The promises of God – Thomas Brooks

The promises of God are as so many rich mines, they are as so many choice flowers of paradise, they are the food, life, and strength of the soul. They are as a staff to support the soul, and they are as jewelry to adorn the soul, and nourishment to enrich the soul; and therefore poor sinners should bring them forth, and lay them before the Lord, and urge God with them.

The promises of God shall certainly be performed, 2 Corinthians 1:20, they being all made in and through Christ. They are made first to Christ, and then to all who have union and communion with Him.

Sirtorius, says Plutarch, paid what he promised with mere fair words; but God pays with performance. Men many times say and unsay; they often eat their words as soon as they have spoken them; but God will never eat the words that are gone out of His mouth: Isaiah 46:10-11, “My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure: yes, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass: I have purposed it, I will also do it.

The promises all issue from God’s free grace, special love, and divine goodness, Hosea 14:4.

The promises of God are all as unchangeable as He is, who made them, Jeremiah 31:3.

The promises of God are all bottomed and founded upon the truth, faithfulness, and all-sufficiency of God, Malachi 3:6.

The promises of God are most sure and certain evidences of divine favor, and a declaration of the heart and goodwill of God to His poor people, Hebrews 6:12; Numbers 23:19.

The promises of God are the price of Christ’s blood.

Now how should all these things encourage poor souls to be still a-pressing of God with His promises.
