Sceptics and Controversial Divine – Charles Spurgeon

The old fable tells us of a boy who mounted a scavenger’s cart with base intent to throw dirt at the moon; whereat another! with better intentions, but scarcely less folly, came running with a bason of water to wash the moon, and make its face clean again. Certain sceptics are forever inventing new Harpies with which they endeavor to defile the fair face of the gospel, and many ministers forsake the preaching Christ, and him crucified, to answer their end- less quibbles: to both of these the ancient fable may be.
By order of Government the roads in Prussia are lined on each side with fruit trees. Riding once, early in September, from Berlin to Halle, an American traveler noticed that some of the trees had a wisp of straw attached to them. He enquired of the coachman what it meant. He replied that those trees bore choice fruits, and the straw was a notice to the public not to take fruit from those trees without special permission. ” I fear,” said the traveler, ” that in my country such a notice would be but an invitation to roguish boys to attack those very trees.” “Have you no schools?”! was his Sir can’t rejoinder. Rest assured, dear reader, that next to godliness, education is the mainstay of order.
