The Horror and Wonder of the Cross - Lee Brainard

If you were raised in a Christian land, you probably know the mantra — Christ died for our sins. But his death is far more than a religious mantra we are supposed to know and repeat when custom or courtesy demands. It is at once the most horrible and the most wonderful hour of history since the world began.

Lets start with the horrible. The depravity manifested in that day has never been surpassed and never will be. The political world, the religious world, and the fickle masses came together to brutalize, shame, and crucify the Son of God — God-manifest-in-flesh. They had no excuse for their actions. Jesus had never wronged anyone and never spoke untruthfully or meanly. He had healed many, performed miracles, and opened the Word of God to the common man. Why kill him as a troublesome criminal? Because those who hinder man’s political, religious, and sinful ambitions are regarded as criminals.

Now for the wonderful. Despite centuries of rebellion, God’s love for man was untarnished. He wanted to redeem man. He wanted to pay the penalty for their sin (crimes) so they could be forgiven and restored. So God sent his Son to die. What amazing love and grace!

~Lee Brainard, May 2, 2015

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