The Prayer of Faith - A.W.Tozer
..The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. –James 5:16
A second important requirement if the believing church is to be used in God’s ministry is prayer and the response God makes to our prayers uttered in true faith…. No matter what our stature or status, we have the authority in the family of God to pray the prayer of faith. The prayer of faith engages the heart of God, meeting God’s conditions of spiritual life and victory.
Our consideration of the power and efficacy of prayer enters into the question of why we are part of a Christian congregation and what that congregation is striving to be and do. We have to consider whether we are just going around and around–like a religious merry- go-round. Are we simply holding on to the painted mane of the painted horse, repeating a trip of very insignificant circles to a pleasing musical accompaniment?…
All of the advertising we can do will never equal the interest and participation in the things of God resulting from the gracious answers to the prayers of faith generated by the Holy Spirit. Tragedy in the Church: The Missing Gifts, 7-8.
“Lord, don’t ever let me be satisfied ‘holding on to the painted mane of the painted horse.’ I want to be part of a dynamic Body of believers, greatly used of You because we’re seeing answers to genuine ‘prayers of faith generated by the Holy Spirit.’ Amen.”