Q - Christian Hymns
Two hymns are highlighted in the ‘Q’ section one speaking about the quiet time so essential for every Christians to faithfully have to seek the Lord in prayer and read his word. The ‘Quiet Hour’ by George E. McManiman is a essential call to come aside and seek the Lord faithfully every day. The hymn starting with the word ‘quiet’ of John Newton on the other hand is a call for rebellion to cease and to allow your heart to quietly submit to God. We see therefore essential truths portrayed in the ‘Q’ section of hymns.

Letter Q Hymns
Two hymns are highlighted in the ‘Q’ section one speaking about the quiet time so essential for every Christians to faithfully have to seek the Lord in prayer and read his word. The ‘Quiet Hour’ by George E. McManiman is a essential call to come aside and seek the Lord faithfully every day. The hymn starting with the word ‘quiet’ of John Newton on the other hand is a call for rebellion to cease and to allow your heart to quietly submit to God. We see therefore essential truths portrayed in the ‘Q’ section of hymns.