Service — the Load to Honour, – Charles Spurgeon
When the Spartan king advanced against the enemy, he had always with him some one that had been crowned in the public games of Greece. And they tell us, that a Lace demonian, when la! ci mimicry; offered him on condition that he would not enter the Olympic lists, refused them. Having with much difficulty thrown his antagonists in wrestling, one put this question to him, ” Spartan, what will you get by this victory?” He answered with a smile, “shall have the honour to fight foremost in the ranks of my prince!’ The honour which appertains to office in the church of God lies mainly in this— that the man who is set apart for such service has the privilege of being first in holiness of example, abundance of liberality, patience of longsuffering, zeal in effort, and self-sacrifice in service. Thou gracious King of kings, if thou hast made me a minister or deacon in thy church, enable me to be foremost in every good word and work, shunning no sacrifice, and shrinking from no suffering.