The word “communion,” which the minister invokes upon the people as they leave, means fellowship, common action; and the minister stands before the people in the communion of the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Ghost demonstrates the word he feebly speaks.
O, men of God, mind that you are always so filled with the Spirit that wherever you go the Holy Spirit may be prepared to go with you. You know the old Welsh story of the crowded congregation that waited for John Ellis. They sent for him. The man came back to say. “I heard him talking to somebody, and I did not like to disturb him?’ They said. “Go again and rap.” He went, and came back and said: “I heard him talking still, and I heard him say, ‘I will not go unless you come along too’.” John Ellis came in five minutes later, and the One he had been talking to came with him, though no one saw Him; and they had a meeting of wonderful power. Brother ministers, never go unless He comes too.
In Act_11:15, Peter, speaking about Cornelius and the descent of the Holy Ghost in Cornelius’ house, says rather ruefully, as if he looked back on a sermon which was only, half delivered.
“As I began to speak, the Holy Ghost fell.”
Peter had only got through his introduction–he had not got as far as his first head,–and the Holy Ghost came down, and said:
“Man, you have made a good start, and into your introduction you have put the life and death and work of Jesus. That is text enough for me. Now stand aside, and I will finish the sermon.”
“As I began to speak!” Why, I am thankful to God if I have been able to speak for half an hour, and towards the end of my sermon I can see the Holy Spirit has fallen upon my people. But O that we might be so filled with the Spirit and care so much about the co-operation of the Spirit that it might be with us as with Finney or Peter. It is said of Finney, more than once in his autobiography, that if he came into a large factory, or into a church crowded with people, there was such an indescribable power about his very aspect that in many cases a revival broke out before Finney could speak a word. Men, brother ministers, let us aim for that!
Now, finally, here are the seven conditions on which you may have this mighty co-operating power.