The Rich Man Poor – Dwight Lyman Moody
I heard of a farmer who, when a friend of mine called upon him to give something for the Christian Commission, promptly drew a check for ten thousand dollars. He wanted the agent to have dinner with him, and after they had dined the farmer took the man out on the verandah and pointed to the rich lands sweeping far away, laden with rich products. “Look over these lands,” said the farmer, “They are all mine.” He took him to the pasture and showed the agent the choice stock, the fine horses he had, and then pointed to a little town, and then to a large hall where he lived; he drew himself up, and his face lit up with pride as he said, “They are all mine. I came here when a poor boy and I have earned all that you see.” When he got through, my friend asked ‘him, “Well, what have you got up yonder?” “Where?” replied the farmer, who evidently knew where my friend meant. What have you got in heaven?” “Well,” said the farmer, “I haven’t anything there.” “What!” replied my friend, “You, a man of your discretion, wisdom, business ability, have made no provision for your future?” He hadn’t, and in a few weeks he died — a rich man here and a beggar in eternity. A man may be wise in the eyes of the world to pursue this course, but he is a fool in the sight of God. Wealth to most men proves nothing more or less than a great rock upon which their eternity is wrecked.