The Greatest Gift of All!! - Martha Petrusevich

The greatest and biggest gift of all,
Was not bought in a shopping mall.
Or brought silently in by Santa Claus,
And welcomed with laughter and applause

Or put under the Christmas tree,
Yet this gift has made us free
It was not tied with ribbons and string,
This gift was the gift of a King.

It wasn’t met, by delighted cries,
And wonder filled faces and eyes.
It was not met with joyous singing,
And church bells clearly ringing!

It was not met with merry celebration
Honour, praise, joy and adoration
Colourful lights and fancy decorations,
Yet, it brought true peace to all nations.

This gift was sent with infinite love,
From our loving God, from up above!
To earth He sent His only Son,
To have his promised plan begun.

He sent Him to a manger low,
To live a life, of service, here below.
He sent to us this gift divine
To free from bondage all mankind.
By Martha Petrusevich


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