Psalm 120 – Complaint of Quarrelsome Neighbors

Thou God of love, thou ever-blest,
Pity my suff’ring state;

Thou God of love, thou ever-blest,
Pity my suff’ring state;
When wilt thou set my soul at rest
From lips that love deceit?

Hard lot of mine! my days are cast
Among the sons of strife,
Whose never-ceasing brawling waste
My golden hours of life.

O might I fly to change my place,
How would I choose to dwell
In some wide lonesome wilderness,
And leave these gates of hell!

Peace is the blessing that I seek,
How lovely are its charms!
I am for peace; but when I speak,
They all declare for arms.

New passions still their souls engage,
And keep their malice strong:
What shall be done to curb thy rage,
O thou devouring tongue!

Should burning arrows smite thee through
Strict justice would approve;
But I had rather spare my foe,
And melt his heart with love.

Or, A Devout Wish for Peace

Isaac Watts
