The month which he had devised-F.B.Meyer

The month which he had devised

of his own heart. 1 Kings xii. 33.

JEROBOAM acted on expediency. It did seem reasonable to argue that the constant going up to Jerusalem to worship might alienate the people from his throne, and awaken a desire for the old national unity; and without doubt a mere worldly wisdom extolled his settingup of idol gods at Bethel and Dan; but his policy in this respect led to the downfall of his kingdom. Had he trusted God’s promise, made through the prophet Ahijah, the Divine purpose would have ensured the continuance of his rule; but the prompting of expediency resulted in ultimate disaster (ch. xiv).

How prone we all are to devise out of our own hearts! We take counsel with ourselves, and do what seems prudent and farseeing, with the inevitable result of being betrayed into courses of action that God cannot approve, and of which we have reason to repent bitterly. It is infinitely better to wait on God till He develop his plan, as He most certainly will, when the predestined hour strikes. He who trusts in his own heart, and takes his own way, is a fool. To run before God is to sink knee deep into the swamp. We must make all things after the pattern shown us on the Mount, and take our time from God’s almanack. What a contrast to the course of Jeroboam was that of the Son of man! He would do nothing of Himself. His eye was always on His Father’s dial plate, and thus He knew when his time was not yet fulfilled. He was always consulting the movement of his Father’s will, and did only those things which He saw his Father doing. Similarly make God’s will and way thy Polestar. Oh to be able to say with our blessed Lord, “I seek not mine own will, but the will of Him that sent Me “!

