Public Schools
What is it with these public schools today?
Where kids get taught it’s fine if you are gay:
Where false religions they accept high hand,
But Christianity of course they banned.
We lower all the tests so kids can pass,
And take God’s name in vain and call it class.
Where missing links they think that they will find,
To be a Christian one has lost his mind.
They teach you that your money you must save,
Without a thought of life beyond the grave.
They say “go make a life and live it well,”
Without a thought of an eternal hell.
They preach equality of beast with man,
Cause then, whate’er they want to do, they can.
They say there’s no such thing as truth at all,
And wonder why the people’s morals fall.
They’d rather have a lie and feel okay,
Than have the truth for then they must obey.
Ezra Brainard, August 2010