Prayer Accepted through Christ – Charles Spurgeon

SOMETIMES poor people come to us with petitions which they wish to send to some company or great personage. They bring the petition and ask us to have it presented for them. It is very badly spelt, very queerly written, and we can but just make out what they mean; but still there is enough to let us know what they want. First of all we make out a fair copy for them, and then, having stated their case, we put our name at the bottom, and if we have any interest, of course they get what they desire through the power of the name signed at the foot of the petition. This is just what the Lord Jesus Christ does with our poor prayers. He makes a fair copy of them, stamps them with the seal of his atoning blood, puts his own name at the foot, and thus they go up to God’s throne. It is your prayer, but oh! it is his prayer too, and it is the fact of its being his prayer that makes it prevail.
