So What Is A Vision? George Barna Defines It As- George Mueller

So what is a vision? George Barna defines it as, “Vision for ministry is a clear mental image of a preferable future imparted by God to His chosen servants and is based upon an accurate understanding of God, self and circumstances.” Vision is more than simply what could be. It’s something that must happen. Vision moves you from passive concern to action. It gives you a sense of urgency. Barna goes on to say, “Unless God’s people have a clear understanding of where they are headed, the probability of a successful journey is severely limited. Unless you attend to His call upon your life and ministry, you are likely to experience confusion, weariness, dissipation and impotence…..visionless congregations fail to experience spiritual and numerical growth.” So having the clarity of God’s vision is absolutely critical. Most churches know the Great Commission but they have fuzzy sight as to how the Great Commission is to be uniquely expressed and lived out in the church’s culture or its ministry context. Having clarity of God’s vision is absolutely critical if a church is fulfill God will and purpose for it.
