Sinner, Doom of a – Charles Spurgeon

A GRIM assemblage must gather around some men’s beds when guilt, like a grim chamberlain, shall usher them in one by one, and call out their names with horrible distinctness, and tell out their doings and dealings with the wretch who shivers on the brink of death accused by so many, and unable to answer one of a thousand. I picture such a man traveling over the wastes of remorse, hounded by the wolves of his past sins, rushing with desperation into a destruction still worse than his present woe, all unable to endure the horrible baying of his old sins, much less to endure their sharper fangs when they shall tear him in pieces, and there shall be none to deliver.

824. Sinner, Driven to and Drawn by Christ

THE dove may have been driven part of the way to the ark by the wind, but the last act of getting into the ark was when Noah put out his hand and pulled the dove into the ark. The real act which brings us into connection with Christ, is always a drawing act—an act of gentleness. Every converted man may say, when he is converted, “Your gentleness has made me great.” The heathen picture one of their goddesses in her chariot drawn by doves. Surely it is by doves that we are drawn, in the chariot of the gospel, towards the Lord Jesus!
