Soul-satisfying – Thomas Brooks

The riches of Christ are soul-satisfying riches. Oh those riches of grace and goodness that are in Christ how do they satisfy the souls of sinners!

A pardon does not more satisfy a condemned man,
nor bread the hungry man,
nor drink the thirsty man,
nor clothes the naked man,
nor health the sick man,
than the riches of Christ do satisfy the gracious man.

In Eccles. 5:10, “He who loves silver shall not be satisfied with silver; nor he who loves abundance with increase. This is also vanity.”
If a man is hungry, silver cannot feed him;
if naked, it cannot clothe him;
if cold, it cannot warm him;
if sick, it cannot cure him
much less then is it able to satisfy him.

Oh! but the riches of Christ are soul-satisfying riches! A soul rich in spirituals, rich in eternals, says, I have enough, though I have not this and that temporal good.
