WE are going to let God search us. We want to find out if possible just what He thinks of us. Our prayer will be the cry of the Psalmist, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my thoughts; and see if there be any wicked way in me.” And may He turn the searchlight of His Holy Spirit upon us until we are enabled to see ourselves as He sees us.

We are not trying to find out what the world thinks of us. Newspapers, books, and gossip may give the very opposite report of us to what God would give. They may praise while He condemns, or they may condemn where He praises. We are not even asking the opinion of our nearest and dearest friends. Even they may be deceived in us. “Man looketh on the outward appearance but God looketh on the heart.” 64  Our only desire is to discover what God thinks of us.

We shall some day stand face to face with God. And then, in the sight of the whole universe, we shall be unveiled and the innermost secrets of our hearts laid bare. The cloak that hid us from man will not hide us from God, Is it not better to find out now what He thinks of us, and if, as He weighs us in the balance we are found wanting, make up at once what we lack and get right with Him?

And so I ask, “What does God think of me?” God who searcheth the heart 65  , as He looks into mine, what does He find there? Am I well pleasing in His sight? What does He think of me?

1. What Does God Think of My Work?

Does He find me genuine and sincere, free from all deception, and a stranger to hypocrisy? Never mind how much I blunder. The question is, Am I earnest? Am I sincere? If my motives are right, He will overlook my mistakes. Am I loyal to Him? Do I work from my heart, or are my labors merely professional? Is there any thought of personal gain? Am I selfish? Has money any influence in my decisions or plans? Would I serve Him just as earnestly if I got nothing for it? Am I genuine?

Is my work counting for God? Does my life tell for Jesus? Am I able to lead others into the life of power and victory? Can I win souls to Christ? Do I ever try? Have I spoken to any one about his soul during the past year? Have I a message, or is my experience too shallow to mean anything to others? Do my unsaved friends know that I am a Christian?

2. What Does God Think of My Social Relationships?

Have I obeyed His summons, “Come out from among them, and be ye separate, 66 ” and, “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers? 67  ” Are the things I am doing pleasing to Him? Can He smile upon me? Is there any pleasure that is driving Him from my heart and shutting out His presence? Is my conscience at rest, or does it trouble me when I do certain things and go to certain places? Am I willing to give up all for Jesus and to choose Him before the world? He gave up all for me. Do I want to please Him or am I going to argue the question with Him? Do I waste time that rightly belongs to Him? Are my evenings given up to social events when they are so much needed for His work?

3. What Does God Think of My Devotional Life?

Do I spend enough time with Him in private? Or am I hurried? Do I get alone with God? Do I love to meet Him in the inner chamber? Is communion with Him sweet to me? Is Jesus real? Does He fully satisfy?

Am I a student of God’s Word? Do I study it in private, or is it all done in public? Does He unfold its secrets and make it real to me? Do I claim His promises and make them mine?

Is my life saturated with Prayer? Do I pray and get answers? Have I learned how to pray? Do I merely say prayers, or do I pray? And are my prayers availing? Is prayer a real, vital thing to me?

4. What Does God Think of My Christian Progress?

Am I making progress in Spiritual things? Am I a growing Christian? Am I better this year than last? Is Jesus more real to me? Can my friends see any difference in me? Are the old weaknesses and failings of the flesh disappearing, and is the fruit of the Spirit 68  becoming increasingly mine?

Am I making progress against sin, especially my besetting sin? 69  Has it been conquered, the sin that at one time conquered me? Do I want to be delivered from it? Is there still some cherished idol shutting out His peace and power, His presence, sunshine and love? Do I believe that He is able to keep me from falling, that all power is His? 70  What does God think of me?


64 1 Samuel 16:7
65 Proverbs 20:27; Romans 8:27
66 2 Corinthians 6:14
67 1 Corinthians 7:39
68 Galatians 5:22-­‐23
69 Hebrews 12:1
70 Jude 1:24; 2 Timothy 1:12

