Spiritual Leadership of Anointed Men - A.W.Tozer
Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you. –Hebrews 13:17
You cannot deny that the life and vitality of the Christian church lie in the spiritual leadership of men anointed of the Holy Ghost. I dare to tell you that there is danger in too much democracy in the life of the church.
I am sure that some of you with a strong Baptist background will curl up like a burning leaf in the autumn to hear me say this, but that is all right: I am half Baptist myself!
But I do not believe that God expects the Christian church to thrive and mature and grow just on plain democratic principles. If you will check around you will find that even those who hold to democracy in their church policy never get beyond first base unless they have leaders within the denomination who are anointed men, strongly spiritual in leadership. Christ the Eternal Son, 100.
“Lord, it seems as though Christian leaders have failed so often and so visibly that now the church is paranoid. I pray that leaders today would be faithful and pure; I pray that the church today would be willing to follow Godly leadership. Amen.”