Sanctification - Chambers, Oswald
Beware of preaching sanctification without knowing Jesus; we are saved and sanctified in order that we might know him.
But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of god is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption (1 Corinthians 1:30). Jesus Christ is all these, they are not things he works out apart from himself. We cannot earn things from god,
We can only take what is given us. Salvation, sanctification, eter- nal life, are all gifts wrought out in us through the atonement. The question is, am i working out what god works in? It is quite true to say i cant live a holy life; but you can decide to let Jesus make you holy. I cant do away with my past; but you can decide to let Jesus do away with it. That is the issue to push. We use the word consecration before sanctification, it should be used after sanctification.
The fundamental meaning of consecration is the separating of a holy thing to god, not the separating of an unholy thing to be made holy. . . . Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto god, says the apostle Paul. You cannot separate to god what god has not purified. If i make personal holiness a cause instead of an effect i become shallow, no matter how profound i seem. It means i am far more concerned about being speckless than about being real; far more concerned about keeping my garments white than about being devoted to Jesus Christ. The idea that i grow holy as i go on is foreign to the new testament. There must have been a place where i was identified with the death of Jesus: i have been crucified with Christ . . . (rv). That is the meaning of sanctification. Then i grow on holiness. Jesus Christ can make my disposition as pure as his own. That is the claim of the gospel.
The saints have gone to sleep, thank god, i am saved and sanctified, it is all right now: you are simply in the right place to maintain the life which is going to confront the world and never be subdued by the world. Now i am sanctified the world has no attraction for me. But remember, the world is what the holy spirit sees, not what you see. It is not gross sins that are the attraction, but things that are part of gods creation, things in the land of Canaan, they creep in gradually and you begin to think according to pagan standards and only in a crisis realise you have not been standing with god. God has staked his reputation on the work of Jesus Christ in the souls of the men and women whom he has saved and sanctified. If we are to be of any use to god in facing present-day problems we must be prepared to run the sanctification- metaphysic for all it is worth. The great fever in peoples blood to-day is, do something; be practical. The great need is for the one who is unpractical enough to get down to the heart of the matter, viz. , personal sanctification. Practical work not based on an understanding of what sanctification means is simply beating the air.
The test of sanctification is not our talk about holiness and singing pious hymns; but, what are we like where no one sees us? With those who know us best? It is perilously possible to credit god with all our mean little prejudices even after we are sanctified. Pious talk paralyses the power to live piously, the energy of the life goes into the talk sanctimonious instead of sanctified. Unless your mind is free from jealousy, envy, spite, your pious words only increase your hypocrisy. Beware of sentimentality; it means something has been aroused in me that i don’t intend to work out. Wherever there is true teaching of the gospel there will be both salvation and sanctification taking place. If you are called to preach, god will put you through mills that are not meant for you person- ally, he is making you suitable bread to nourish other lives. It is after sanctification you are put through these things. If i exalt sanctification, i preach people into despair; but if i lift up Jesus Christ, people learn the way to be made holy. For i determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified (1 Corinthians 2:2). It is a great snare to think that when you are sanctified you cannot make mistakes; you can make mis- takes so irreparably terrible that the only safeguard is to walk in the light, as he is in the light. When you come under the searchlight of god after sanctification, you realise much more keenly what sin is than ever you could have done before. The deliverances of god are not what the saint delights in, but in the fact that god delivered him; not in the fact that he is sanctified, but that god sanctified him; the whole attention of the mind is on god we are saved and sanctified not for service, but to be absolutely Jesus Christs, the consuming passion of the life is for him.
Never try to build sanctification on an unconfessed sin, on a duty left undone; confess the wrong, do what you ought to have done, then god will clear away all the hyperconscientious rubbish. In sanctification it has to be a valediction once and for ever to confidence in everyone and everything but god.
You can always test the worth of your sanctification. If there is the slightest trace of self-conscious superiority about it, it has never touched the fringe of the garment of Christ.
I lay down my life, said Jesus; i lay it down of myself. If you are sanctified, you will do the same. It has nothing to do with deeper death to self, it has to do with the glorious fact that i have a self, a personality, that i can sacrifice with glad alacrity to Jesus every day i live.