There is where you have failed, my brother. You have been preaching the cross, but you have not been preaching the cross in the demonstration and power of the blessed Spirit.
When I was at Leicester, there were many discharged prisoners whom I took from the prison gate to my house, where they lived with me, under my care. I had a firewood factory. The great beams came from Norway, and they were sawn up by a circular saw wrought by a crank, and on that crank fifteen men were kept at work to give them an opportunity of regaining their character. But these men served me ill. I lost much money. I presently swept them away, and instead purchased a gas-engine, and the gas-engine did in an hour as much work as the fifteen discharged prisoners did in eight hours.
One day I asked my circular saw how it was that it turned out so much work, and the saw at first said it could not tell. I asked if it had been sharpened. It said no. I asked if it had been polished. It said no. I asked if it had been oiled. It said no. Then I said: “How is it?”
“Why,” it replied, “I think there is a stronger driving power behind me. Something is working through me with a new force. It is not I, it is the power behind.”
Would God that you, my brother ministers, who have been working with the power of intellect, of energy, of enthusiastic zeal, with but poor effect, may become linked to the power of God the Holy Ghost stored in Christ; for as soon as you shall link to it, not you, but the power of God through you, will repeat the marvels of Pentecost.
One word more here. You ask me if the day of Pentecost was a specimen day. I answer: yes, and for two reasons. First, on the day of Pentecost the priest in the Temple presented twelve loaves, the specimen and the result of the harvest; and inasmuch as God chose the day of Pentecost for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, He surely meant us to understand that the day of Pentecost was a specimen day, and that what He did that day He was prepared to do every day; and He would have done it if the church had not choked and frustrated His plans. Secondly, in Act_2:39 you have these words of Peter: “This promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.” Understand therefore that the promise of Pentecost is for you also, because God has called you, and from to-day you may go forth charged with power from on high.