The magnitude of redemption - Chambers, Oswald
Lecture : December 4, 1914
1 Thessalonians 5:23
We cannot be deeply moved by nothing; neither can we deeply move ourselves by anything we say, unless something profound has first of all entered into us. For example, it takes a great deal of realising what the bible reveals about redemption to enable us to walk out into our daily lives with that astonishing strength and peace that garrisons us within and without.
1. The working of redemptive security
And the god of peace himself sanctify you wholly . . . (1 Thessalonians 5:23 rv)
The working of redemptive security in our actual practical life is the realisation that god is my father, i shall never think of anything he will forgetwhy should i worry? When you can say that from the ground of being profoundly moved, you are astonished at the amazing security. My peace i give unto you ( john 14:27). The peace of christ is synonymous with his very nature, and the type working of that peace was exhibited in our lords earthly life. The peace of god, which passeth all understand- ing . . . (Philippians 4:7). The redemption at work
In my actual life means the nature of god garrison- ing me round; it is the god of peace who sanctifies wholly; the security is almighty. The gift of the peace of Christ on the inside; the garrison of god on the outside, then i have to see that i allow the peace of god to regulate all that i do, that is where my responsibility comes in and let the peace of Christ [rv ] rule, i. E. Arbitrate, in your hearts, and life will be full of praise all the time.
2. The working of redemptive strength
and may your spirit and soul and body . . . (rv)
The degree in which god will work depends on me, not on god; if i refuse in any part of my being to let god work, i not only limit him, but i begin to criti- cise the redemption. The working of redemptive strength means that all spiritual blessings in heavenly places are mine when i am at home with god. Take up your dwelling in that word all, then do some hunting through the bible for spiritual blessings and say, that is mine. If you remain on the outside and say, lord, bless me with this spiritual blessing, he cannot do it; the only result is to make you feel miserable; but get inside christ, and all spiri- tual blessings in heavenly places are yours. It is not a question of experiencing them, you dont experience what is your life; you experience gifts given to your life. Experiences are always on the threshold of the life, they are never the real centre. Life is fullness of maturity, and there is no seeking for experiences. Beware of not seeing that experiences are nothing other than gateways home. Saved and sanctified Paul says, go on! Get into the heavenly places in Christ jesus. You will be so hidden with christ that you never think of anything but him, there will be none of the things that keep the life impoverished.
3. The working of redemptive safety
be preserved entire, without blame . . . (rv )
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty. Dwelling under that shadow i am in the heart of almighty god; where i dwell he manifests himself all the time. It is an essentially natural life. When i am dwelling under the shadow of the almighty, my life is the will of god; it is only through disobedience that i begin to ask what is the will of god. Any interest that would induce me away from the shadow of the almighty is to be treated as a snare. Reso- lutely treat no one seriously but god. The lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my god, my strong rock . . . My shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower (psalm 18:2 rv). Note the mys here, and laugh at everything in the nature of misgiving for ever after!
4. The working of redemptive sight .
. . Be preserved entire, without blame at the coming [presence, mg] of our lord jesus christ. (rv)
the working of redemptive sight gives me the habit of an elevated mood whereby god gives the vision of himself. Blessed are the pure in heart, liter- ally, blessed are the god in heart, i. E. In whom the nature of god is. Gods nature in us reveals his features in our life. Man shall not see me and live (rv). When i see god i have to die; when i am in god i have died, and the nature of god works through me transparently all the time. We know that, if he shall be manifested, we shall be like him; for we shall see him even as he is (rv ). The only way to maintain perception is to keep in contact with gods purpose as well as with his per- son. I have to place myself in relation to factsfacts in nature and facts in grace. If i refuse to do this my perception will be wrong, no matter how right my disposition may be; but the two together will produce a life perfectly in accordance with the life of the son of god when he walked this earth. God is able to make all grace abound toward you. Have you been saying, i cannot expect god to do that for me? Why cannot you? Is god almighty impoverished by your circumstances? Is his hand shortened that it cannot save? Are your particular circumstances so peculiar, so remote from the circumstances of every son and daughter of Adam, that the atonement and the grace of god are not sufficient for you? Immediately we ask ourselves these things, we get shaken out of our sulks into a simple trust in god. When we have the simple, childlike trust in god that Jesus exhibited, the overflowing grace of god will have no limits, and we must set no limits to it.