How Can a Pure Heart be Obtained? - William Booth
SUFFER me to come to Jesus,
Mother, dear, forbid me not;
By his blood from hell He frees us,
Makes us fair without a spot.
Suffer me, my earthly father,
At his pierced feet to fall:
Why forbid me? help me, rather;
Jesus is my all in all.
Suffer me to run unto Him:
Gentle sisters, come with me.
Oh that all I love but knew Him!
Then my home a heaven would be,
Loving playmates, gay and smiling.
Bid me not forsake the cross;
Hard to bear is your reviling,
Yet for Jesus all is dross.
Yes, though all the world have chid me,
Father, mother, sister, friend—
Jesus never will forbid me!
Jesus loves me to the end!
Gentle Shepherd, on thy shoulder
Carry me, a sinful lamb;
Give me faith, and make me bolder,
Till with Thee in heaven I am.
July 1841.