That Other Land
A second journey take us to that other land
or is it less?
A second journey take us to that other land
or is it less?
When-In the twinkling of an eye-we are
so blessed
For Heaven’s gates are opened wide-and we are
at our Savior’s side
To worship at His feet-unending joy-oh bliss
But we still labour on-‘tis others crossed the
lower shore
the ‘much-loved ones’ gone before
And from these very distant places
we see no more their much loved faces
But bitter knowledge-oh the sorrow
that many shall not hail that morrow
For when the cry is “Life no more”
They step upon ANOTHER SHORE!
How fatal when life’s thread is ended
Your work on earth is sadly rendered
And destiny can go no more
that sends you to “another shore.”
Jenny Daniel