She Let God Put the Letters Together

A farmer found a little girl that was lost in his meadow. The farmer said to her, “Do not cry; I’ll take you home.” The little child snuggled up to him, and with a smile, said, “I knew you would; I was waiting for you.”

“Waiting for me?” said the man. “What made you think I was coming?”

“I was praying you would.” she said.

“Praying? When I first heard you, you were saying A B C D E F G. What was that for?” She looked up again and said, “I’m just a little girl. I was praying all the letters of the alphabet and letting God put them together the way He wanted to. He knew I was lost, and He knew how to put them together better than I did.”

God knows what ingredients we need in our lives and how to put them together. We would be very wise to trust Him.
