Shame to be Borne for Christ – Charles Spurgeon
IT is not a fashionable thing to be a Christian. To be a Christian after the world’s sort, I grant you; but after the sort of the New Testament it is not, and many say, “Well, it is not fashionable,” and they bend to the fashion; and many in another shape do the like, for young men are laughed out of going to the house of God, and young women are decoyed from attending the means of grace by the laughter, and jeers, and jokes of their companions. Remember that they can laugh you into Hell, but they can never laugh you out again, and though their jokes can shut-to the door, their jokes can never open that door again. Oh, is this all? Will you sell your souls to escape from fool’s laughter? Then what a fool must you be yourself. What, are you so thin-skinned that you cannot bear to be questioned, or to be asked whether you are a follower of the Lord Jesus? Ah, sir, you shall have that thin skin of yours tormented well enough in the world to come, when shame, which you dread so much, shall be your everlasting portion! Oh, soul, why can you sell Christ for the applause of men? How can you give him up for the laughter of fools?