Progress of the Divine Work – Charles Spurgeon
HAVE you never perceived that when true religion either in your own soul or in the world seems to have gone back that suddenly it makes a leap again? There will come waves upon the beach, and each one will seem stronger than its fellow; but then there will follow one that sucks them all back, and you might think the sea was retiring from its strength; yet the flood tide is coming in, coming even while that wave recedes so far. All is working for progress, though there may seem to be a retardment here and there. There rushes on the stream like a mighty Niagara, and you are there by the shore in a little eddy, revolving round and round in a tiny vortex, and you say the stream is rushing in the wrong direction, it has made no progress, “I am weary with this circular motion.” Ah! but you have never been in the broad current, or if your eye has gazed upon it, it has been dazed with the sight of its breadth and length, and you have not understood it. The Lord reigns, the Lord God omnipotent reigns, and Jesus sits at his side, while truth like his angel follows at his heel, mighty still! The zeal of the Lord of hosts shall yet perform his word! And the Spirit that for a while has hidden his great might and concealed himself in the secret chambers of his church shall come forth, and the day shall be in which the Lord’s truth shall be declared among the people with power, even with such power that the world shall bow before it, and the song shall go up unto the Lord God Almighty, and he shall be worshiped from the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same!