Purity of the Saved Soul – Charles Spurgeon

WE do not see snow very often now, but when we did see it last time, what a dazzling whiteness there was upon it! You took a sheet of paper, you laid it upon the snow, and you were perfectly surprised to see the clean white paper turned yellow or brown, in comparison with its dazzling whiteness. David says, “I shall be whiter than snow.” Well, you see snow is only earthly whiteness, only creature whiteness, but the whiteness which Christ gives when he washes in his blood is divine whiteness: the whiteness is the righteousness of God himself. Then snow soon melts: the snow goes, and where is the whiteness? The snow and the whiteness run away together. But there is no power in temptation, no power in sin, which is able to stain the whiteness which God gives to a pardoned sinner.
