John, in the sixth of Revelation, describes the most tragic, unavailing prayer meeting in the world’s history! Cries and groans, shouts and demands, moans and whisper – all will be heard in that coming Day of the Lord when the forces of judgment are released. Even the mountains and the islands will be removed from their places. But by then, the prayers and cries of sinful men and women will be too little and too late! All of the great men of the earth, all the important people, all who have mistakenly put their trust and hope in purely human abilities will join those crying out in guilt. They will call on the crumbling rocks and mountains to fall on them to hide them from the wrath of God. I am among those who believe that the judgments of God are certain. We do not know the day nor the hour. But God is indeed going to shake the earth as it has never been shaken before, and He will turn it over to the Worthy One to whom it belongs – Jesus Christ!