The most golden Christians – Thomas Brooks

Under all fiery trials, God will make good that golden promise, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God.” Romans 8:28.

Mark, the apostle does not say, we suppose, or we hope, or we conjecture but we know! We know that all our sufferings and afflictions work together for our good! The apostle does not say they shall work but they do work.

Look! as several poisonous ingredients put together, being well tempered and mixed by the skill and care of the prudent apothecary, makes a sovereign medicine, and work together for the good of the patient; just so, all the afflictions and sufferings which befall the saints they shall be so wisely, so divinely tempered, ordered, and sanctified by the hand of God as that they shall really and remarkably work for their good. Those dreadful providences which seem to be most harmful to us, shall in the outcome prove most beneficial to us!

Look! as vessels of gold are made by fire, so by fiery trials God will make His people vessels of gold! Ususally, the most afflicted Christians are the most golden Christians.
