Personal Consecration – Charles Spurgeon

DO you not know that all God’s people are priests? These lying priests now-a-days put on their gaudy trappings like the priests of Baal, and come forward and say, “We are priests.” Priests of Dagon, priests of Baal, priests of Hell, but not God’s priests. God’s priests are those who are alive from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit, and every man and every woman here who loves Jesus is a priest to God. O brethren, God would have you all act as priests, and not to say, “We have a minister, let him serve God for us.” “I will have nothing to do with your responsibilities. Serve God yourselves; it is as much as I can do to serve him; only by his grace am I upheld under my own load; in fact, my own responsibilities are so heavy that I cannot bear them; but as for being a proxy for any one of you, I cannot be anything of the kind. Personally you were bought with blood; personally you hope to enter Heaven; personally, then, consecrate yourselves this day unto the Lord, and if you do so, oh, what a blessing it will be!
