Religion vs. Repentance - Lee Brainard

John the Baptist came preaching “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” In other words, forsake your sins if you want to go to heaven. This message drew folks from many miles around (in the days when the poor walked and the wealthy rode donkeys). They came to confess their sins (public confession) and be baptized in the Jordan. They were serious about getting right with God.

But not all who came were serious about getting right. The Pharisees and Sadduccees showed up because John was interfering with their profitable business of religion. They got paid very well to help people pretend that they were right with God — though dead in their sins. Religion numbs a man’s sensitivity to sin and unbelief, similar to the way that anesthesia numbs sensitivity to pain.

Make no mistake, religious anesthesia is deadly. In Matthew 7:21-23 we read of men who defend themselves on judgment day with the plea that they had taught in Jesus name. They weren’t just religious; they were religious leaders. The Lord responds, “Depart from me you workers of iniquity, I never knew you.” Notice the problem. They had religion — lots of it. They lacked repentance. They had never forsaken their sins. We must forsake our sins. “God now commands all men everywhere to repent” (Acts 17:30).

~Lee Brainard, January 31, 2015



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