Service for Christ, Perpetual – Charles Spurgeon

THE sun has been shining now a great many thousand years, but I have not heard that he intends retiring from the business yet. God has given to us fruitful seasons, and I have not heard that he intends to cease to bless our husbandry; every day we drink from the river of his mercy, and we have had no intimation yet that that river has ceased to flow, and that God intends to cut off the supplies. Why, then, should any one of us dream of staying his hand? What is a lifetime, at its utmost length, for the service of God? Suppose a man could spend seventy clear years in unflagging exertion in the service of his Master, what would it be after all? But now half our time must go in sleep, and in the necessary refreshment of the body; next, a very large proportion must be taken off for the business of the world, and then what is left? Why, we can only give our Master a few hours in the week, the most of us, and yet you talk about having served him so long. Dear Master, put your hand upon our lips next time we would use such words, and never permit us to insult the sovereignty of your dear love by making such an excuse for our sluggishness.
