The highest heavens and the lowest hearts – Thomas Brooks
“For this is what the high and lofty One says He who lives forever, whose name is holy I live in a high and holy place, but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.” Isaiah 57:15
The highest heavens and the lowest hearts, are the habitation of God’s glorious presence. He who would in good earnest enjoy the gracious presence of God with him in his great troubles, deep distresses, and most deadly dangers, he must keep humble, and walk humbly with his God. God will keep house with none but humble souls.
There are none who feel so great a need of the divine presence as humble souls.
There are none who so prize the divine presence as humble souls.
There are none who so love the divine presence, and who are so enamored with the divine presence as humble souls.
There are none who so thirst and long for much of the divine presence as humble souls.
There are none who so lament and bewail the loss of the divine presence as humble souls.
There are none who make such a singular and thorough improvement of the divine presence as humble souls.
Therefore, it is no wonder that of all the men in the world, God singles out the humble Christian, to make his heart the habitation where His honor delights to dwell.
He who is little in his own account, is great in God’s esteem, and shall be sure to enjoy most of His presence. God can dwell, God will dwell with none but those who are lowly in heart; and therefore as ever you would enjoy the special presence of God with you in your greatest troubles and deepest distresses be sure that you walk humbly with your God. Many may talk much of God, and many may profess much of God, and many may boast much of God; but he only enjoys much of God who makes conscience of walking humbly with God.