Purity of the Church, Christ’s Desire for – Charles Spurgeon
THE Lord Jesus Christ, looking around his church, if he sees anything evil in it, will do one of two things: either he will go right away from his church because the evil is tolerated there, and he will leave that church to be like Laodicea, to go on from bad to worse, until it becomes no church at all; or else he will come and he will trim the lamp, or to use the figure of John 15, he will prune the vine-branch, and with his knife will cut off this member and the other, and cast them into the fire; while, as for the rest, he will cut them until they bleed again, because they are fruit-bearing members, but they have too much wood, and he wants them to bring forth more fruit. It is not a trifling matter to be in the church of God. God’s fire is in Zion, and his furnace in Jerusalem.