Religion to be seen Everywhere – Charles Spurgeon
OUR religion is for the market-place, for the shop, for the streets, and for the field. And as God’s being is not confined to temples made by the hands of men, but is present everywhere, on heath, and city, and moor, and field—in the sunbeams that light the peasant’s cot as well as the monarch’s palace; present in the minute as well as in the magnificent; down there in the glades where the red-deer wander and the child loves to play; up there where the storms gather upon the mountain’s hoary brow; as visible in a blade of grass as in the cedar and the tall waving pine; to be seen as well in the dewdrop as in the avalanche; as certainly in the falling of a leaf as in the tremendous roar of the thunder, everywhere present, so is true religion, everywhere—in the cottage as well as in the temple; in business as well as in devotions; abroad in the streets as well as in the silence of retirement; up yonder where men wrestle with God, and down there where they come to contend with men and for his truth. You have never received the Spirit so as to know that Christ is the glorified One, unless in your life as well as with your lips you do show forth his praise.