Photos for Jesus
Welcome to the Prayer Club Photos for Jesus Section:
(Click on Photo Above to go to where you can share photos!)
Please read the rules bellow before starting!
This is the photo sharing section of Prayer Club
This section is for the sharing of nature photos (animals, landscapes,plants, rivers etc) with a Bible verse added as text ( KJV only ). If you don’t have a program that can add text simply download Picaso Free
Who can share:
Anyone who knows they have repented and believed the gospel of Jesus Christ and that they have definite Biblical fruit including love for the brethren and a seeking after holiness all because God changed your heart through the new Birth! (It also does help if you have a camera!)
What can you share:
Only nature or neutral objects (such as old houses etc ). No humans allowed in pictures(only KJV text)
Prayerclub and its owners take no responsibility for how and where these photos are used after they have been loaded onto the site. We also declare that individual loaders are responsible to make sure that photos loaded are not copyright and are generally the property of the loaders. By loading photos you give permission for Christians to use it on other websites, articles, magazines,books,cd covers and any christian media they choose.
Mathew 10:08 “…freely ye have received, freely give.”
Purpose: To encourage basic Bible Study and the recognition of God’s Glory through his creation!