Salvation to be Received as a Free Gift – Dwight Lyman Moody

John 4:11-12
The woman said to him, Sir, you have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from where then have you that living water?…

A great many people are looking at their feelings; a great many people are looking at themselves. Do not be looking at your feelings, but look at heaven. Suppose a man who had been in the habit of meeting in the street one whom he had known for years as a beggar, and were to see him to-night with a nice suit of clothes on, and were to accost him with, “Hullo, beggar,” and he were to answer, “Don’t call me a beggar; I am no beggar.” “But are you not a beggar?” “No, sir, I am not a beggar.” “What is the reason you are not a beggar?” “Why, I was sitting there to-day, and I put out my hand and asked a man to give me something. A gentleman came along, and put five thousand dollars right into my hand.” “How do you know it is good money?” “I took it to the bank.” “How did you get it?” “I put my hand out, and he just put it in my hand.” “How do you know it is the right kind of a hand?” “Oh, pooh, what do I care what kind of a hand it was?

(D. L. Moody.)
