Sweet Is the Work, My God, My King
Sweet is the work, my God, my King,
To praise thy name, give thanks, and sing;
Sweet is the work, my God, my King,
To praise thy name, give thanks, and sing;
To show thy love by morning light,
And talk of all thy truth at night.
Sweet is the day of sacred rest,
No mortal cares disturb my breast:
O may my heart in tune be found,
Like David’s harp of solemn sound!
My heart shall triumph in the Lord,
And bless his works, and bless his word:
Thy works of grace, how bright they shine!
How deep thy counsels, how divine!
Fools never raise their thoughts so high;
Like brutes they live, like brutes they die;
Like grass they flourish, till thy breath
Dooms them to everlasting death.
But I shall share a glorious part,
When grace has well refined my heart;
And fresh supplies of joy are shed,
Like holy oil to cheer my head.
Then shall I see, and hear, and know
All I desired and wished below;
And every power find sweet employ
In that eternal world of joy.
Isaac Watts