Prayer Club Volunteers
Prayer Club Volunteer Section
Have you ever wanted to attempt something for God! This site is not just a collection of media material. We have received testimonies of How God has radically changed lives through the messages on this site! People have been saved and others set on fire!
We have a plan- In fact hours of prayer and planning go monthly into this site. We are
Looking to God to lead the way! All the material we will give you as a volunteer to type out or edit is part of a practical plan that we believe will be effective in reaching people with the truth!
Important note: We realize that life is very busy and so do not expect full time volunteers! We do have work and if you can tell is how much you can do we will oblige by giving you that amount of work. As time goes on you can ask for less or more work. The last thing we want is the volunteer work to become a burden to you! A volunteer can stop at any time as we are not slave masters. We really appreciate your help and pray God blesses you.
A few ideas:
What you could do is set aside two evenings a week (an hour or two per evening) and use that to type or edit etc. You could do that for a few months and then make a choice whether to carry on or not!
Ideas for home scholars:
If you are a father in a home schooling family you could as a family project let your teenage kid’s type out 100 poems over time of someone like Charles Wesley etc. Of the 6000 or so Charles Wesley poems only about 1900 are readily available on the internet and the same goes for Fanny Crosby etc! (Sad)
We would like to say that although we will try to give you work in the line you feel comfortable with (i.e. you may like typing as apposed to drawing pictures) , we are a conservative site and so will have to choose what material you type etc for us. We are not legalistic, but we are careful! One of the beauties of our system is young people who have proven themselves (as hard workers and Godly Walkers) have been given leadership positions. These young people (who love God and hate compromise) can become your friends via email as they help you understand what to do with the material we send you in the post etc to work on!
Prayer is trusting God for typers, artists, conservative musicians (i.e. composers without a rock beat). We like the old hymns sung with all our hearts, but not danced to!
We also need graphic designers.
We are working on a course to provide free home schooling online and if any teacher would like to get involved or Home schooling parents please feel free to volunteer for that too! We are looking for artists who can draw the Bible stories in Pictures so we can provide these for free for Child evangelists to use on the internet.
To Volunteer Contact us at