The greatest event in the world - Chambers, Oswald

The lord jesus is coming again

In bible revelation there is always a coming age, a coming day, a coming prophet, a coming one a perennial coming.

When thought is young, life looks simple, so does history, and mans explanation is correspondingly simple and glib. Evolution is the name given in our day to this young and ill-considered outlook it is all a simple and obvious method of growth and development; to talk about the fall is absurd, and any conception that does not recognise that the world is getting better, is discarded. Evolution is the characteristic of mans work, never of gods. God works by creation. When we infer gods methods from mans, we go wrong; we continually exalt our methods and say that is how god works.

But when thought has passed its romantic days and has been made to face life as it is, and history as it has been recorded, and the human soul in all its tragic features and its triumphs, it is staggered, for all these forces are wild and untameable. This way of thought then becomes dim and perilous, and the human spirit cries out, oh that i knew where i might find him! That i might come even to his seat!

The bible revelation presents a basis of thinking quite other. Epochs and civilisations appear after a time to be flung on the scrap-heap by god in a strangely careless manner. The remarkable thing in the record of the ages that have been, and that are, and that are going to be, is that each age ends in apparent disaster. The saint alone knows by spiritual intuition that he doeth all things well, he knows that god reigns, and that the clouds are but the dust of his fathers feet and he has no need to fear. He feels assured that these catastrophic occurrences are but incidental, and that a higher peace and a purer character are to be the permanent result. He knows that this same Jesus, who trod this earth with naked feet, and wrought with human hands the creeds of creeds, is coming again, visibly and blessedly coming to earth again, when the petition will be fulfilled, thy kingdom come. All that men have ever dreamed of utopias and of golden ages will fade into foolish fancies beside the wonder of that blessed age, that blessed period of Christs reign among men. We have to remain sted fastly certain in him, not go out of him to see when he is coming; it is to be prophetic living as well as prophetic study. To the saint everything is instinct with the purpose of god. History is fulfilling prophecy all the time.
