Sin Is Worse Than We Think - Lee Brainard

In our day we do not take sin seriously. We laugh and joke about it. When we sin, we act is if we have done nothing worse than break our diet and eat something we shouldn’t have. We might feel ashamed if we get caught in one of our worst sins, but sin in and of itself doesn’t bother us any more than the hole in our jean pocket — we say we are going to fix the problem some day and never do.

This indifference to sin is one of the greatest tragedies of our generation. Sin is far worse than we think. How bad is it? Infinitely bad. When we sin against the infinite God, we commit an infinite crime which demands an infinite payment. How are we going to pay this infinite debt? We can’t. We can’t pay it with money, religion, good works, sacrifice, or anything else. Right here is the reason that God has sentenced all of mankind to an eternal punishment in hell. If we have no infinite payment in hand, then we must pay for our crimes against the infinite God with a punishment that lasts for ever.

But God has made a way of escape. If we turn to Christ and believe on him as our saviour, confessing and forsaking our sins, then his death on the cross secures our pardon. The infinite sacrifice of the infinite Saviour covers our infinite debt. How sweet is that! (John 1:29, Hebrews 10:12, John 3:16)

~Lee Brainard, July 5, 2014

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