he shall find help. “My child,” says Sirach,
“let not the poor suffer want, and be not hard toward the needy. Despise not the hungry, and do not grieve the needy in his poverty. Add not more trouble to a sorrowful heart; and defer not to give to him that is in need. Reject not the supplication of the afflicted; neither turn away thy face from a poor man.” Eccl. 3:30, 31; 4:1-4.
Therefore assist the poor, so that the Lord may richly bless you. If you lay this to heart, and do according to it, your light shall arise as the bright morning star at the beautiful dawn; hence always do well, and if you love God, keep His commandments. Herewith I will conclude my letter. I have presented to you that which is best from the word of the Lord. Water and fire are set before man, namely, life or death. Eccl. 15:16, 17; Deut. 30:19. Hence choose life, that you may forever possess the kingdom of God, with all His chosen saints.
Herewith, my dear child Betgen, I, for this time take a perpetual adieu of you; commend[1]ing you to God the heavenly Father, who is the Father of all orphans, and of all those that fear and love Him. And never neglect or forget diligently to ask God Almighty, and you shall receive of Him, more than you ask, if it is according to His will.
Adieu, my child, if we should see each other no more. I pray the Almighty God and King of kings, that He will govern you by His Holy Spirit, so that I may meet you in the clouds of heaven, where parting shall be no more, this I pray God by His unfathomable grace and love, with bended knees and a weeping heart and uplifted hands.
O Lord, hear my prayer, and let it be done, that through the fruit of my loins Thy holy, most worthy and adorable name may be praised now and forever. Amen.
My child Betgen, if I die, I would like to have your mother give you, for a perpetual memorial, a Testament, a Dirrick Philips Book of Fundamentals, a hymn book, and a copy of the book by Jacob de Keersgieter, which read diligently, for there are many excellent ad[1]monitions contained in them
By me, your father, who wishes you every thing good. A. D. 1589.
Section 633.
That the way which leads to eternal life is strait and narrow, is shown by the holy Scriptures, and moreover, also many devout children of God have actually found this to be so; among whom was also a simple, God fearing woman, by the name of Maeyken Pickelen, who would no longer live according to the commandments and ordinances of men, but much rather sought to obey God, and to follow her Leader, Lord, and Bridegroom, with the oil of love in her vessel, and a burning lamp in her hand. Hence she could also not remain without temptation, but experienced that the kingdom of God must be taken by force; for in the year 1590 she was imprisoned for her faith and the practice of the evangelical truth, and on this account, after much vexation, torment, and suffering, she finally had to lose her life, and thus obtained the martyr’s crown, which the young man (of whom Esdras speaks, II Esdras 2:43) shall set upon her head, whereby she shall be permitted to enter into the eternal, everlasting joy, with all God’s chosen children.
Section 634.
In the year 1591, on a Friday, the 8th of March, Leonhard Boltzinger a brother, was ex[1]ecuted for the Christian faith, not far from Plunaven, in Bavaria, after he had been imprisoned twenty three weeks; for he had been apprehended there the day before St. Michael’s, in the year 1590, and from there been taken into the town of Brauna, and put into a dark dungeon. They also tortured him greatly, in order to make him apostatize from his faith. Once he was drawn up by ropes, and the other time very miserably stretched on the rack; but he would not depart from the truth. Ultimately he was taken back from Brauna to Ulba, the place of his apprehension, where they on the aforesaid Friday led him out to the place of execution. He greatly rejoiced when he saw that he was so near his end, though they strenuously urged him to recant; but he replied: “I stand m the right faith, and therefore, though I had ten heads for one, I should rather have them cut off one after another, before I should renounce my faith.
The executioner then beheaded him with the sword and burned his body.
Thus he persevered steadfastly in the love of God, and refused to separate therefrom, to which end God gave him power, comfort, and strength, that though his sufferings were severe, he esteemed them so lightly, as though they had not been sufferings at all; so firm was his hope of entering into the glory of God, into everlasting joy, that he did not regard this short and transient tribulation.
Section 635.
In this same year 1591, on the fifth day of the month of August, George Wanger, a tailor, was executed for the faith, at Lorenzi, in the Puster thal, in the earldom of Tyrol, after he had been confined for more than a year; for he was apprehended the evening before St. James’ day, in the year 1590. At Lorenzi he was brought into the bailiff’s house, and put into a common prison. The next day he was brought before the bailiff, judge, clerk, and a priest, where they wanted to know of him, who had gone out with him, and where he had staid or lodged. But he answered
“God keep me from this evil; we do not betray our enemies; should I then betray my friends and dear brethren? by the help of God I shall not do this, for it is contrary to the love for our neighbor.” The judge strenuously assailed him with smooth and with hard words; but the brother said: “I received my sound members from God; to Him I will offer them up again, and this with a good conscience.”
Having been confined long at Lorenzi, and examined three times by the authorities, he was in the castle of Michelsberg placed upon the rack, and when he would not, according to their wicked demand, tell what was contrary to God, his conscience, or neighborly love, he was twice so tor; tured, that the marks of it could be seen on him for thirteen weeks.
Having been confined in the castle of Michelsberg about two weeks, he was, on the six[1]teenth day of the month of September, taken to Brixen, and there put in chains in the tower, in which there was much vermin; scorpions also crawled about his head, on his bed and on the walls; he could not well turn over, and always had to keep his head covered, on account of the vermin. During the nineteen weeks that he was imprisoned at Brixen, his death was announced to him twice, and he was at the same time earnestly admonished to recant. But he said: “I have no desire to go to this people to whom you want to drive me; but to amend my life, if I err, and to exhort others that have not yet amended their life, to repentance; this I consider a work of God, and will gladly do it, and keep to God what I promised Him in baptism, to my soul’s salvation.” The priests at Brixen often pestered him in prison with their visits, and also had him summoned before the vicar or provost of the cathedral, twice before the commander, ten times also before monks and priests, nobles and others, and wanted to lead him back to the true church. But he said: “I have not forsaken the true doctrine, faith, or church of Christ, but through the grace of God have obtained it, and want to adhere to it.”
Having been imprisoned at Brixen seven weeks, he was taken back to Lorenzi, and it was intended to execute him after two nights; but this was frustrated by the death of the Bishop of Brixen. He was taken back to Michelsberg, and imprisoned in the castle, until the fifth day of August, when’he was again brought to Lorenzi into the judgment hall, where the priests held judgment over him, first trying whether they could not make him apostatize; but when they could not accomplish that, he was sentenced to death upon the imperial mandate, and it was read to him, that he had apostatized from the Catholic, Roman Church, and been baptized again, and had afterwards also sought to bring others to it, and to seduce them to his heretical sect, as they called it. But Brother George said: “It is no heretical sect, but it is the divine truth and the true way to the kingdom of Gad.” He was then led out to the place of execution, where the commander of Lorenzi again earnestly admonished him, with smooth words, to recant; he would give him so much that he should have enough all the days of his life; and would moreover be surety for him at the last day, if he did wrong in it. But the brother said: “If I did this, and were to accept you as my surety, and the devil should first make off with the surety, where should I then have to go and seek my surety and pledge.” Thus the commander was made ashamed, and desisted from him.
There were also many people present, some of whom wept. He also requested that his hands be released a little, that he might lift them up to God, to thank and praise Him, and to ask Him, that He would give him strength to resist the false prophets and evil spirits. Fi[1]nally. he commended his spirit into the hands of God, and was thus beheaded ‘for the Word of God, and His truth.
Section 636.
In this year 1591, on the nineteenth day of August, the brother Jacob Platser, a locksmith, was apprehended at Silgen, in the Pusterthal, in the earldom of Tyrol, and remained in bonds and imprisonment about eight weeks, until the fifteenth day of October. When they could not accomplish their purposes with him, and he would in no wise renounce that which God had made known to him, nor depart from the truth, he was, in pursuance with the imperial mandate, sentenced to the sword. He was then led out to the place of execution, where he offered up his prayer to God, in which he was of good cheer, to die for the sake of His truth and the faith. The executioner then beheaded him, and afterwards buried him. Thus he testified valiantly unto death, to the Word of God and the true faith, to which God gave him His grace and power.
Section 637.
In the year 1592, in the month of July, there were apprehended at Ghent in Flanders, for the practice of the Word of God, two brethren and a sister, named Bartholomeus Panten, Michiel the widower, and Kalleken N., who suffered much temptation, and were severely examined, by the priests, the Jesuits, and also by the pensionary, before whom they freely and fearlessly confessed their faith, to which they adhered steadfastly without departing from it. Thereupon it happened, that the sister was released from her bonds and set at liberty. But the brethren were severely tortured, in order that they should apostatize from their God, and indicate their fellow brethren. But God, who does not forsake His own, but keeps them as the apple of .His eye, so succored them, that they were enabled to adhere steadfastly to Him and His word, and to keep their lips from bringing their neighbor into trouble. Hence they were finally sentenced to death as heretics, for the testimony of Jesus Christ, and having first been hanged to the gallows, and strangled, in the Count’s castle, they were then buried without in the gallows’ field. And as they helped the Lord Jesus Christ bear His reproach, so shall they also be received up with Him into His glory full of honor and light, to live with Him forever in joy and gladness.
We have also added here, for the benefit of the reader, the letters which Bartholomeus Panten wrote in his bonds.
Section 638.
After an affectionate greeting to you, my beloved brother, without forgetting your wife and household, I inform you, that through the grace of the Lord I am well in body; and as regards the spirit, it is my purpose, by the help of the Lord to adhere to the truth unto the end, which I also wish you. Further, my beloved brother, I inform you of the condition in which I now am, that is, that I am now imprisoned at Ghent together with anotr er man and a woman, for the testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the truth of the Gospel, for which the other man and I have been tortured, and I have unworthily suffered: and they threatened to inflict still further sufferings on us. But Peter says
“And be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled; but sanctify the Lord God in your hearts;” since they cannot do .to you more than is permitted them of God. I Pet. 3:14, 15. And Paul says to the Corinthians: “For we know that, if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven: if so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked. For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened.” TI Corinthians 5:1-4.
Thus, my dear brother, I see no other way to attain to eternal life than to bear the cross which God has laid upon us, as Christ says: “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Matt. 16:24-26. But the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be com[1]pared with the glory which shall be revealed in us, for which cause, says Paul, we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. Rom. 8:18. II Cor. 4:16-18. Know, that I had temptation from the Jesuits and priests, and from the pensionary, but by the help of God I have hitherto resisted all these storms, and hope that He will further help me by His Spirit and power, without which we are not able to do anything; for of myself I have nothing but all weakness, misery and imperfection, which I have lamented with tears before God, praying Him, that He would not enter into judgment with me, without His grace, for there shall no living soul stand innocent before Him.
Herewith I commend you to God, and remember the words of Paul, where he says: “I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, with all lowliness and meekness, with long suffering, forbearing one another in love; endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body, and one Spirit.” Eph. 4:1-4. And to the Colossians: “Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any; even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.” Colossians 3:13-15. And to the Galatians: “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one an[1]other. Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such a one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. Bear ye one another’s burdens . . . . For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself. But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. For every man shall bear his own burden.” Gal. 5:2’5, 26; 6:1-5. Again, in James 5:19, 20 we read: “Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him; let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.” And Peter says
“Above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.” I Pet. 4:8. For John says: “Whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother. For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that ye should love one another. Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother.” I John 3:10-12.
Hence, my dear brother, be kind and affectionate with one another, and forgive one another, even as God has forgiven you through Christ. Paul also says: “Warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men.”
Herewith, my dear brother, I bid you adieu, if we should see each other no more.
Written in my bonds, to Karel Panten, my brother, by me,
Section 639.
As the lily among thorns, so is my love, etc. Canti;
cles 2:2
Christ Jesus teaches. us, Matt. 5:10-12: “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake.: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for. so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.” Hence let us be patient, and rejoice in it, and bless them that curse us, and pray for them that despitefully use and persecute us; that we may be the children of our Father which is in heaven, who maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, on the just and on the unjust. For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. Vv. 44-48.
Thus, my dear friends, let us show common love (charity), and also brotherly love, ac[1]cording to Peter’s teaching. II Pet. 1:7. And also according to the teaching of Paul: “Let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” Gal. 6:10. And: “See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men.” I Thess. 5:15. Again, Peter also teaches us: “Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise, blessing; knowing that ye are therefore called, that ye should inherit a blessing. For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile: let him eschew evil and do good: let him seek peace, and ensue it. For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil. And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good? But and if ye suffer for righteousness’ sake, happy are ye; and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled; but sanctify the Lord God in your hearts. But let none of you suffer as a mur[1]derer, or as a thief, or as an evil doer, or as a busybody in other men’s matters. Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf. For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?” I Pet. 3:9-15; 4:15-18.
“Wherefore, let them that suffer according to the will of God, commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.” V. 19. “And let us look unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who, for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.” Heb. 12:2-4. And Peter also says: “Christ suffered for us in the flesh, and left us an example, that we should follow his steps; who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth; who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously.” I Pet. 2:21-23.
Hence, dear friends, if we want to be of His servants, we must serve the Lord according to His divine will and demands. That is, we must suffer and bear here, and not resist; else we should live to ourselves, and not to the Lord, and so doing we should not follow the footsteps of Christ, for we must bless, and not curse, them that persecute us. As Paul teaches us: “Provide things honest in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore, if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” Rom. 12:17-21.
Hence, my dear friends, and all those that seek their salvation, learn from this to know the sheep from wolves, the doves from hawks. For Christ sent out His own like sheep in the midst of wolves, and admonished them, to be wise as serpents and simple as doves. Matt. 10:16. For all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. II Tim. 3:12, 13.
But when I told it to our persecutors, they said that they also had been persecuted; whereupon I told them, that they only suffered persecution when they were too weak and feeble; but when they had the ascendancy again, they were persecutors themselves, and took our goods, and tormented and threatened us, so that there is fulfilled the prophecy of Esdras: “They shall be like mad men, sparing none, but still spoiling and destroying those that fear the Lord. For they shall waste and take away their goods, and cast them out of their houses. Then shall they be known who are my chosen; and they shall be tried as gold in the fire.” II Esdras 16:71-73. Also Christ says: “These things have I spoken unto you, that you should not be offended. They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that who[1]soever killeth you, will think that he doeth God service. And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me. But these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them.” John 16:1-4.
But, my dear friends, the sufferings of this present time are, not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us; for ear hath not heard, nor eye seen, what God has prepared for them that love Him; for the righteous shall live forever; the Lord is their reward, and the care of them is with the Most High; therefore they shall receive a glorious kingdom and a beautiful crown from the Lord’s hand. Wisd. 5:15, 16. Hence let us with the eyes of the spirit look at the beautiful promises, and with Moses rather choose to suffer af[1]fliction with the children of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward, and esteemed the reproach of Christ greater than all the treasures of Egypt. Hebrews 11:2’5, 26.
Herewith, my dear friends, I will commend you to the Lord, and to the rich Word of His grace; that thereby you may in this time grow up, blossom, be fruitful and flourishing. By me,
Section 640.
The following are some controversies which we prisoners had with the Jesuits. I have written them briefly, according to the best of my recollection; for to write them word for word would be impossible. If we could have been together, I could have written a little more fully, for quite a number of days have passed, since it took place. Again, for proof they quote much from Augustine, and other of their teachers, and also assert that they have existed so long. They know not or will not know, that they have possessed the earth for a long time with deceit, violence and tyranny, kept down the untarnished truth, and instead of the truth believed lies, as Paul declares how that God sends strong delusions, because they received not the love of the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness: Read II Thess. 2. There it is written of the man of sin and the son of perdition, who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped.
I further inform you, that they have assailed me, and would have liked to bring me back to their doctrine. I would have liked to show them by the parable of the tares of the field (Matt. 13:24) that it is unbecoming and contrary to the doctrine of Christ, and also contrary to common love and propriety that any one should be apprehended for his faith (of misap[1]prehension of the holy Scriptures), spoiled of their goods, tortured or put to death; and I partly presented to them the declaration of Christ, that the Father of the household com[1]manded His servants, that they should permit the tares and the wheat to grow up together until the harvest, which is the end of the world, according to Christ’s own declaration. But they said: Jam marces est, that is: “It is now harvest.” I said: “The harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels;” adding: “You assume the service of angels.”
They wanted to excuse themselves with the authorities; but I warned them, seeing that they were the teachers and preachers of the authorities; that our blood should be required at their hands, if they teach the authorities this, and encourage, constrain or counsel them thereto, as they do according to my understanding, for it is contrary to the doctrine of Christ, and the command of God. When His servants asked Him, whether they should root it out, He told them: “Nay, lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.” But they want to be wiser, and to rule over Christ; whereby they show that they are antichrist, that is, contrary to Christ and His doctrine. For if they were true Christians, and disciples of Christ, the bride, yea sheep, doves and members of Christ, or branches on the vine, they would not persecute or inflict suffering upon any one, but would rather suffer and bear persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. II Tim. 3:12, 13.
Again, we also had a controversy concerning baptism with the same Jesuits, and also with the Dean of St. John’s and their pastor, who defended infant baptism and considered it necessary for salvation. But I quoted to them divers Scriptures, that baptism pertains to believers, and that it is not enough, that the faith is confessed with the mouth, but that it must also be apprehended with the heart, as Philip said to the eunuch. Acts 8:37. “If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest.” I also told them that Philip preached the Word of God to those of Samaria, and when they believed Philip (who preached to them of the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ), they were baptized both men and women. And Michiel quoted the Scrip ture from the Acts of the Apostles, in the seconc chapter: “Therefore let all the house of Israe know assuredly, that God hath made that same je sus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ Now when they heard this, they were pricked it their heart; and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren what shall we do Then Peter said unto them, Repent.” Thereupon one of them said: “What is it, to repent?” That is “Be sorry for your sins, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” In the same chapter it is also written: “And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation. Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added to them about three thousand souls.”
And the Dean of St. John’s, and the pastor of the same church, when we talked with them, made a long speech from John 3, where Christ declares
“Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” I said that He had spoken that to the adult; but he would claim, that it was spoken of every one, of children as well as adults; and wanted to conclude from it, that infants that died without baptism were lost, which is untrue, for the kingdom of God belongs to infants, according to Christ’s own promise; and the words which Christ speaks to Nicodemus do not concern infants, but only those that have ears to hear, and hearts to understand. But they insisted: “Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” And they thought that water baptism constitutes the new birth, and that infants are thus regenerated; which is a great misapprehension; for, according to Peter’s words, it is as he says in his first epistle
“Purifying your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently; being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever.” I Pet. 1:22, 23. And James says: “Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of first fruits of his creatures.” James 1:18. And John says: “Whosoever be[1]lieveth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God.” I John 5:1. Christ also says: “That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou Nearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth; so is every one that is born of the Spirit.” John 3:6-8. Behold, thus, the new birth is effected by receiving the word of God; for the old man and his works must be put off, and the new man put on, and this is no child’s work. This I have added here as an explanation to you of the new birth.
We also spake with the Jesuits, and with others, about the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ, in which we did not agree, for they said that He had flesh and blood from Mary. And I said that He is the Son of God, who was born of the virgin Mary, since she had known no man: and I also said, that Paul says: “For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.” Rom. 5:10. And in the Acts of the Apostles it is written: “Unto you first God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities.” Acts 3:26. And John says in his first epistle: “The blood of Jesus Christ his Son,” and not the blood of Mary. I John 1:7. The apostle. Paul also says to the Corinthians: “The first man is of the earth, earthly; the second man is the Lord from heaven.” I Corinthians 15:47. And in the Gospel we read: “He that cometh from above is above all; he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth; he that cometh from heaven is above all. And what he hath seen and heard, that he testifieth; and no man receiveth his testimony. He that hath received his testimony, hath set his seal that God is true.” John 3:31-33. And unto the Hebrews it is written: “Wherefore, when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me.” Heb. 10:5. And Matt. 1:20 it is written: “Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife; for that which is received (conceived) in her is of the Holy Ghost.” That which she received (mark well) did not come from her; else it would be of the earth, as was Mary, and as are all the children of Adam. Not that we had all these words with them, but that you might the better understand the foundation of our faith. The others used many more words than are put here, but I have not remembered them all. They asserted that He was of the natural seed of David. Thereupon we confess that He came forth from the seed of David, and that He is of the house of David, and born of the virgin Mary, through the power and operation of the Holy Ghost, for Mary herself was astonished at this work, when she received the message from the angel, and said to the angel: “How shall this be seeing I know not a man?” And the angel answered and said unto her, “The Holy Ghost shall come upon.thee, and the power of the Highest shall over[1]shadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.” Luke 1:34, 35. In John it is written: “`I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.” John 6:51. Mark well here, whence this bread, which He calls His flesh, came,. whether it came from Mary, who was of the earth, or whether it came from heaven? We say with Christ: “From heaven, and not from the earth, of which ‘.Mary was.”
Again, I also inform you, that we spoke some concerning the Lord’s Supper and the breaking of the bread, with the Dean of St. John’s and their pastor, and their view was, that Christ’s flesh and blood were in their sacrament. Thereupon Michiel said: “If this was so, then they would be eating flesh on Fridays”; which they took amiss, and said that it was not eaten like other flesh. And Kalleken said from John 6: “The flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.” And I quoted to them the declaration of Paul, I Cor. 11:26: “As often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew forth the Lord’s death till he come.” “Hence He is certainly not there,” said I. They said that He was everywhere; and there stood ink on the table at which we sat, and they, or one of them, said that He was in the ink. And one among them had a pen in his hand and said: “He is in the pen.” One of them also said that He was in hell. It did certainly seem, according to their saying, that God was everywhere; and I said: “Into a malicious soul wisdom shall not enter; nor dwell in the body that is subject unto sin; for the Holy Spirit flees from the froward.” Wisdom 1:4, 5. And there were many other words said, concerning their images and idols and their view was that they might be made and set up, but that they might not be worshiped, and that if there were any one that did this, he should be reproved, as they said; and after this manner they spoke. I said to the Jesuits: “If candles are lighted or placed before them, and they are carried upon the shoulders, is that not honoring and serving them?” And I said: “The gods of the heathen are of silver and gold, and the work of men’s hands; they have ears, but hear not; they have eyes, but they see not.” Ps. 115:4-6. One of them, when he heard this, wanted to say, that they did not have any; but upon maturely considering the matter, they had some of silver and gold. And there was still more said about it between Michiel and them; but what I said I have remembered best.
Herewith adieu for this time; farewell; read with understanding, and keep it secret for the present, that the lords may not get to hear of it. By me,
Section 641.
My dear child, hear the instruction of your father, and forget it not, if God permits you to grow up, and you attain to your understanding; and remember how I went before you, according to my limited ability, in all imperfection (which I lament before God), to enter in through the strait gate, for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruc[1]tion, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? My dear child, I say that it is impossible; hence take heed to their fruits; for it agrees in no wise with the holy Scrip[1]tures, that any one should be apprehended, spoiled of his property, and put to death, for his faith; for neither Christ nor His disciples did this; but they had to suffer themselves from unbelievers, and were put to death by them, as it clearly appears, that Christ Himself was numbered among the transgressors, and was led to death like a lamb, and as a sheep dumb before her shearers.
Hence, my dear child, endeavor to follow this Shepherd, if you would be one of His sheep; for Peter declares of Him: “Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that we should follow his steps; who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously.” I Pet. 2:21-23. Hence, my dear child, the author of our faith went before, as Paul declares to us: “Wherefore, seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith: who for the joy. that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.” Heb. 12:1-4.
Thus, my dear child, lay this to heart, and when you attain to your understanding, it is my fatherly request of you, that you will join yourself to those that fear God, who are by far the least among all people, but are yet the true congregation and church of God, who regulate themselves according to the ordinances of the Lord, and according to the practice of the holy apostles, namely, a baptism which is founded upon faith, and must be received as Christ has commanded, and is written in Matthew: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.” Matt. 28:19, 20. Also in Mark: “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.” Mark 16:15, 16. Also in the Acts of the Apostles, where Peter practiced it on many. This confession of faith must not only be made with the mouth, but it must also be apprehended with the heart, and shown by the works, even as John declared to the Pharisees and Sadducees, whom, hi saw coming to his baptism, and said: “O genera tion of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance.” Matthew 3:7, 8.
It must withal be understood, that confession i; not enough, but that sorrow of heart must also be evinced by good works; that the old man with hi; evil works, must first be put off, and that it must be done out of pure faith, as Philip said to the eu nuch: “If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest.” Acts 8:37. For all outward action, without renewing of the spirit, cannot please God. And the Supper we keep in remembrance of the Lord’: bitter death and sufferings, as is declared [a letter] to the Corinthians: “I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, That the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread: and when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat; this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, this cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come.” I Cor. 11:23-26. Now if we are to show His death till He come, He is not daily in their mass, nor in all their idolatry, nor in their idol, with which they visit the sick in their distress, where they say He is; this is far from the truth.
And as regards the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ, we believe what the holy Scriptures declare concerning it, and are satisfied with the confession of Peter, when Christ asked His disciples, who men said that He was: “Some said Jeremiah, Elias, or one of the prophets. Hence Christ asked his disciples: But whom say ye that I am? Peter answered
Lord, thou art the Son of the living God.” Matthew 16:13. And as also Nathaniel testifies: “Thou art the King of Israel.” John 1:49. Paul says: “For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son; much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.” Rom. 5:10. And John says: “The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” I John 1:7. And in the Acts of the Apostles it is written: “God raised up his child Jesus.” Acts 3:26. Now if He raised up His child, it must certainly have been dead. And in Isaiah it is written: “A virgin shall receive [conceive], and bear a son.” Isa. 7:14. If she received [con[1]ceived] him, it is my belief that she did not receive more than she brought forth; and I am satisfied with the work of God, however, it may have been effected. That I should believe, that He is of her flesh and blood, of this I have no testimony in the holy Scriptures, and am content with the aforesaid confession.
We further practice, according to the doctrine of Christ and of the apostles, an excom[1]munication, whereby the disorderly, who pervert their faith in improper works must be punished, as Christ and Paul declare. It must be used with those that have entered into the communion of the saints and been baptized into one body with them, but relapse into any carnal works, as in adultery, who.redom, murder, drunkenness, idolatry, and the like. Matthew 16:19; I Cor. 5:11; I Tim. 5:20.
Hence, my child, when you attain to your understanding, defer not to take up the cross, as much as you value your soul, for it is written: “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:26, 27. Hence everything must be forsaken for the Lord’s sake, for Christ also says in the same chapter: “Whosoever forsaketh not all that he hath cannot be my disciple.” Verse 33.
Therefore, my dear child, look not at the great multitude, but remember the time of Noah, how few there were saved when the world perished by the flood. And that from the five cities of Sodom and Gomorrah there were left but three persons.
Hence, my dear child, separate also from the spiritual Sodom, that you be not a partaker of her sins, and receive not of her plagues. Rev. 18:4. It is also written, II Cor. 6:17, 18; 7:1: “Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.” Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. For the time will come when they shall lament it, who have spent their life here in that which was not proper; for when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. I Thess. 5:3.
Hence, my dear child, Paul says: “But ye are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep as do others; but let us watch and be sober. For they that sleep, sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. But let us, who are of the day, watch and be sober.” Verse 4. As also Peter says: “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are ac[1]complished in your brethren that are in the world.” I Pet. 5:8, 9.
We also believe in a resurrection of the flesh at the last day, of the good and of the evil, of the just and the unjust, so that all that are in the grave, shall hear the voice of the Son of God; and they that have done good shall come forth unto the resurrection of eternal life; and they that have done evil shall come forth unto eternal damnation. John 5:28, 29.
Hence, my dear child, order your paths according to the holy Scriptures, which will show you the right truth; for he that seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Hence, pray the Lord for help and assistance, for He is the Giver of every good thing; that after this life you may hear the welcome voice: “Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: for I was a hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.” Matt. 25: 34.
Hence, my dear child, exercise yourself herein, and have your delight in it: do according to Tobit’s advice: “If thou hast much, give much; if thou hast little, give little, and that with a faithful heart.” Tobit 4:8.
O my dear child, be mindful of what I have written you, and be always faithful and obedient to people, in all that is not contrary to the truth; and be diligent in your labor, courteous, gentle and meek; for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth. Eph. 5:9.
Herewith I commend my dear child to the Lord, and to those that fear God.
This was written by me your father, Bartholomeus Panten, on the same day that I was tortured for the name of the Lord; some, of it before the torturing, and some after it. Let all of you that read this, or hear it read, bear in mind, and not be surprised, though this has taken place, for the apostle Peter says: “Beloved, think it not strange, as though some strange thing happened unto you; but rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that in the time of revelation ye may be glad with exceeding joy, if ye are now reproached here for the name of Christ.” Amen. By me,
Section 642.
In this year, 1592, also one Michiel Hazel, after he had been imprisoned over four years, for the Christian faith, was beheaded in prison, at Witling, in the country of Wurtemberg, on the seventh day of the month of July, continuing firm, steadfast and of good cheer in the Lord, though he had to suffer much misery and tribulation in the time of his imprisonment. For a long time be was confined, not knowing but that he should have to remain in confinement all the days of his life; yet he would not forsake the faith and the divine truth, no matter what might come upon him, even though it were death. Hence even the unbelieving had to give a good testimony of him; for the castellan himself said that this was a good man; and that if such a man did not get into heaven, he would not venture to knock; yea, that if he should come to such an end, he should rejoice over it from the heart.
Section 643.
THOMAS HAN, A. D. 1592
In the year 1592, on the twelfth day of May, also Thomas Han, of Nicktsburg, was im[1]prisoned for the faith, at Freiburg, in Bavaria; he was also very severely tortured and racked, and in order that he should tell what they wanted, and renounce his faith, they had him suspended by ropes from eight until eleven o’clock. But he answered them
“You have my body; do with it what you will; you shall not deprive me of my soul, and I shall also not tell you what you want, nor betray any one; though you extract the veins out of my body, one after another, and cut away a strip from my skin every day, yet I will not renounce, nor depart from the truth.” They applied to him many words of reproach, as that he was a deceiver, and had seduced many to the sect of the Anabaptists. But he said to them: “It is the true, Christian baptism, and not anabaptism; and if I could convert the whole world, I would gladly die three times if it were possible.”
When he had been in .confinement about seven weeks, he was (since he could not be brought to recant) on the 8th of July brought into the council house to be sentenced. As this took place, he turned to the people and exclaimed thrice with a loud voice: “Honor and thanks be to God, that it has come to this, and that this is His will.” The executioner then bound him, and wanted to place him into a wagon, but he said: “I will walk to death, even as also Christ our Lord walked to death”; and he thereupon commenced to sing. The beadle enjoined him silence, but the executioner said: “Let him alone.” In going out, a priest joined himself to him, and also other persons went with him. The priest asked (when he refused to be instructed) whether he thought that he and his like alone were righteous, and that the rest were all damned. But Brother Thomas answered
“We endeavor to live piously, and shun sin; but those who will live in sin, we put away from us, and do not tolerate them; yet we condemn no one; but every one that commits sin is condemned by his evil works, and this we tell them.” Thereupon the priest said: “We also reprove sin.” The brother said: “How should you reprove, for where the shepherd is not good, how then should the sheep be good? You are false prophets, how then should you reprove falseness?” And he further said to the priest: “Go away, you false prophet; 1 cannot behold you any longer.” Thereupon the priest began to exalt his sacrament, that it was the true body and blood of Christ, and that whosoever partakes of it has no sin. The brother said: “You go around with your sacrament, and sell it for money, even as Judas sold and betrayed the Lord; but we observe the Lord’s Supper in remembrance of Him, according to His command.”
He then asked the priest, where there was anything written of the sacrament. The priest became silent, and did not know what to answer, except that he said: “It is written in the Bible.” Thomas asked: “Where?” The priest said: “Paul writes of it in the fifteenth chapter.” The brother said
“That is not so;” and then went on to say: “Do go away from me, you false prophet.” When they arrived at the place of execution, the executioner asked whether he wanted to pray. This he did, and then said: “I have finished my prayer; proceed now, for I wish to get out of this world.” He then knelt down, and the executioner quickly drew forth the sword, to frighten him, and then begged him three times for God’s sake, to renounce, and he would let him go. But the brother said: “Renounce I will not; but proceed with your work, for it must be.” Thus the executioner beheaded him, he peacefully commending his spirit to God. The executioner then placed the body upon the wood, and singed it a little, and then buried the severed head with the body. And though there was a strong wind that day, yet the smoke of the fire ascended straight up to heaven, as can also be testified by all who saw it. This happened at Freiburg, in Bavaria, on the 8th of July, A. D. 1592.
Section 644.
The same year 1592, on Mary Magdalene’s day, Mattheus Mair was apprehended at Wier, in the district of Baden. This was brought about by a priest, who upon coming out of the church, and noticing the brother, sent his servant maid after him, to see whether he should leave the village. He further commanded her, that she should so speak to him, as though she also wanted to become of his persuasion, and would like to go with him to his people; in the meantime he should come, and send other persons there, who should speak with him. With such words the maid delayed the brother, till the priest sent out some peasants, who apprehended him, and conducted him into the town of Baden. Six days after, namely, the 28th of July, as he would not follow them, nor renounce his faith, the ungodly pack of priests proceeded with him; however, what they talked with him, or what he answered them, this they did not allow to come to the light. When he was led forth to death, there were present his brother in law and several of his friends, who interceded for him, and also offered to give money for him; but they could obtain nothing, yea, not even to speak with him.
Now as he was going forth to death, he asked among the people, where his brother in law and friends were, and how they might come to him; saying that he had to charge them, that they should tell his brethren and sisters, to take care of his wife and child, for they were with a pious people. This he spoke aloud among the people. Then one of his friends among the people consoled him and said, that he should not yield, but be valiant; he should soon have overcome. Thereupon one smote the friend, who had said this, for it, and said that he was also a heretic, and ought to be treated like the rest. Now when the executioner had thrust brother Mattheus into the water, he drew him out again three or four times, and each time asked him whether he would recant. But he always said, “No,” as long as he was able to speak; hence he was drowned, on the twenty ninth day of the month of July, through the power of God steadfastly persevering in the faith. There was much said about his death, by high and low, as that they murdered him, and the traitorous Judas and priest were cursed; for this Mattheus was a well known, good and pious man; hence God also gave him power to continue steadfast in the faith unto his end.
NOTE. The envy of some of the Calvinists in the town of Middelborgh was at this time so great against the defenseless sheep of Christ, who had come to them from various papistic towns, to escape the distress and persecution, and expected to rest under their protection, that they paid no attention. and had no regard. neither to humble sup; plications nor the repeated commands of the Prince of Orange, who in the years 1577 and 1578 had given orders to the magistrates there, to let these people dwell in peace; but disturbed the peace of said people, and the practice of their religion. Hence Maurice, the oldest son of the aforesaid prince, of honorable memory, following the footsteps of his father, issued, for the third time, a prohibition concerning the oppressing of the aforesaid people, to the end that they might now certainly obtain liberty of conscience, as appears from the following act
Maurice, born Prince of Orange, Count of Nassau, Marquis van der Vere, to the honor[1]able most learned, wise, discreet, dear, particular, etc.
That which has been brought to our knowledge, on behalf of Haijaert de Poorter, and Joost Leonisse, sawyers and wood sellers, residing in the town of Middelborgh, you will learn at length from the accompanying request; and though we do not doubt at all, but that you will conduct yourselves, with the supplicants, in the points of their requests and com[1]plaint, entirely according to the import of the resolution previously taken with regard to this, by the Lords States of Holland and Zealand; and will conform to such acts and letters as have been granted to the supplicants and their fellow brethren in the same profession, in the time of our lord and father the Prince of Orange, of worshipful memory; yet we would nevertheless hereby earnestly request you, seeing this matter concerns not only the town of Middelborgh in particular, but these United. Provinces in general, that you will regulate your self according to the import of the aforesaid resolutions, in all quietness and friendship, allowing the aforesaid supplicants and their fellow brethren to enjoy such liberties as have been granted them by said resolutions and acts respectively, until the aforesaid Lords Gen[1]eral States of these United Provinces shall have further considered and disposed of the aforesaid matter. And besides that, we deem it reasonable and just, it is our pleasure.
And hereby, honorable, most learned, wise, discreet, dear, particular, we commend you to God.
Gravenhage, on the 4th of March, 1593.
Your very good friend,
The superscription was: To the honorable, wise and discreet, our dear, particular burgo[1]masters, judges and rulers of Middelborgh, and was sealed with his excellency’s seal.
Below was written: Compared with the original, and found to agree with it.
Further Observation. Upon this followed, it appears, some rest, so that the scattered flock of Christ began to increase some at that place, and to extend its membership. In the mean[1]time, however, [in the dominion] of popery they were still persecuted to death; of whom, among others that lost their lives there, the following have come to our notice; from which the distress of that time, though there was rest in some places, can be inferred and judged.
Section 645.
Aeltgen Baten was an aged woman, and Maeyken Wouters a young woman of about twenty four years. Both were born at Sonhoven, in the seignioralty, of Vogelsnack, belonging under the territory of Luyck, and resided there. Through the grace of God they obtained the true knowledge of the holy Gospel, believed the same, amended their lives, according to its requirements, and had themselves baptized upon the faith in Jesus Christ, according to His divine commandment and the practice of His dear apostles. As this, however, could not be tolerated, complaints were entered against them at Luyck, where the Court is held, and where orders were given to bring them thither as prisoners, which was done, in the following manner: The lords of Luyck have certain beadles, called trappers, whom they send through the country whenever they want to have any one apprehended. They sent fourteen of these trappers from Luyck to Sonhoven, to apprehend these two women, or any others, and to bring them to Luyck. They first captured Aeltgen, and afterwards Maeyken and her brother (who was still very young), who had made themselves ready and it was the intention of both of them, if their father should have been taken, to go with him and not to forsake him; but as they did not catch the father, her brother also escaped the trappers.
Thus they began to conduct these two lambs to Luyck; but as they, on their way to Luyck, had to pass through Hasselt, a town about a league distant from Sonhoven, these two lambs were spoken to by many of their acquaintances at Hasselt, and it was greatly lamented, that they had to go to Luyck, into prison, and much sympathy and solicitude was expressed for them. Maeyken said to them: “If the Lord has so ordered it, I would rather go to Luyck [namely, for the testimony of Christ]; than home.” And thus they proceed through the city, and went to Luyck, in all a distance of about eight leagues: When they got there, they were imprisoned ten weeks in the official’s tower. During this time, they showed each other great love, tending as it appears, much to edification and encouragement; for the young sister would gladly have borne in her own body, if it had been possible to do so, all the hardships which her dear, old sister suffered. They endured much vexation, being threatened, frightened, and also entreated, in order to turn them from the faith.
Once the bishop’s chaplain came to the young sister, with bland words, and brought a can of wine with him, in the hope that he should overcome her. With words of greatest suavity he presented to her the matter; yea, he got down upon his knees, and with folded hands begged her to recant and to believe the Romish church. But Maeyken proved herself faithful, and repelled the devil’s deceit, so that the tempter went away. On another occasion, a man from her village, who was acquainted with her, came to Luyck. He had heard that it was reported that she should have to die, and his soul was set on fire, and the matter excited his carnal sympathy, thinking: “And must that young girl die?” Hence he thought with himself, that he would talk with her, in order to see whether he might not move her. He therefore went to her in prison, and called Maeyken out alone, and said
“My dear Maeyken, Oh that you would obey, and yield a point, to be released from these bonds. When you get out, you can live as before.” Thereupon she replied: “My dear friend (callin him by name), would you advise me this, that should forsake God and become a child of the devil?” The man said: “Then you will have to die.” Thereupon Maeyken said: “I should rather have this come to pass with us, than enjoy the light of day.” When the man heard this, he became silent, so that he turned around with weeping eyes, and said nothing more to her. They, were both tortured and suspended on Thursday night; but they remained silent and fainted away. Then they poured water over Maeyken, upon which she cried aloud; but more than that they did not obtain from either. During the night they lay together quietly. On Friday night they sang with great joy. Having been thus imprisoned for a long time, they were finally brought into the official’s court, and condemned according to their spiritual law. When they heard their sentence, they thanked the Lord with a joyful heart, yea, with a laughing mouth. They then delivered these two persons over to the secular judge, who received them, and placed them again in his prison, in which they suffered great distress for a few days, on account of the uncomfortable condition of the prison. However the Lord ordered it, so that they took consolation and courage in the Lord, and Aeltgen’s husband sent her money and blankets for her needs, for which she thought she had no further use, and hence refused it altogether. She asked her dear sister Maeyken, whether she would have it. Maeyken said: “I have as little need of it as you, my dear sister”; for they trusted soon to live in all fullness and joy with the Lord. “Yes,” said Aeltgen, “if the door stood open, I should not wish to go away.” And since in all their sufferings they were so joyful in God, they thanked God in heaven in their hearts, and sang praises to Him in prison.
Afterwards they wanted to sentence them by the secular law, which it was said, was done by four judicial persons, or judges, namely, that these two persons should be drowned (for the Word of God), by being cast alive, bound, from the Meuse bridge. On that same Saturday there came to them to Luyck two men from their locality, to ask both of them, whether they had some word to send yet. Coming thus unbeknown, they found them in a chamber, where sat the lords to sentence them, and they were standing in their midst, and when Aeltgen saw her acquaintance she said to him: “Nephew, have you come to visit us once more? We trust to offer up our sacrifice within one hour; we thank you heartily for it, and I request you to please tell my husband, to bring up my children in the fear of God.” Maeyken also said: “Do bid my father and mother many adieus.” This they spoke while standing among the lords, expecting their sentence. The men tarrying a little, one of the lords bowed himself before Maeyken, begging her to recant and to believe in the Romish church; and her life should be spared. Thereupon Aeltgen said: “We want to die, as Christ’s apostle did.” Now when their last hour was approaching, both were brought forth from prison. Hence, both of them being rejoiced, they began to sing and to thank and praise God; but alas! the poor lambs could not long enjoy this; for what is granted to thieves and mur[1]derers, namely, to speak, of this they were deprived, and they were conducted back to prison, where their mouths were gagged, and they were thus, as dumb lambs, led to the slaughter and death. When they arrived on the Meuse Bridge, many and various reports of this matter were circulating among the common people. When they arrived at the place appointed, the executioner began to bind them, but they had to keep silent, until the executioner loosed the cloth that was before their mouths, and tied it over their eyes. Then Aeltgen first said: “O Lord, this. is a beautiful city indeed; would that it repented with Nineveh”; and commend[1]ing herself to God, the executioner forthwith cast her from the bridge down into the water, and she was instantly drowned.
The executioner then also released Maeyken’s mouth, so that she was heard to speak, saying to the executioner: “Grant me, that in my greatest extremity I may pray to God and call upon Him.” The executioner said: “Pray to our lords the magistrates, and believe with us in the Romish church; and you shall save your life.” Maeyken said: “I have never done amiss to the magistrates; hence I also need not to worship them”; but the executioner gave her a short answer, and giving her no time, cast her down from the bridge immediately; she did not sink instantly as Aeltgen, but with blooming cheeks she drifted upon the water for a long time, until, it is said, she had reached the lower side of the city.
Thus these two Christians ended their lives to the honor of God, on the 24th of July, 1595.
Section 646.
The abundant mercy of God our heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord, this I wish you, my dear father and mother, brothers and sisters, whom I love much from the heart, but our heavenly Father above all, for He has called me, that I should help Him bear His sufferings, for which I have asked Him many times, if I might be worthy of it. Hence I followed Him with great joy.
My dear father and mother, think not (though I am bodily separated from you and the flock of Christ) that my Bridegroom will forsake me; think what He has said: “Though a mother should forsake her child, yet will I never forsake mine elect, whom my heavenly Father has given me.” Isa. 49:15. Hence if it is His pleasure, I shall soon be delivered. But if you now deliver me with temporal wealth, you deprive our Bridegroom of His honor, and believe not that He will deliver me.
Hence, my dear father and mother, grieve me no more about paying the costs; for you have burdened me greatly, day and night, because I sent word to you so many times, that you should not ransom me, and you did not write me an answer.
Hence, my dear father and mother, speak with our friends, so that I may receive a comforting letter from you or from the others, which would be to me a great joy; for otherwise I desire no comfort from men, only from our heavenly Father alone, who is able to provide for us.
O dear friends, if I continue steadfast in that which my heavenly Father lays upon me, what great treasure I hope to gather thereby, which will fall to me hereafter, which is a great joy to me. O my dear father and mother, is this not a greater joy to you; than if I had not done according to your will, and had gone off with a young man, as you have doubtless heard of other girls? Hence rejoice and make melody to the Lord in your hearts, because the Lord has made me, unworthy one, worthy thereto and you have brought me up to God’s praise. Remember that there is still more written, where the Lord says: “Blessed are ye, when men persecute and revile you for my name’s sake; rejoice and be exceeding glad then, for great shall be your reward in heaven.” Matt. 5:11, 12.
Know, dear father and mother, that I have been before so many lords and authorities, also priests and Jesuits, who sought nothing but to murder my soul. But the Lord our God gave me wisdom and understanding, and a mouth to speak which, I believe, was pleasing to our dear Lord. Very many times they predicted my eternal damnation, and said to me: “If you do not forsake your sect, and live according to the holy Roman Church, as the whole world does, you will, as truly as God is in eternal life, never attain to repentance:” Then I said to them: “I doubt not, but trust that if we finish it by the help of the Lord, we shall through grace obtain the eternal joy.” Then they said to me: “God has nothing to do with you; you are a child of the devil; the devil has you by the throat, who will confirm you even unto the fire. God created you beautiful, and made you after His own image; and is it not a pity now, that you will have to die an ignominious death, and hereafter inherit eternal fire?” I said to them: “I will rather die, than apostatize from my faith, if it is God’s pleasure. Thus I am ready, much rather today than tomorrow; I will not fear men, who must die; but I will much rather fear my heavenly Father, who has given me my life; though I now, for His sake, lose it, He can give it to me again.”
Then they left me. The omnipotent, strong and mighty God, our heavenly Father, who always helps us to triumph, and does not forsake them that have put their hope in Him, and never turn their faith from Him, the Lord our God, who sits in the highest throne of glory, come to our aid; He alone is worthy to receive praise and thanks, honor and glory, and blessing forever and ever. Amen.
Hereby I most heartily greet my dear father and mother, brother and sister, with the peace of the Lord. Dear friends; when you offer up your prayers before the Lord, do not forget me, since I shall not forget you; may the Lord be our helper. Amen.
Once more, in particular I greet father and mother, brother and sister, and further all believers and lovers of the truth; let all pray heartily for me. I hope to be diligent, as far as the Lord has given me grace. God be with us all. Amen.
I had this letter written, when I was in prison for the testimony of the truth, in the town of Luyck, A. D. 1595. I, a feeble member of the Christian church, bearing now in my body the marks of my Lord. Adieu, now, all of you.
Section 647.
At Brussels, under the reign of the archduke Albert, there was apprehended for her faith and following Christ, a young maiden named Anneken van den Hove (being the servant maid of Nicolaes Rampaert’s sister), having been betrayed, as it was said, by the pastor of the Savel church at Brussels.
This Anneken was imprisoned two years and seven months, in which time she suffered much temptation, from priests, monks, Jesuits and others, who thereby sought to make her apostatize from the faith she had accepted; but however great pains they took with her, in the way of examining, tormenting, fair promises, threats, long imprisonment, and otherwise, she nevertheless constantly remained steadfast in the faith in her Lord and Bridegroom, so that finally, on the ninth of July, 1597, certain Jesuits came and asked her whether she would suffer herself to be converted, for in that case she should be released and set at liberty. Thereupon she replied: “No.” They then offered to give her six months more time for con[1]sideration; but she desired neither day nor time, but said that they might do what seemed good to them, for she longed to get to the place where she might offer up unto the Lord a sacrifice acceptable unto Him. This answer having been conveyed to the judges, information was brought her about two hours afterwards, that if she wanted to die, prepare herself, unless she wished to turn.
Hence the justice of the court, and also a few Jesuits, went out with her about eight o’clock, half a mile without the city of Brussels, where a pit or grave was made, while in the meantime she fearlessly undressed herself, and was thus put alive into the pit, and the lower limbs having first been covered with earth, the Jesuits who were present asked her whether she would not yet turn and recant? She said: “No;” but that she was glad that the time of her departure was so near fulfilled. When the Jesuits then laid before her, that she had to expect not only this burying alive of the body into the earth, but also the eternal pain of the fire in her soul, in hell. She answered that she had peace in her conscience, being well assured that she died saved, and had to expect the eternal, imperishable life, full of joy and gladness in heaven, with God and all His saints.
In the meantime they continued to throw earth and (as has been stated to us) thick sods of heath ground upon her body, up to her throat; but notwithstanding all their asking, threatening, or promising to release her and take her out of the pit, if she would recant, it was all in vain, and she would not hearken to it.
Hence they at last threw much additional earth and sods upon her face and whole body, and stamped with their feet upon it, in order that she should die the sooner.
This was the end of this pious heroine of Jesus Christ, who gave her body to the earth, that her soul might obtain heaven; thus she fought a good fight, finished her course, kept the faith, and valiantly confirmed the truth unto death.
Since she then so loved her dear leader, Christ Jesus, that she followed Him not only to the marriage at Cana, but also, so to speak, even to the gallows hill, there cannot be withheld from her the honor and name of a faithful martyress, who suffered all this for His name’s sake.
Hence she will also afterwards, when going forth as a wise virgin, yea, as a dear friend of the Lord, to meet her heavenly Bridegroom, be joyfully welcomed and received in the heavenly halls of immortal glory, together with all steadfast servants of God.
O God, be merciful also unto us that are still living, that continuing faithful unto the end, we may with her, and all the saints receive Thy blessed inheritance.
Section 648.
It was for a long time believed (which originated in the assertions of some adherents of the Reformed Church), that the afore mentioned Annekan van den Hove died for the sake of the Calvinistic or so called Reformed faith; but this was long ago justly contradicted, by written as well as by oral testimonies; among others, through a certain letter, which was written in the month of July (when she was offered up) by some one from Antwerp, to one of his friends; in which it is stated, in papistic style, that she was buried alive outside of the city of Brussels, because she belonged to the Anabaptists.
One year subsequently, namely, 1598, there was published a printed work called the Apologia Catholica, by Franciscus Kosterus, in which, on page 160, these words are found: “Moreover, there was no injustice done at Brussels, to Anneken van den Hove, inasmuch as they proceeded against her in accordance with the old laws of the emperor’s; nor need the Calvinists complain of the lords; for she was found a Mennonist and Anabaptist, who Calvin himself confesses, ought to be punished.” See the afore mentioned book, printed at Antwerp, by Joachin Trognesius, edition 1598, at the place referred to.
Subsequently, in the year 1601, another tract was printed and published at Antwerp, by Hieronymus Verdussen, entitled: Brief and true account o f the sufferings o f solve pious and glorious martyrs, etc., wherein she, near the close, is pronounced an Anabaptist.
Moreover, a certain school teacher and sexton of the papistic church at Aelst, who then resided in Brussels, near the Stone Gate, where she was imprisoned, and who often brought her food, made the verbal statement, according to creditable testimony, that she had such a faith and religion as the Mennonites, etc.
It was also then, and shortly after that time a common saying at Brussels, of those that had any knowledge concerning her views, that she agreed therein with the Anabaptists, etc.
Section 649.
We will abridge this century with which formerly also our old Oferboeckwas concluded; showing the destruction of some tyrants, who were no small cause of this last and severest persecution of all.
Even as the old man whom King Antiochus had sent out to Jerusalem, notwithstanding he set up many abominations, and tyrannized against the law of God, could nevertheless not suppress the people of God and His law, but had to behold their increase [even] under the persecution, and besides see that the country was full of wars and commotions and res[1]isted the king; even so it also came to pass with the aged Ferdinand Alvares de Toledo (also called Duke of Alva), whom King Philip II had sent from Spain into these Netherlands; however much he endeavored to make everyone accept the abomination of idolatry, above God and His Word, and however dreadfully he raged, utterly to exterminate the true lovers of the divine truth, and ardent followers of the holy Gospel, yet he could not, to the satisfaction of his furious and bloodthirsty disposition, accomplish his presumptuous undertaking.
For under his severe and bloody persecution, the church of the God fearing, the pure bride of Christ, still constantly bloomed as a beautiful rose among pricking thorns, and was fruitful, to the praise of the Most High.
But he himself, who sought to rule over all Netherland lords, and to oppress others, met with resistance from some of those whom he sought to exterminate, who, however, were not of the defenseless sheep of Christ, so that, after he had for about seven years indulged his desire for bloodshed, slaying and murdering for the faith (when the country was full of war on his account), he had to depart in disgrace, and with him one John Vergas, who was a member of his council of blood; which many regarded as a punishment of God for his wickedness. But a still severer fate awaited Jacob Hessel, one of the chief members of his deadly court, and Jan de Vis, bailiff of Ingelmunster; who, some time afterwards, were taken out of prison, without previous announcement, or sentence having been pronounced, con[1]ducted without the city of Ghent, and hanged to a tree. And even as they had sentenced many others to death unexpectedly, so they also had to yield up their lives unexpectedly, and thus there was meted to them with the same measure with which they had measured to others. From this we can easily perceive God’s just punishment upon those who persecute and kill Christ and His members. Likewise in the case of the high bailiff of Halewijn, named George de la Rave, who also participated in the tyranny over the children of God, by perse[1]cuting, dispersing and apprehending them, and otherwise. In the year 1571 he assisted in apprehending, among others, one Adriaen Jans Hoedmaecker (who was burnt at Rijssel on account of his faith), and in the year following, on the same spot where Adriaen had been apprehended, he met together with some intoxicated persons, with whom he and his servants fell into an altercation and fight in which he was wounded to such an extent, that he had to lie in bed with the wound for a long time and finally died a painful death in great distress of mind. Hence he had several confessors come to him, who could nevertheless not rid him of the gnawing worm of a torturing conscience; but he had to end his life as a tyrant in misery.
But especially can it be seen, how hard it is to kick against the goads, in the case of one Pieter Titelman, the Dean of Ronse, who was probably the chiefest inquisitor in Flanders. He was about this time in Kortrijck, smitten with a severe disease by God, lice growing out of his wicked body so abundantly, that he could not be kept clean therefrom, notwithstanding he was supplied with clean linen, and otherwise cleansed two or three times a day. No remedy could be procured and he died a most distressing and miserable death.
Concerning this Dean of Ronse it is also written, that having gone forth on a certain occasion with a small number of men, to apprehend these witnesses of God, and thus to deliver them into the hands of the torturers and slayers, he came, at evening, into an inn, where he met a bailiff, who had gone out with a great number of beadles, to apprehend vagrants and wicked men. The bailiff asked Ronse with surprise, how he dared trust his body with so few servants, to apprehend other people; for if I were to do so, said he, I would soon lose my life: Thereupon Ronse replied; that he had no fear in this respect, since he had gone out to catch only good men, from whom he had no danger to apprehend. Upon this the bailiff, particularly reflecting upon Ronse’s words, answered: “If you arrest the good people, and I the bad, who then shall remain free?” Hereby this Dean of Ronse certainly bore testimony of himself, that he had laid his hands on the just, who had not resisted him. So it can also be perceived from this bailiff’s remark, that he himself well knew that the magistracy’s power ought to be used only for the punishment of the evil, and the protection of the good; and that therefore this Ronse and his adherents shamefully abused their authority on these people.
It also happened at Dixmuyden, in Flanders, in the year 1553, when the pious Wouter Capelle, who is mentioned in this book, was burnt for the truth, that there was a simple, harmless fellow, who was arrested by the lords of Dixmuyden. He begged in the streets, and was thus fed by good hearted people. And since the afore mentioned Wouter Capelle, (by trade a say weaver) was very liberal in supplying the poor with food, communicating to them from the labor of his hands, it occurred, two or three days before Wouter was appre[1]hended, that this simple fellow, late in the evening, came to Wouter’s house. Wouter asked him whether he wanted something to eat. He said: “Yes.” Hence Wouter brought him a piece twice until he did not wish any more. Now when it came to pass, that Wouter Capelle was sentenced to be burnt, this simple fellow cried: “You thieves and murderers, you shed inno[1]cent blood; this man has done no evil but has very kindly fed me.” And this he cried con[1]stantly, and as Wouter was brought forth to be burned, he also stepped near and wanted to run into the fire with the condemned man, so that they had to carry him away by force. And when he was dead, the burnt body having been brought outside of the city to the gallows field, this simple fellow daily resorted thither, heeding neither snow nor rain, and stroked with his hands the burnt body, and said: “O poor fellow, you have surely done no evil, and yet they have shed your blood; and you have fed me so kindly.” Finally, when the body had been almost devoured by the birds, this man on a certain occasion took off the whole skeleton, laid it upon his shoulders, and ran in to the gate with it. Hence many people followed him, to see whither he should take it, but he went with it to the lord burgomaster of the city, and when the latter had opened his door, he threw the whole skeleton down into the hall, and said (also other lords being gathered there): “You thieves and murderers, if you have eaten the flesh of this man, eat the bones, too.” And as the lords of Dixmuyden had erected an iron stake in the place where the aforesaid Wouter Capetle had been executed, for a token and lasting memorial, that such a heretic (as they regarded him) had been burned there; it came to pass that the burgomaster of said city, into whose house the skeleton had been thrown, became sick unto death, and his sickness so affected him, that in his delirium he cried out that he had seen the angel of God fly over the stake with the soul of the burnt Wbuter Capelle. And this he constantly cried, till the lords. caused the iron stake to be re[1]moved; then he ceased his cry; but died most miserably shortly afterwards. In consequence of this, it seems, those of Dixmuyden were so frightened that afterwards they shed no more innocent blood.
Concerning this avenging hand of God, which lie very signally exercised upon bloodthirsty tyrants and persecutors of His people, you may also read in an epistle of Menno Simons, S. G. folio 133,* which the latter wrote in his time to Martin Mikron, and which partly related to the aforementioned Menno himself. It reads as follows
“It is now about eighteen or nineteen years since that a very eminent and distinguished man, who was highly esteemed by the world, but whose name and country I will not mention, wickedly advised, how they should extirpate me and the pious. He had scarcely finished his words and wicked thought, when the avenging hand of the Most High touched him. He dropped at the table, and thus in a moment ended his impenitent, bloodthirsty, wicked, ungodly life in a most dreadful manner, O terrible judgment?” This happened about the year 1539.
“About the same time it happened to another man, who thought that he would so set his trap for me, that I could not escape, that he, in like manner, at the same meal he was eating, while speaking the words, was suddenly pierced by an arrow from the Lord’s quiver, being smitten with a severe disease, and thus had to give an account before the almighty, avenging God, and was buried within eight days from the time he had spoken these words.
“Still another, who was to become an officer to the emperor in a certain place, fancied that he should exterminate this people, if there was any virtue in the imperial authority. He came to the place where he was to be located and serve in his capacity; and four or five days thereafter, the bell . was tolled and the requiem sung over him.
“Behold, thus God the Lord annihilates the designs of the ungodly who assail His holy mountain, and brings to naught all those that hate His truth and are inimical thereto.
“In the year 1554, it also occurred that three of our brethren were at Wisbuy in Gotland, for the purpose of earning a livelihood there. A preacher of that city, whose name was Laurentius, who was led by the spirit of his father [the devil], cried after them on the street, and reviled them as much as he could, saying that they should not practice their religion there, though it should cost him all that was inside of his coat, namely, body and soul. A few days afterwards he came to converse with one of these brethren, another preacher also being present, who was somewhat more reasonable in disposition. He reviled and carried on dreadfully; but the great Lord smote him in the presence of them both, so that he was suddenly deprived of his speech, and within twenty one hours (alas!) was numbered with the dead. O terrible punish[1]ment and judgment of God!
* English Edition 2nd part page 419.
“A case almost similar occurred the same year at Wismar, where they had accepted a crier, named Doctor Smeedesteed, who said that he would rather have a hat full of our blood, than a hat full of our gold. He persuaded the magistrates (who gladly have and want to hear such pillow makers) to proclaim just before cold winter, to the poor children, to clear the place before St. Martin’s Day; or they should be put where they should not like to be. Smeedesteed was very joyous that he had accomplished the fulfillment of his heart’s desire; but to his sore judgment; for that very day the almighty, great Lord laid the hand of His wrath upon him, and within six or seven days took him away by an awful and severe sickness. Yet the hardened, blind and stupid world did not perceive it.
“A. D. 1555, it occurred again in that city, that there was a preacher, named Vincentius (who still lives there), who never grew tired, of his ungodly reviling and severe reproaching. On the day they call the Lord’s Ascension Day, he read from the Scriptures (Mark 16:16): `He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved,’ and said he should reproach and revile us, as long as his mouth was open. Instantly the strong power of God closed it, and bound his tongue, and he fell down in the pulpit, and was carried out by some of those present, as one punished of God, and taken into his house a dumb man. Behold, thus He can punish those who would touch and injure the apple of His eye.
“If I were to relate all the incidents which in my time befell the enemies of the saints, it would require a separate volume.” Thus far from Menno Simons.
It is appropriate to add here, what happened to the said Godfearing Menno Simons himself. A traitor sold him for a certain amount of money, binding himself to deliver him into the hands of the tyrants, or he would lose his own head instead; in which, however, to his own injury he did not succeed, though he put forth his utmost diligence to accomplish it. He repaired to their meeting, and diligently spied out a place where they assembled; but Menno in a miraculous manner escaped his hands.
It occurred also, that the traitor and the officer, who had gone out to seek and apprehend Menno, unexpectedly met him in a small boat on a canal. The traitor kept silence, till Menno had passed on a piece, and then jumped on .shore, to escape with less peril. Then the traitor said: “See there, the bird has escaped us.” The officer called him a villain, and upbraided him for not speaking in time. The traitor replied: “I could not speak, for my tongue was held.” This was taken so amiss by the lords; that they severely punished the traitor, for a rigorous and instructive example to all bloodthirsty traitors.
Thus there can, by these and similar examples mentioned in divers places in this book, as also in both Testaments, in murderous Cain, Pharaoh, Jezebel, Antiochus, Herod, and many similar ones, be manifestly seen and perceived the avenging hand of the Almighty God, and how grievously they offend against the God of heaven and earth, who here afflict, persecute and kill His people; and what intolerable punishment they have to expect at the coming of Christ from heaven; of which this temporal punishment is but a beginning and foretaste, seeing the Son of God, in the day when He will arise to avenge Zion, will regard all that has been inflicted upon His own, as though the apple of His own eye had been touched. Then shall all persecutors be sorry with too late repentance, and groan for anguish of spirit, who here condemned and killed the just, who did not resist them. Wisd. 5:3; James 5:6.
Hence the wise woman Judith says in her song of praise: “Woe to the nations that rise up against my kindred! for the Lord Almighty shall judge them, and visit them in the day of Judgment; for he shall put fire and worms in their flesh, that they shall burn, and feel it for ever.” Judith 16:17.
Oh, how good were it for all tyrannical men, if they would consider and lay to heart these and similar passages of holy Scripture, and would fight no more against the high God, for it will be required of them at that day, before the judgment seat of Christ. Since faith is a pure gift, which comes from God alone, and hence can neither be given nor taken away by any man, however highly esteemed he may ,be. All princes and rulers ought also to commit the matter of faith to the Creator of all things, who alone is the discerner of the hearts and reins of all men, and who knows and beholds the hidden thoughts and intents of the heart, clear and uncovered before His eyes; before whose high majesty both the judge and the condemned must finally appear together. He will judge the world in righteousness, and offer faith to everyone. Acts 17:31. He shall then judge according to truth, as to who believed and walked righteously or falsely Hereunto we would from the inmost of our soul, counsel and entreat all lords and princes, as for their own welfare. .Oh, that God Almighty would be pleased to grant all princes and lords who have received the sword of justice, the grace, that they would use their sword and authority no further than only upon the bodies and goods of men in civil matters, for the punishment of evildoers, and the protection of the good; to which end the same has been given them of God; and would let God Almighty be the Lord and judge over the faith, souls, and consciences of men, which unquestionably belongs to Him (blessed be He) alone. And that they would moreover consider, how very short and uncertain man’s life is, and how soon these earthly kingdoms can pass from one nation to another. And if the incoming lords hold diferent views than the former ones, city and country are instantly in great danger of revolt, uproar and destruction, if they want to force all their subjects to the religion which they have accepted; or the common people must resort to dissimulation and hypocrisy, to escape the punishment threatened; for such lords seldom lack preachers who for the sake of great prebends are willing to preach according to the pleasure of the lords.
And, Oh, that men would once consider, how many thousands of persons have for many centuries been deprived of life and property, on account of religious differences, because the magistrates (through the instigation of their preachers) would force them to their religion; which nevertheless wrought no improvement, but the conflict remained uninterrupted. But how utterly blind and unreasonable they proceed in this matter, it is easy to perceive; since we certainly, most clearly and abundantly find, that even the Lord’s apostles, which He had sent and highly enlightened, could bring but a very small proportion of men to one religion, and that in their time, besides the innumerable multitude of unbelievers and persecutors of the truth, were also many false apostles and deceitful workers, who preached Christ out of envy and strife, and not sincerely; so that Christ was preached in many ways, in season and out of season. 11 Cor. 11:13; Philippians 1:15, 16. Who then shall believe that in this last and evil time, in which iniquity prevails, whole countries and kingdoms can be brought into the obedience of the apostolical doctrine, through the sword and constraint of the magistracy? The more so, since Christ Himself says, that at His coming it shall be as it was in the days of Noah and Lot. Luke 17:26. Hence the Lord Jesus also seems to ask doubtfully: “Whether, when the Son of man cometh, he shall find faith on the earth?”
For the number of believers has from the beginning. of the world been very small among the children of men; and not all men have faith, as Paul says; and the whole world, according to the teaching of the apostle, lieth in wickedness; and all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but of the world, and the world and the lust thereof shall pass away; and Solomon seems to compare this world and all her ungodliness to a magnificently adorned woman, in the attire of a harlot, subtle, wild and stubborn, so that her feet could not abide in her house; whereby she seduced and deceived the foolish youth, so that he followed her in wickedness.
Compare with it now this present evil world; how one can see every city and country polluted with pride, boasting, cursing and swearing, tippling houses, tennis courts, dancing halls, and shameful brothels, or houses of ill fame, where one can perceive, with open eyes, what a countless multitude of people, especially of the young, gorgeously arrayed and adorned in honor of the world and the devil, allow themselves to be lured and seduced thither; whereas it is certainly known, and also unanimously acknowledged, by all the one another opposing sects, according to the express words of God, that the end of such a life and walk, without true fruits of repentance, is eternal death. Nevertheless, we do not find that the preachers, to prevent this wickedness, work with the authorities to punish and root out in every respect, by rigorous decrees and corporal penalties, this indubitable evil and soul de[1]ception; but in the point of religion (in which through the craftiness and subtlety of men, there are so very many articles of contention and doubtful and conflicting views) we see them labor with all their might, to punish, exterminate, and use constraint upon the faith and consciences of others, though the latter cannot be accused of any of the evils mentioned. Yet experience teaches, that many of these preachers are themselves so uncertain and wavering in their faith, that they would rather change their faith many times, according to the desire of the authorities, as the chameleon its color, before they would on this account forsake their large salary. Hence it is our hearts’ wish and earnest prayer to all rulers, that they would be pleased not to hearken to such treacherous preachers, who seek the loss and destruction of other people; but that they would use their authority for the punishment of evildoers and the protection of the good; so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life under them, in all godliness and honesty; and at the last day may, together find comfort and grace before the judgment seat of Christ, when we all shall stand so greatly in need of grace and comfort. To this end may the Lord strengthen and keep us by His Spirit. Amen.
Section 650.
We will take leave of this sixteenth century with a certain conclusion appended to the Martyrs’ Mir;ror of the year 1631; wherein we will say nothing, as far as respects the sense of the same, but what our dear fellow believers have said in that work.
We have here presented to you, kind reader, many beautiful examples (as we have found them in printed works of former times; as well as in those of more recent date, from different regions, from the criminal records of city and country), of men, women, youths and maidens, who faithfully followed their Saviour, Christ Jesus, it the true faith, feared God from the inmost of their soul, and with a pure heart sought eternal life; who flourished and shone as bright lights, before all the world, in the love and power of God, their mouths flowing in wisdom with the holy Word and doctrine of the Lord; which appeared more in the mani[1]festation of the Spirit, than in elegant language or human wisdom; for their thoughts, words and actions were all to please their leader and only Shepherd, for whose name’s sake they gladly delivered up their lives into temporal death, as not seeking to possess a worldly and peaceful kingdom here upon this earth, but, as true strangers, to journey to the eternal and heavenly fatherland, well knowing and having experienced, that they that will live godly must suffer persecution. There must also be noticed the difference between the children of God and the children of unrighteousness, between the persecuted and the persecutors, be[1]cause we know, and it can clearly be shown from the holy Scriptures, that from the beginning of the world the unrighteous, whose works were evil, always envied, reviled, persecuted and oppressed those that were righteous and practiced virtue, for an unreasonable zeal impelled them to it. And it has been observed, that many times the teachers or leaders, who ought to have taught and led the people to the true religion, and into the way of life, misled them to idolatry and into the way of error and death. The shepherds, who ought to have carefully fed the sheep of the Lord with the Word of God, and protected them against the ravening wolves, have fattened themselves, and paid no attention to the flock, but presented to them mostly human doctrine and the reasonings of their own mind; clothed themselves with the wool of the sheep, and thus, in the appearance of sheep but the nature of wolves, themselves been disturbers and devourers of the flock, or have delivered them into the talons of the eagle, and the teeth of the lion. So also, the ministers of God, who were endowed with great honor and dominion by the Lord, and who had received the sword to punish the wicked and to protect the good, did not content themselves with these high offices and honor, but abusing their power, through instigation or ignorant zeal, laid their hands in the Lord’s husbandry, and inconsiderately plucked off the wheat for the tares; and though it tended to the salvation of the oppressed, it was nevertheless a presumptuous procedure, thus to root out, destroy and thoughtlessly condemn with an unjust judgment, the green plants in the Lord’s field, before the harvest; for no one but the Lord Himself can truly know who is worthy of the fire or of the garner.
Hence there are no servants upon earth wise enough to step into any office of the only wise God, and to execute the judgment which He has reserved for Himself; for who can fathom man’s heart, save He that sees all things, and knows all mysteries, who penetrates the hearts and reins, and knows the thoughts of all men. Such things indeed are not man’s province, for men are often, though they think they are standing, cumbered with sin, unbelief and perverted views, much more than they are aware of; and all that men know and believe here is but in part. Besides, the examiners of the faith can easily be blinded or deceived by lies and a hypocritical life.
Hence those who would defend persecuting and killing for matters of faith, and represent and urge it as right, accomplish no good by their fury, but instead of good wheat they gather much impure chaff, and fill the sheepfold with dissembling, hypocritical goats. And if any one thinks, that it does not behoove a king or prince to tolerate all sorts of doctrines, persuasions or heretics in his country, but that he may practice such a religion in it, as he understands to be needful for the salvation of his subjects, and to prohibit all others; such a one must also consider this, that if in any country several princes, differing in religion, should come to rule one after another, and each one, seeking to enforce his faith, pollute the land with the blood of its inhabitants, such a country would be nothing else than a hell, or a pool full of disquietude and oppression, where the minds of men would be in such lamentable misery, as ships, which on the dreary and turbulent ocean are rocked hither and thither in the storm by all sorts of winds, till they at last suddenly perish. But how can they so greatly hate and cast out any one for the faith, even though he should err? this is not the nature of the children of God, who do not oppress even the unrighteous, even as it is not the nature of the sheep to devour the wolves, but to flee from them, and suffer devouring.
And why will they force any one to the faith, which only God can give to man? He that errs, errs for himself; if he falls, he falls unto his Lord, who can and will lift him up again, for He calls and invites every one to it, offering to him water and fire, life and death; each may choose what he will. And this choosing, seeking or finding of a faith to his salvation, is certainly as free to every citizen or inhabitant, as it is to the king or prince; for does not Christ call to Him all that are burdened and heavy laden? Hence no one may think, that such calling concerns only the rulers, and that it is enough for the subjects, to look to and follow them. Oh, no! each shall have to give an account for himself; for at the last judgment everyone’s heart, whatever his rank or title, shall be equally closely searched; each shall receive reward according to his own works; and it shall not concern only the princes or the shepherds. No one shall there be responsible for another, but every one shall find his own burden heavy enough to carry. However, one need not be surprised, as though some new or strange thing happened, if God thus tries and purifies His elect. For if even the Prince of life and of salvation had to enter into His glory through much suffering; if the way to get into the joyful kingdom was so narrow for Him, how shall His followers get there, except by the same way? What guilt was there in Him? What wickedness, uproar, or crimes did He commit? Why was this harmless, innocent, spotless Lamb (which sought the harm of no one, but the welfare of all) persecuted so malignantly? What made the blind scribes so incensed at Him? and why were they so exceedingly eager to follow the advice of inconsiderate Caiaphas? And was not the cause of all this the fact that mad ignorance urged them on? which so ofttimes inflamed the heads of the people, so that they (as though it had been a great service to God) wanted to exercise dominion over the minds as well as over the bodies of men, and use the sword to constrain the faith as well as to civil unity. However, not all rulers were infected with this madness, for it was seen that the Gentiles, who were called strangers to the knowledge of God (as Felix, Festus, Agrippa, Gallius, and the like), were more considerate in well admin[1]istering the office they had received, in careful maintenance of the common peace, and, ac[1]cording to Gamaliel’s wise counsel, committing to God the dominion over the faith, than the envious Jews, who according to the promise ought to have been children of God and true branches in the true olive tree. And thus we see, that God, who does all things according to His good pleasure, at some times and places, still grants such authorities who do not compel their subjects in matters of faith, but only seek their peace and welfare; even as we in our time lived to see a Polish and also a French king, who did not so strictly examine their subjects concerning their faith, nor investigate whether the same agreed with the common belief; but solely, whether their course of action tended to hinder or advance the welfare of the country, which they considered with sincere love and sought to promote.
Herein also not too much praise can be bestowed upon the Lords States of the United Netherlands, who, however vehemently they have sometimes been incited to it, do also not consent to such blind zeal in the way of constraint of conscience and investigation of faith. And since we are commanded to pray God for the magistrates, that we may lead a quiet, peaceable and godly life under them, how much more are we bound to thank God for His loving kindness, who also grants us the grace, that we may dwell under the protection of such authorities who oppose the wicked zeal of these blood thirsty tyrants of conscience (as we have now enjoyed it in this country for about fifty years), and who according to their ability execute their offices, leaving the dominion and investigation of man’s heart and conscience to God.
We are also most solemnly bound to pray the Most High for them, that He will constantly keep them in this purpose, and moreover give them wisdom and understanding, so to rule their country and people, that all may tend and conduce to the peace of the subjects and the honor of God; that He may also give them such believing hearts, that they may truly know whereto they are set here by God, and, finally, walk before Him in such a Godfearing manner, that at the last day (when the crucified Jesus Christ shall appear with His mighty angels, in the clouds of heaven, as an almighty Potentate, Victor and glorious King, to execute ven[1]geance upon all those that have not known God, and not obeyed the Gospel) they may also be glorified with all God’s saints, and appear with the elect believers in the resurrection and the revelation of the heavenly glory, to be clothed with the same, by the power of Christ, and with Him to inherit the imperishable glory in perfection, and possess it forever and ever, without end. Amen.