Pieter Scholtz Text Sermons
Mr Pieter Scholz hails from the Vryburg district in South Africa and along with others in his family were called into full-time service in the Africa Evangelistic Band. His direct preaching and passionate appeals have been the means of many finding Christ as Saviour. His meticulous exposition of Scripture, studious perusal of the Word and forthright and dauntless courage have broken down prejudice. Changed lives testify to power of God upon his life. As well as preaching in evangelical outreaches, he lectured at the Bible College for many years and also shared at a night school for those who could not attend in a full-time capacity. He is seen in the ranks of the mission as a ‘Caleb’ or ‘Joshua’ whose zeal did not abate even in the face of hardships.

Pieter Scholtz Text Sermons
Mr Pieter Scholz hails from the Vryburg district in South Africa and along with others in his family were called into full-time service in the Africa Evangelistic Band. His direct preaching and passionate appeals have been the means of many finding Christ as Saviour. His meticulous exposition of Scripture, studious perusal of the Word and forthright and dauntless courage have broken down prejudice. Changed lives testify to power of God upon his life. As well as preaching in evangelical outreaches, he lectured at the Bible College for many years and also shared at a night school for those who could not attend in a full-time capacity. He is seen in the ranks of the mission as a ‘Caleb’ or ‘Joshua’ whose zeal did not abate even in the face of hardships.