SPECIMENS OF SKETCHES ON JER. 33:16 - Robert Murray Mcchene

“The Lord our Righteousness.”

DEEP wounding, from views of Christ pierced by our sins, precedes deep peace from views of his righteousness. Originally spoken to Judah and Israel.

I. It is the sight of a divine righteousness. —Jehovah has made the atonement.
II. It is a living righteousness. —Jehovah is the righteousness. A living one gives it. He is exalted to give it. He comes to you with the offer of it.
III. It is an appropriated righteousness. —It would not give me peace to see all the world clothed in Christ, if I were not. No delight to me except I am sitting under his shade myself —under the rock. The joy of Paul was, “Christ is made unto us;” of Thomas, “My Lord.” Application. — 1 The rest of a believer consists in knowing that Jehovah is his righteousness 2 The folly of those who rest in seeking is evident— “ever learning.” 3 We see the misery of unbelievers. There is a glorious divine righteousness that would make the blackest fair. It will be your eternal torment, that so glorious a righteousness was offered you, and you died without it.
