Such gnats as these – Thomas Brooks
“Oh cleanse me from secret faults.” Psalm 19:12
An unsound heart may mourn for great sins which make great wounds in his conscience and credit, and which leave a great blot upon his name, or that waste or rot his body, or destroy his estate, or which expose him to public scorn and shame, etc. But for sins of omission, for wandering thoughts, idle words, deadness, coldness, slightness in pious duties and services, unbelief, secret pride, self-confidence, and a thousand more such gnats as these he can swallow without any remorse, Proverbs 5:8-14.
But godly sorrow is of a general extent, it mourns as well for small sins as for great. A gracious soul weeps over many sins which none can charge upon him but God and his own conscience.