Pilgrim of Earth
Pilgrim of earth, who art journeying to heaven!
Heir of Eternal Life! child of the day!
Pilgrim of earth, who art journeying to heaven!
Heir of Eternal Life! child of the day!
Cared for, watched over, beloved and forgiven —
Art thou discouraged because of the way?
Cared for, watched over, though often Thou seemest
Justly forsaken, nor counted a child;
Loved and forgiven, though rightly Thou deemest
Thyself all unlovely, impure, and defiled.
Weary and thirsty — no water-brook near thee,
Press on, nor faint at the length of the way;
The God of thy life will assuredly hear thee —
He will provide thee strength for the day.
Break through the brambles and briers that obstruct thee,
Dread not the gloom and the blackness of night.
Lean on the hand that will safely conduct thee,
Trust to His eye to whom darkness is light.
Be trustful, be steadfast, whatever betide thee,
Only one thing do thou ask of the Lord—
Grace to go forward wherever He guide thee,
Simply believing the truth of His word.
Still on thy spirit deep anguish is pressing
Not for the yoke that His wisdom bestows:
A heavier burden thy soul is distressing,
A heart that is slow in His love to repose.
Earthliness, coldness, unthankful behavior —
Ah! thou mayest sorrow, but do not despair
Even this grief thou mayest bring to thy Saviour
Cast upon Him e’en this burden and care!
Bring all thy hardness — His power can subdue it;
How full is the promise! The blessing how free!
“Whatsoever ye ask, in my name, I will do it.
Abide in my love, and be joyful in me.”